969 research outputs found

    Model-based engineering of animated interactive systems for the interactive television environment

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    Les interfaces graphiques étaient la plupart du temps statiques, et représentaient une succession d'états logiciels les uns après les autres. Cependant, les transitions animées entre ces états statiques font partie intégrante des interfaces utilisateurs modernes, et leurs processus de design et d'implémentations constituent un défi pour les designers et les développeurs. Cette thèse propose un processus de conception de systèmes interactifs centré sur les animations, ainsi qu'une architecture pour la définition et l'implémentation d'animations au sein des interfaces graphiques. L'architecture met en avant une approche à deux niveaux pour définir une vue haut niveau d'une animation (avec un intérêt particulier pour les objets animés, leurs propriétés à être animé et la composition d'animations) ainsi qu'une vue bas niveau traitant des aspects détaillés des animations tels que les timings et les optimisations. Concernant les spécifications formelles de ces deux niveaux, nous utilisons une approche qui facilite les réseaux de Petri orientés objets pour la conception, l'implémentation et la validation d'interfaces utilisateurs animées en fournissant une description complète et non-ambiguë de l'ensemble de l'interface utilisateur, y compris les animations. Enfin, nous décrivons la mise en pratique du processus présenté, illustré par un cas d'étude d'un prototype haute-fidélité d'une interface utilisateur, pour le domaine de la télévision interactive. Ce processus conduira à une spécification formelle et détaillée du système interactif, et incluera des animations utilisant des réseaux de Petri orientés objet (conçus avec l'outil PetShop CASE).Graphical User Interfaces used to be mostly static, representing one software state after the other. However, animated transitions between these static states are an integral part in modern user interfaces and processes for both their design and implementation remain a challenge for designers and developers. This thesis proposes a process for designing interactive systems focusing on animations, along with an architecture for the definition and implementation of animation in user interfaces. The architecture proposes a two levels approach for defining a high-level view of an animation (focusing on animated objects, their properties to be animated and on the composition of animations) and a low-level one dealing with detailed aspects of animations such as timing and optimization. For the formal specification of these two levels, we are using an approach facilitating object-oriented Petri nets to support the design, implementation and validation of animated user interfaces by providing a complete and unambiguous description of the entire user interface including animations. Finally, we describe the application of the presented process exemplified by a case study for a high-fidelity prototype of a user interface for the interactive Television domain. This process will lead to a detailed formal specification of the interactive system, including animations using object-oriented Petri nets (designed with the PetShop CASE tool)

    Authoring Multi-Actor Behaviors in Crowds With Diverse Personalities

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    Multi-actor simulation is critical to cinematic content creation, disaster and security simulation, and interactive entertainment. A key challenge is providing an appropriate interface for authoring high-fidelity virtual actors with featurerich control mechanisms capable of complex interactions with the environment and other actors. In this chapter, we present work that addresses the problem of behavior authoring at three levels: Individual and group interactions are conducted in an event-centric manner using parameterized behavior trees, social crowd dynamics are captured using the OCEAN personality model, and a centralized automated planner is used to enforce global narrative constraints on the scale of the entire simulation. We demonstrate the benefits and limitations of each of these approaches and propose the need for a single unifying construct capable of authoring functional, purposeful, autonomous actors which conform to a global narrative in an interactive simulation

    Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: Empowering Consultation with Machine Learning

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    The Smart Healthcare and Online Consultation initiative intends to offer patients a quick and convenient online platform for seeking medical advice and services. Real-time video consultations, appointment scheduling, prescription administration, and health records management are just a few of the capabilities available on the platform. To deliver individualized and superior healthcare services, the initiative to use cutting-edge such as AI, ML, and data analytics. By giving patients an easy and affordable way to receive healthcare services remotely, the Smart Healthcare and Online Consultation initiative has the potential to completely transform the healthcare sector

    Interaction engineering using the IVY tool

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    This paper is concerned with support for the process of usability engineering. The aim is to use formal techniques to provide a systematic approach that is more traceable, and because it is systematic, repeatable. As a result of this systematic process some of the more subjective aspects of the analysis can be removed. The technique explores exhaustively those features of a specific design that fail to satisfy a set of properties. It also analyzes those aspects of the design where it is possible to quantify the cost of use. The method is illustrated using the example of a medical device. While many aspects of the approach and its tool support have already been discussed elsewhere, this paper builds on and contrasts an analysis of the same device provided by a third party and in so doing enhances the IVY tool

    Metaverse: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions for Scalable and Realtime Virtual Worlds

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    With the emergence of Cloud computing, Internet of Things-enabled Human-Computer Interfaces, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and high-accurate Machine and Deep-learning recognition and predictive models, along with the Post Covid-19 proliferation of social networking, and remote communications, the Metaverse gained a lot of popularity. Metaverse has the prospective to extend the physical world using virtual and augmented reality so the users can interact seamlessly with the real and virtual worlds using avatars and holograms. It has the potential to impact people in the way they interact on social media, collaborate in their work, perform marketing and business, teach, learn, and even access personalized healthcare. Several works in the literature examine Metaverse in terms of hardware wearable devices, and virtual reality gaming applications. However, the requirements of realizing the Metaverse in realtime and at a large-scale need yet to be examined for the technology to be usable. To address this limitation, this paper presents the temporal evolution of Metaverse definitions and captures its evolving requirements. Consequently, we provide insights into Metaverse requirements. In addition to enabling technologies, we lay out architectural elements for scalable, reliable, and efficient Metaverse systems, and a classification of existing Metaverse applications along with proposing required future research directions

    Future of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Construction

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    A series of virtual design contractors were interviewed regarding the future involvement of augmented and virtual reality software integration with construction processes. Within the construction industry, VDC specialists rely on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create digital models that can be used to analyze the design of a building from all points of view. The interviewees responded to questions about software implementation advantages, and related user experiences. Six interviews were conducted, amongst three industry leading companies. Their assumptions of future AR and VR usage in construction were based on learned knowledge and prior field exploration. Interviewees determined that construction companies can gain more security in their day-to-day tasks through rigorous software implementation. Software adoption within a company carries minor costs, while paying off tenfold in years to come. More precision and efficiency will translate to increased cost savings. An interviewee mentioned, “VR visualization allows us to gain a comprehensive view of how the project will appear when complete, and how to handle it successfully”

    High-fidelity rendering on shared computational resources

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    The generation of high-fidelity imagery is a computationally expensive process and parallel computing has been traditionally employed to alleviate this cost. However, traditional parallel rendering has been restricted to expensive shared memory or dedicated distributed processors. In contrast, parallel computing on shared resources such as a computational or a desktop grid, offers a low cost alternative. But, the prevalent rendering systems are currently incapable of seamlessly handling such shared resources as they suffer from high latencies, restricted bandwidth and volatility. A conventional approach of rescheduling failed jobs in a volatile environment inhibits performance by using redundant computations. Instead, clever task subdivision along with image reconstruction techniques provides an unrestrictive fault-tolerance mechanism, which is highly suitable for high-fidelity rendering. This thesis presents novel fault-tolerant parallel rendering algorithms for effectively tapping the enormous inexpensive computational power provided by shared resources. A first of its kind system for fully dynamic high-fidelity interactive rendering on idle resources is presented which is key for providing an immediate feedback to the changes made by a user. The system achieves interactivity by monitoring and adapting computations according to run-time variations in the computational power and employs a spatio-temporal image reconstruction technique for enhancing the visual fidelity. Furthermore, algorithms described for time-constrained offline rendering of still images and animation sequences, make it possible to deliver the results in a user-defined limit. These novel methods enable the employment of variable resources in deadline-driven environments
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