53 research outputs found

    Computer Science at the University of Helsinki 1998

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    A Representation of Selected Nonmanual Signals in American Sign Language

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    Computer-generated three-dimensional animation holds great promise for synthesizing utterances in American Sign Language (ASL) that are not only grammatical, but believable by members of the Deaf community. Animation poses several challenges stemming from the massive amounts of data necessary to specify the movement of three-dimensional geometry, and there is no current system that facilitates the synthesis of nonmanual signals. However, the linguistics of ASL can aid in surmounting the challenge by providing structure and rules for organizing the data. This work presents a first method for representing ASL linguistic and extralinguistic processes that involve the face. Any such representation must be capable of expressing the subtle nuances of ASL. Further, it must be able to represent co-occurrences because many ASL signs require that two or more nonmanual signals be used simultaneously. In fact simultaneity of multiple nonmanual signals can occur on the same facial feature. Additionally, such a system should allow both binary and incremental nonmanual signals to display the full range of adjectival and adverbial modifiers. Validating such a representation requires both the affirmation that nonmanual signals are indeed necessary in the animation of ASL, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the new representation in synthesizing nonmanual signals. In this study, members of the Deaf community viewed animations created with the new representation and answered questions concerning the influence of selected nonmanual signals on the perceived meaning of the synthesized utterances. Results reveal that, not only is the representation capable of effectively portraying nonmanual signals, but also that it can be used to combine various nonmanual signals in the synthesis of complete ASL sentences. In a study with Deaf users, participants viewing synthesized animations consistently identified the intended nonmanual signals correctly

    Constraint-Enabled Design Information Representation for Mechanical Products Over the Internet

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    Global economy has made manufacturing industry become more distributed than ever before. Product design requires more involvement from various technical disciplines at different locations. In such a geographically and temporally distributed environment, efficient and effective collaboration on design is vital to maintain product quality and organizational competency. Interoperability of design information is one of major barriers for collaborative design. Current standard CAD data formats do not support design collaboration effectively in terms of design information and knowledge capturing, exchange, and integration within the design cycle. Multidisciplinary design constraints cannot be represented and transferred among different groups, and design information cannot be integrated efficiently within a distributed environment. Uncertainty of specification cannot be modeled at early design stages, while constraints for optimization are not embedded in design data. In this work, a design information model, Universal Linkage model, is developed to represent design related information for mechanical products in a distributed form. It incorporates geometric and non-geometric constraints with traditional geometry and topology elements, thus allows more design knowledge sharing in collaborative design. Segments of design data are linked and integrated into a complete product model, thus support lean design information capturing, storage, and query. The model is represented by Directed Hyper Graph and Product Markup Language to preserve extensibility and openness. Incorporating robustness consideration, an Interval Geometric Modeling scheme is presented, in which numerical parameters are represented by interval values. This scheme is able to capture uncertainty and inexactness of design and reduces the chances of conflict in constraint imposition. It provides a unified constraint representation for the process of conceptual design, detailed design, and design optimization. Corresponding interval constraint solving methods are studied

    Development of an adaptable model for distributed collaborative computer aided design

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    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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    Modelling an information management system for the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana

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    The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Ghana was introduced to alleviate the problem of citizens having to pay for healthcare at the point of delivery, given that many did not have the financial resources needed to do so, and as such were unable to adequately access healthcare services. The scheme is managed from the national headquarters in the capital Accra, through satellite offices located in districts right across the length and breadth of the country. It is the job of these offices to oversee the operations of the scheme within that particular district. Current literature however shows us that there is a digital divide that exists between the rural and urban areas of the country which has led to differences in the management of information within urban-based and rural-based districts. This thesis reviews the variables affecting the management of information within the scheme, and proposes an information management model to eliminate identified bottlenecks in the current information management model. The thesis begins by reviewing the theory of health insurance, information management and then finally the rural-urban digital divide. In addition to semi-structured interviews with key personnel within the scheme and observation, a survey questionnaire was also handed out to staff in nine different district schemes to obtain the raw data for this study. In identifying any issues with the current information management system, a comparative analysis was made between the current information management model and the real-world system in place to determine the changes needed to improve the current information management system in the NHIS. The changes discovered formed an input into developing the proposed information management system with the assistance of Natural Conceptual Modelling Language (NCML). The use of a mixed methodology in conducting the study, in addition to the employment of NCML was an innovation, and is the first of its kind in studying the NHIS in Ghana. This study is also the first to look at the differences in information management within the NHIS given the rural-urban digital divide

    Kontextbereitstellung in offenen, ubiquitären Systemen

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    Die Vision des "Ubiquotous Computing" verspricht schon lange eine Welt, in der jeder Dienst zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort verfügbar ist. Darüber hinaus soll die Alltagswelt mit Rechnern durchsetzt sein, ohne dass die Benutzer diese als solche bewusst wahrnehmen. Durch Kooperation und Informationsaustausch sollen die Benutzer unaufdringlich bei ihren Aufgaben unterstützt werden, genau abgestimmt auf ihre jeweilige Situation. Dafür bedarf es kontextsensitiver Dienste. Kontextsensitive Dienste sind nicht neu: Das Licht im Auto wird automatisch angeschaltet, sobald es draußen dunkler wird. Hierzu sind Sensoren und Aktuatoren fest verknüpft. Um der Vision von ubiquitären Computersystemen näher zu kommen, ist es wichtig, dass Kontextinformationen auch in spontanen, dynamischen Konfigurationen bereitgestellt, gefunden, ausgetauscht und verstanden werden können. Dies ist die Ausgangssituation dieser Arbeit: Kontextbereitstellung in offenen, ubiquitären Systemen. Dazu werden mehrere Beiträge geliefert: Eine Modellierung für Kontextinformationen, eine darauf aufbauende, dynamische Beschreibung für Kontextinformationsdienste und die Einführung von Kontextkonstruktionsbäumen, mit denen auf nicht-verfügbare Kontextinformationen geschlossen werden kann, oder mit denen diese wenigstens abgeschätzt werden können
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