2,076 research outputs found

    Estimating Cloth Elasticity Parameters From Homogenized Yarn-Level Models

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    Virtual garment simulation has become increasingly important with applications in garment design and virtual try-on. However, reproducing garments faithfully remains a cumbersome process. We propose an end-to-end method for estimating parameters of shell material models corresponding to real fabrics with minimal priors. Our method determines yarn model properties from information directly obtained from real fabrics, unlike methods that require expensive specialized capture systems. We use an extended homogenization method to match yarn-level and shell-level hyperelastic energies with respect to a range of surface deformations represented by the first and second fundamental forms, including bending along the diagonal to warp and weft directions. We optimize the parameters of a shell deformation model involving uncoupled bending and membrane energies. This allows the simulated model to exhibit nonlinearity and anisotropy seen in real cloth. Finally, we validate our results with quantitative and visual comparisons against real world fabrics through stretch tests and drape experiments. Our homogenized shell models not only capture the characteristics of underlying yarn patterns, but also exhibit distinct behaviors for different yarn materials

    Economic Complexity Unfolded: Interpretable Model for the Productive Structure of Economies

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    Economic complexity reflects the amount of knowledge that is embedded in the productive structure of an economy. It resides on the premise of hidden capabilities - fundamental endowments underlying the productive structure. In general, measuring the capabilities behind economic complexity directly is difficult, and indirect measures have been suggested which exploit the fact that the presence of the capabilities is expressed in a country's mix of products. We complement these studies by introducing a probabilistic framework which leverages Bayesian non-parametric techniques to extract the dominant features behind the comparative advantage in exported products. Based on economic evidence and trade data, we place a restricted Indian Buffet Process on the distribution of countries' capability endowment, appealing to a culinary metaphor to model the process of capability acquisition. The approach comes with a unique level of interpretability, as it produces a concise and economically plausible description of the instantiated capabilities

    Heat and mass transfer in porous materials for passive energy-conversion devices

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    How Will It Drape Like? Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images

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    We propose a method to estimate the mechanical parameters of fabrics using a casual capture setup with a depth camera. Our approach enables to create mechanically-correct digital representations of real-world textile materials, which is a fundamental step for many interactive design and engineering applications. As opposed to existing capture methods, which typically require expensive setups, video sequences, or manual intervention, our solution can capture at scale, is agnostic to the optical appearance of the textile, and facilitates fabric arrangement by non-expert operators. To this end, we propose a sim-to-real strategy to train a learning-based framework that can take as input one or multiple images and outputs a full set of mechanical parameters. Thanks to carefully designed data augmentation and transfer learning protocols, our solution generalizes to real images despite being trained only on synthetic data, hence successfully closing the sim-to-real loop.Key in our work is to demonstrate that evaluating the regression accuracy based on the similarity at parameter space leads to an inaccurate distances that do not match the human perception. To overcome this, we propose a novel metric for fabric drape similarity that operates on the image domain instead on the parameter space, allowing us to evaluate our estimation within the context of a similarity rank. We show that out metric correlates with human judgments about the perception of drape similarity, and that our model predictions produce perceptually accurate results compared to the ground truth parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted to EUROGRAPHICS 2023. Project website: https://carlosrodriguezpardo.es/projects/MechFromDepth

    Deep neural networks as surrogate models for time-efficient manufacturing process optimisation

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    Manufacturing process optimisation usually amounts to searching optima in high-dimensional parameter spaces. In industrial practice, this search is most often directed by human-subjective expert judgment and trial-and-error experiments. In contrast, high-fidelity simulation models in combination with general-purpose optimisation algorithms, e.g. finite element models and evolutionary algorithms, enable a methodological, virtual process exploration and optimisation. However, reliable process models generally entail significant computation times, which often renders classical, iterative optimisation impracticable. Thus, efficiency is a key factor in optimisation. One option to increase efficiency is surrogate-based optimisation (SBO): SBO seeks to reduce the overall computational load by constructing a numerically inexpensive, data-driven approximation („surrogate“) of the expensive simulation. Traditionally, classical regression techniques are applied for surrogate construction. However, they typically predict a predefined, scalar performance metric only, which limits the amount of usable information gained from simulations. The advent of machine learning (ML) techniques introduces additional options for surrogates: in this work, a deep neural network (DNN) is trained to predict the full strain field instead of a single scalar during textile forming („draping“). Results reveal an improved predictive accuracy as more process-relevant information from the supplied simulations can be extracted. Application of the DNN in an SBO-framework for blank holder optimisation shows improved convergence compared to classical evolutionary algorithms. Thus, DNNs are a promising option for future surrogates in SBO

    Metamodel-based uncertainty quantification for the mechanical behavior of braided composites

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    The main design requirement for any high-performance structure is minimal dead weight. Producing lighter structures for aerospace and automotive industry directly leads to fuel efficiency and, hence, cost reduction. For wind energy, lighter wings allow larger rotor blades and, consequently, better performance. Prosthetic implants for missing body parts and athletic equipment such as rackets and sticks should also be lightweight for augmented functionality. Additional demands depending on the application, can very often be improved fatigue strength and damage tolerance, crashworthiness, temperature and corrosion resistance etc. Fiber-reinforced composite materials lie within the intersection of all the above requirements since they offer competing stiffness and ultimate strength levels at much lower weight than metals, and also high optimization and design potential due to their versatility. Braided composites are a special category with continuous fiber bundles interlaced around a preform. The automated braiding manufacturing process allows simultaneous material-structure assembly, and therefore, high-rate production with minimal material waste. The multi-step material processes and the intrinsic heterogeneity are the basic origins of the observed variability during mechanical characterization and operation of composite end-products. Conservative safety factors are applied during the design process accounting for uncertainties, even though stochastic modeling approaches lead to more rational estimations of structural safety and reliability. Such approaches require statistical modeling of the uncertain parameters which is quite expensive to be performed experimentally. A robust virtual uncertainty quantification framework is presented, able to integrate material and geometric uncertainties of different nature and statistically assess the response variability of braided composites in terms of effective properties. Information-passing multiscale algorithms are employed for high-fidelity predictions of stiffness and strength. In order to bypass the numerical cost of the repeated multiscale model evaluations required for the probabilistic approach, smart and efficient solutions should be applied. Surrogate models are, thus, trained to map manifolds at different scales and eventually substitute the finite element models. The use of machine learning is viable for uncertainty quantification, optimization and reliability applications of textile materials, but not straightforward for failure responses with complex response surfaces. Novel techniques based on variable-fidelity data and hybrid surrogate models are also integrated. Uncertain parameters are classified according to their significance to the corresponding response via variance-based global sensitivity analysis procedures. Quantification of the random properties in terms of mean and variance can be achieved by inverse approaches based on Bayesian inference. All stochastic and machine learning methods included in the framework are non-intrusive and data-driven, to ensure direct extensions towards more load cases and different materials. Moreover, experimental validation of the adopted multiscale models is presented and an application of stochastic recreation of random textile yarn distortions based on computed tomography data is demonstrated

    Geometrical modelling and numerical analysis of thermal behaviour of textile structures

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    The thermal properties of fabric are an important factor in the understanding of the thermo-physiological comfort of clothing. The principal aim of this research was to develop novel numerical methods, Graphical User Interface (GUI) plug-ins and experimental setup to evaluate the effective thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of different textile structures which has significant impact on the thermal comfort of clothing. The numerical methods also include the analysis of the effect of fibre orientation, thermal anisotropy of fibre, temperature dependent thermal conductivity and fibre volume fraction on the effective thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of textile fabrics. The research covers the development of geometrical models of woven, knitted, nonwoven and the composites fabric structures, evaluation of their thermal properties by using finite element method, creation of user friendly plug-ins and the extended application tools. Micro and mesoscopic scale modelling approaches were used to investigate the effective thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of textile structures. Various techniques, including scanning electron microscopy, x-ray microtomography and experimental method have been adopted to obtain the actual 3D dimensional parameters of the fabrics for finite element analysis. Research revealed that, the thermal anisotropy of fibres, fibres material orientation and temperature dependent thermal conductivity of fibre have significant impact on the effective thermal conductivity of fabrics because experimental and simulated results were highly correlated with the consideration of above mentioned factors. In addition a unique technique has been developed in modelling fabric coated by microencapsulated phase change material for temperature stable textile and clothing system. User friendly GUI plug-ins have been developed to generate both microscopic and mesoscopic scale models for finite element analysis. The plug-ins were developed by using Abaqus/CAE as a platform. The GUI Plug-ins enable automatic model generation and property analysis of knitted fabrics and composites. Apart from finite element analysis of various fabric structures, an experimental device has been developed for testing thermal conductivity of fabrics which is capable of testing small sample size within very short period of time. The device was validated by commercial available apparatus for testing of fabric thermal conductivity

    Modelling and Visualisation of the Optical Properties of Cloth

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    Cloth and garment visualisations are widely used in fashion and interior design, entertaining, automotive and nautical industry and are indispensable elements of visual communication. Modern appearance models attempt to offer a complete solution for the visualisation of complex cloth properties. In the review part of the chapter, advanced methods that enable visualisation at micron resolution, methods used in three-dimensional (3D) visualisation workflow and methods used for research purposes are presented. Within the review, those methods offering a comprehensive approach and experiments on explicit clothes attributes that present specific optical phenomenon are analysed. The review of appearance models includes surface and image-based models, volumetric and explicit models. Each group is presented with the representative authors’ research group and the application and limitations of the methods. In the final part of the chapter, the visualisation of cloth specularity and porosity with an uneven surface is studied. The study and visualisation was performed using image data obtained with photography. The acquisition of structure information on a large scale namely enables the recording of structure irregularities that are very common on historical textiles, laces and also on artistic and experimental pieces of cloth. The contribution ends with the presentation of cloth visualised with the use of specular and alpha maps, which is the result of the image processing workflow

    Visual Prototyping of Cloth

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    Realistic visualization of cloth has many applications in computer graphics. An ongoing research problem is how to best represent and capture appearance models of cloth, especially when considering computer aided design of cloth. Previous methods can be used to produce highly realistic images, however, possibilities for cloth-editing are either restricted or require the measurement of large material databases to capture all variations of cloth samples. We propose a pipeline for designing the appearance of cloth directly based on those elements that can be changed within the production process. These are optical properties of fibers, geometrical properties of yarns and compositional elements such as weave patterns. We introduce a geometric yarn model, integrating state-of-the-art textile research. We further present an approach to reverse engineer cloth and estimate parameters for a procedural cloth model from single images. This includes the automatic estimation of yarn paths, yarn widths, their variation and a weave pattern. We demonstrate that we are able to match the appearance of original cloth samples in an input photograph for several examples. Parameters of our model are fully editable, enabling intuitive appearance design. Unfortunately, such explicit fiber-based models can only be used to render small cloth samples, due to large storage requirements. Recently, bidirectional texture functions (BTFs) have become popular for efficient photo-realistic rendering of materials. We present a rendering approach combining the strength of a procedural model of micro-geometry with the efficiency of BTFs. We propose a method for the computation of synthetic BTFs using Monte Carlo path tracing of micro-geometry. We observe that BTFs usually consist of many similar apparent bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (ABRDFs). By exploiting structural self-similarity, we can reduce rendering times by one order of magnitude. This is done in a process we call non-local image reconstruction, which has been inspired by non-local means filtering. Our results indicate that synthesizing BTFs is highly practical and may currently only take a few minutes for small BTFs. We finally propose a novel and general approach to physically accurate rendering of large cloth samples. By using a statistical volumetric model, approximating the distribution of yarn fibers, a prohibitively costly, explicit geometric representation is avoided. As a result, accurate rendering of even large pieces of fabrics becomes practical without sacrificing much generality compared to fiber-based techniques

    Formability Assessment of Variable Geometries Using Machine Learning - Analysis of the Influence of the Database

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    Surrogate modelling has proven to be an effective strategy for time-efficient analysis and optimisation of expensive functions such as manufacturing process simulations. However, most surrogate approaches generate problem-specific “one-off” models, which cannot be reused in other, even similar scenarios. Hence, variations of the problem, e.g. minor geometry changes, instantly invalidate the surrogate. Image-based machine learning (ML) techniques have been proposed as an option to train a surrogate for variable geometries. However, it is currently unclear how to construct a sufficiently diverse set of generic training geometries and what effect different databases have. This work investigates the effect of different databases on the prediction accuracy of an ML-assessment of component manufacturability. The considered use-case is textile forming (draping) of a woven fabric. Sampling plans generate different numbers of training geometries, which are in turn evaluated in draping simulations. An image-based ML-algorithm is trained on these process samples and evaluated on a set of validation geometries. Results show that the diversity of the training geometries has a greater impact on the prediction accuracy than the number of samples. The results also hint that a comparably low number of geometry samples suffices to give meaningful results. With these findings, ML-techniques are considered a promising and time-efficient tool for manufacturability assessment at early stages of part and process design
