831 research outputs found

    Improving Emergency Department Patient Flow Through Near Real-Time Analytics

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    ABSTRACT IMPROVING EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PATIENT FLOW THROUGH NEAR REAL-TIME ANALYTICS This dissertation research investigates opportunities for developing effective decision support models that exploit near real-time (NRT) information to enhance the operational intelligence within hospital Emergency Departments (ED). Approaching from a systems engineering perspective, the study proposes a novel decision support framework for streamlining ED patient flow that employs machine learning, statistical and operations research methods to facilitate its operationalization. ED crowding has become the subject of significant public and academic attention, and it is known to cause a number of adverse outcomes to the patients, ED staff as well as hospital revenues. Despite many efforts to investigate the causes, consequences and interventions for ED overcrowding in the past two decades, scientific knowledge remains limited in regards to strategies and pragmatic approaches that actually improve patient flow in EDs. Motivated by the gaps in research, we develop a near real-time triage decision support system to reduce ED boarding and improve ED patient flow. The proposed system is a novel variant of a newsvendor modeling framework that integrates patient admission probability prediction within a proactive ward-bed reservation system to improve the effectiveness of bed coordination efforts and reduce boarding times for ED patients along with the resulting costs. Specifically, we propose a cost-sensitive bed reservation policy that recommends optimal bed reservation times for patients right during triage. The policy relies on classifiers that estimate the probability that the ED patient will be admitted using the patient information collected and readily available at triage or right after. The policy is cost-sensitive in that it accounts for costs associated with patient admission prediction misclassification as well as costs associated with incorrectly selecting the reservation time. To achieve the objective of this work, we also addressed two secondary objectives: first, development of models to predict the admission likelihood and target admission wards of ED patients; second, development of models to estimate length-of-stay (LOS) of ED patients. For the first secondary objective, we develop an algorithm that incorporates feature selection into a state-of-the-art and powerful probabilistic Bayesian classification method: multi-class relevance vector machine. For the second objective, we investigated the performance of hazard rate models (in particual, the non-parametric Cox proportional hazard model, parametric hazard rate models, as well as artificial neural networks for modeling the hazard rate) to estimate ED LOS by using the information that is available at triage or right after as the covariates in the models. The proposed models are tested using extensive historical data from several U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) in the Mid-West. The Case Study using historical data from a VAMC demonstrates that applying the proposed framework leads to significant savings associated with reduced boarding times, in particular, for smaller wards with high levels of utilization. For theory, our primary contribution is the development of a cost sensitive ward-bed reservation model that effectively accounts for various costs and uncertainties. This work also contributes to the development of an integrated feature selection method for classification by developing and validating the mathematical derivation for feature selection during mRVM learning. Another contribution stems from investigating how much the ED LOS estimation can be improved by incorporating the information regarding ED orderable item lists. Overall, this work is a successful application of mixed methods of operation research, machine learning and statistics to the important domain of health care system efficiency improvement

    Deep Colorization for Facial Gender Recognition

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    Context Awareness for Navigation Applications

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    This thesis examines the topic of context awareness for navigation applications and asks the question, “What are the benefits and constraints of introducing context awareness in navigation?” Context awareness can be defined as a computer’s ability to understand the situation or context in which it is operating. In particular, we are interested in how context awareness can be used to understand the navigation needs of people using mobile computers, such as smartphones, but context awareness can also benefit other types of navigation users, such as maritime navigators. There are countless other potential applications of context awareness, but this thesis focuses on applications related to navigation. For example, if a smartphone-based navigation system can understand when a user is walking, driving a car, or riding a train, then it can adapt its navigation algorithms to improve positioning performance. We argue that the primary set of tools available for generating context awareness is machine learning. Machine learning is, in fact, a collection of many different algorithms and techniques for developing “computer systems that automatically improve their performance through experience” [1]. This thesis examines systematically the ability of existing algorithms from machine learning to endow computing systems with context awareness. Specifically, we apply machine learning techniques to tackle three different tasks related to context awareness and having applications in the field of navigation: (1) to recognize the activity of a smartphone user in an indoor office environment, (2) to recognize the mode of motion that a smartphone user is undergoing outdoors, and (3) to determine the optimal path of a ship traveling through ice-covered waters. The diversity of these tasks was chosen intentionally to demonstrate the breadth of problems encompassed by the topic of context awareness. During the course of studying context awareness, we adopted two conceptual “frameworks,” which we find useful for the purpose of solidifying the abstract concepts of context and context awareness. The first such framework is based strongly on the writings of a rhetorician from Hellenistic Greece, Hermagoras of Temnos, who defined seven elements of “circumstance”. We adopt these seven elements to describe contextual information. The second framework, which we dub the “context pyramid” describes the processing of raw sensor data into contextual information in terms of six different levels. At the top of the pyramid is “rich context”, where the information is expressed in prose, and the goal for the computer is to mimic the way that a human would describe a situation. We are still a long way off from computers being able to match a human’s ability to understand and describe context, but this thesis improves the state-of-the-art in context awareness for navigation applications. For some particular tasks, machine learning has succeeded in outperforming humans, and in the future there are likely to be tasks in navigation where computers outperform humans. One example might be the route optimization task described above. This is an example of a task where many different types of information must be fused in non-obvious ways, and it may be that computer algorithms can find better routes through ice-covered waters than even well-trained human navigators. This thesis provides only preliminary evidence of this possibility, and future work is needed to further develop the techniques outlined here. The same can be said of the other two navigation-related tasks examined in this thesis

    Simulation and Modeling for Improving Access to Care for Underserved Populations

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This research, through partnership with seven Community Health Centers (CHCs) in Indiana, constructed effective outpatient appointment scheduling systems by determining care needs of CHC patients, designing an infrastructure for meaningful use of patient health records and clinic operational data, and developing prediction and simulation models for improving access to care for underserved populations. The aims of this study are 1) redesigning appointment scheduling templates based on patient characteristics, diagnoses, and clinic capacities in underserved populations; 2) utilizing predictive modeling to improve understanding the complexity of appointment adherence in underserved populations; and 3) developing simulation models with complex data to guide operational decision-making in community health centers. This research addresses its aims by applying a multi-method approach from different disciplines, such as statistics, industrial engineering, computer science, health informatics, and social sciences. First, a novel method was developed to use Electronic Health Record (EHR) data for better understanding appointment needs of the target populations based on their characteristics and reasons for seeking health, which helped simplify, improve, and redesign current appointment type and duration models. Second, comprehensive and informative predictive models were developed to better understand appointment non-adherence in community health centers. Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes Classifier, and Artificial Neural Network found factors contributing to patient no-show. Predictors of appointment non-adherence might be used by outpatient clinics to design interventions reducing overall clinic no-show rates. Third, a simulation model was developed to assess and simulate scheduling systems in CHCs, and necessary steps to extract information for simulation modeling of scheduling systems in CHCs are described. Agent-Based Models were built in AnyLogic to test different scenarios of scheduling methods, and to identify how these scenarios could impact clinic access performance. This research potentially improves well-being of and care quality and timeliness for uninsured, underinsured, and underserved patients, and it helps clinics predict appointment no-shows and ensures scheduling systems are capable of properly meeting the populations’ care needs.2021-12-2
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