617 research outputs found

    Dispersed operating time control of a mechanical switch actuated by an ultrasonic motor

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    The ultrasonic motor is an uncertain time-varying nonlinear system because of the nonlinearity of the piezoelectric material, the friction and the temperature. For example, the operating time of the mechanical switch actuated by the ultrasonic motor in regular stroke is highly dispersed. Unfortunately, it is difficult to establish accurate mathematical model. In this paper, an analytical autoregressive process model (AR) is employed to identify and control the ultrasonic motor. First of all, dispersed operating time of the mechanical switch actuated by the ultrasonic motor is investigated. Then, the AR model is established to predict the operating time of the ultrasonic motor on the basis of the statistical data to reduce the nonlinear behavior of the ultrasonic motor, and to improve the accuracy and obtain a good time response of the switch. The simulation results are agreed with experimental results, confirming the effectiveness of proposed model. Furthermore, we adopt the predicted result of the AR model to control the mechanical switch actuated by the ultrasonic motor. The analytical investigation is fulfilled with two target operating time ranges, namely 12 ms and 24 ms. Comparison of the results obtained from the AR model and the experimentation reveal that the standard deviations are less than 95.3 μs and 102.7 μs with maximum errors equal to 0.41 % and 0.44 % respectively. Thereby, the proposed dispersed operating time control is performed. Findings indicate that the maximum errors for the operating time of the mechanical switch are less than 140 μs and 110 μs with ±0.85 % and ±0.42 % respectively


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    The traveling wave ultrasonic motor is considered for use in haptic devices where a certain input-output relation is desired between the applied force and the resulting motion. Historically, DC motors have been the standard choice for this purpose. Owing to its unique characteristics, the ultrasonic motors have been considered an attractive alternative. However, there are some limitations when using the ultrasonic motor for force-feedback applications. In particular, direct torque control is difficult, and the motor can only supply torque in the direction of motion. To accommodate these limitations we developed an indirect control approach. The experimental results demonstrate that the model reference control method was able to approximate a second order spring-damper system

    Hybrid Modelling of a Traveling Wave Piezoelectric Motor

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    The Roles of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors in Industry 4.0 Era: Opportunities & Challenges

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    Piezoelectric Ultrasonic motors (USM) are based on the principle of converse piezoelectric effect i.e., vibrations occur when an electrical field is applied to piezoelectric materials. USMs have been studied several decades for their advantages over traditional electromagnetic motors. Despite having many advantages, they have several challenges too. Recently many researchers have started focusing on Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial revolution phase of the industry which mostly emphasis on digitization & interconnection of the entities throughout the life cycle of the product in an industrial network to get the best possible output. Industry 4.0 utilizes various advanced tools for carrying out the nexus between the entities & bringing up them on digital platform. The studies of the role of USMs in Industry 4.0 scenario has never been done till now & this article fills that gap by analyzing the piezoelectric ultrasonic motors in depth & breadth in the background of Industry 4.0. This article delivers the novel working principle, illustrates examples for effective utilization of USMs, so that it can buttress the growth of Industry 4.0 Era & on the other hand it also analyses the key Industry 4.0 enabling technologies to improve the performance of the USMs

    Equivalent Circuit Modeling of a Rotary Piezoelectric Motor

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    Design, Modeling and Performance Optimization of a Novel Rotary Piezoelectric Motor

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    This work has demonstrated a proof of concept for a torsional inchworm type motor. The prototype motor has shown that piezoelectric stack actuators can be used for rotary inchworm motor. The discrete linear motion of piezoelectric stacks can be converted into rotary stepping motion. The stacks with its high force and displacement output are suitable actuators for use in piezoelectric motor. The designed motor is capable of delivering high torque and speed. Critical issues involving the design and operation of piezoelectric motors were studied. The tolerance between the contact shoes and the rotor has proved to be very critical to the performance of the motor. Based on the prototype motor, a waveform optimization scheme was proposed and implemented to improve the performance of the motor. The motor was successfully modeled in MATLAB. The model closely represents the behavior of the prototype motor. Using the motor model, the input waveforms were successfully optimized to improve the performance of the motor in term of speed, torque, power and precision. These optimized waveforms drastically improve the speed of the motor at different frequencies and loading conditions experimentally. The optimized waveforms also increase the level of precision of the motor. The use of the optimized waveform is a break-away from the traditional use of sinusoidal and square waves as the driving signals. This waveform optimization scheme can be applied to any inchworm motors to improve their performance. The prototype motor in this dissertation as a proof of concept was designed to be robust and large. Future motor can be designed much smaller and more efficient with lessons learned from the prototype motor

    Strategija upravljanja pozicijom ultrazvučnog motora s putujućim valom

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    Since a conventional controller is continuous one, control period is normally set for a long time. When applying that controller for a travelling-wave ultrasonic motor whose parameters and performance are time-varying as a result of increasing temperature and operating condition, it is consequently resulted in degradation of the control performance. In this paper, a digital control algorithm is proposed for position control of the motors to shorten the long control period to maintain the stability of the motor performance. The proposed controller is digitally implemented by a SH7125 microcomputer utilizing a high-performance embedded workshop. The state quantities such as acceleration, speed and position, which are necessary for digital implementation, are provided by a rotary encoder. However, the optical encoder causes quantization errors in the speed information. To overcome the problem, a digital Variable Structure System (VSS) observer is also included to estimate the state quantities. The control input will be calculated after comparing the measured values and the estimated values given by the VSS observer. In short, a small, low cost and fast responsive digital controller is designed, based on a digital VSS observer, by using the SH7125 microcomputer. Effectiveness and reliability of the proposed digital controller are experimentally verified.Strategija upravljanja pozicijom ultrazvučnog motora s putujućim valom Sažetak: S obzirom da je standardni regulator najčešće kontinuirani, period upravljanja obično je postavljen na duži period. Koristeći takav regulator pri upravljanju ultrazvučnim motorom s putujućim valom, čiji su parametri i svojstva vremenski promjenjivi zbog povećanja temperature i promjena uvjeta rada, rezultat su smanjena upravljačka svojstva. U ovome radu predložen je digitalni upravljački algoritam za upravljanje pozicijom motora u svrhu smanjenja dugačkog perioda upravljanja za održavanje stabilnosti svojstava motora. Regulator je implementiran koristeći SH7125 mikroračunalo uz HEW (engl. high-performance embedded workshop) okruženje. Iznosi veličina kao što su akceleracija, brzina i pozicija, nužnih za digitalnu implementaciju, dobiveni su iz rotirajućeg enkodera. Međutim, optički enkoder dovodi do greške kvantizacije kod proračuna brzine. U svrhu smanjenja tog problema, u proces proračuna iznosa varijabli uključen je VSS (engl. Variable Structure System) estimator. Upravljački ulaz računa se nakon usporedbe mjerenih i estimiranih vrijednosti dobivenih korištenjem VSS-a. Dizajniran je digitalni regulator malih dimenzija, jeftine cijene i brzog odziva, temeljen na digitalnom VSS estimatoru koristeći SH7125 mikroračunalo. Eksperimentalno je provjerena efikasnost i pouzdanost digitalnog regulatora

    Neuro-fuzzy speed tracking control of traveling-wave ultrasonic motor drives using direct pulse width modulation

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    The traveling-wave ultrasonic motor (TUSM) drive offers many distinct advantages but suffers from severe system nonlinearities and parameter variations especially during speed control. This paper presents a new speed tracking control system for the TUSM drive, which newly incorporates neuro-fuzzy control and direct pulse width modulation to solve the problem of nonlinearities and variations. Increasingly, the proposed control system is digitally implemented by a low-cost digital signal processor (DSP) based microcontroller, hence reducing the system hardware size and cost. Experimental results confirm that the proposed speed tracking controller can offer good steady-state and transient performances.published_or_final_versio

    Modeling and optimization of ultrasonic linear motors

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    Ultrasonic motors have received much attention these last years, in particular with regard to their modeling and their design principle. Their operating principle is based on piezoelectric ceramics that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of vibrations of an elastic body whose surface points perform an elliptic motion with a frequency in the ultrasonic range (≥ 20 kHz). The moving part, which is pressed against the vibrating body by a prestressing force, can move thanks to the friction forces presented at the interface between the stator (resonator) and the rotor (slider). Their specific properties make ultrasonic motors a very attractive solution for a direct transmission for different applications like precise positioning devices. Indeed, they present the possibility to obtain unlimited motions, high resolution and excellent dynamics of positioning. Then, it is obvious that ultrasonic motors could be used in new application fields, in particular to replace conventional electromagnetic motors. However, they have to overcome two principal difficulties: their efficiency is rather poor and they are often too expensive. Moreover, their use in the car industry or for the positioning of axes in machine tools for example requires driving forces and velocities higher than those which they currently present. Analytical modeling of such motors is not obvious and assumptions that are made are often too restrictive. This is why the use of a numerical modeling (3-D) is necessary to model the behavior of this type of motors. Thus, finite element simulations are used but they often require high computing times. To avoid it, the number of simulations can be decreased by choosing the input parameters (dimensions, materials, boundary conditions,...) more judiciously according to their influence on the output parameters. Thus, one can obtain the sensitivity of an input parameter on the value of the output parameter. With this intention, the application of design of experiments has been adopted in this thesis work. This methodology, applied to finite element simulations, is an innovative technique in the field of theoretical modeling of such motors. This methodology is particularly interesting in sight of predicting the results but also to find out an optimal set of input parameters for the motor. According to the results obtained and presented in this thesis work, the use of design of experiments in the field of ultrasonic motors modeling proves to be very promising and demonstrates to be a powerful tool. The application of the proposed methodology for the optimization of an ultrasonic linear motor used for the auto-focus function of the lens of an optical system also made it possible to show the validity and the potential of this optimization method

    Dynamics of Ultrasonic Motors

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    This thesis is treating theory, modeling, model analysis and experiments of traveling wave type ultrasonic motors. A framework to derive models for ultrasonic motors is given here, which is based on the continuum theory of electromechanical solids. This includes the modeling of the stator-rotor contact and the electromechanical behavior of piezoceramic stators. The principle of virtual power is stated for electromechanical systems, where the terms of virtual power due to normal and tangential contact stresses are expressed explicitly. Using this principle and a symbolic equation manipulation tool, a planar motor model based on BERNOULLI-EULER kinematics is derived. Subsequently, a scaling analysis is carried out. Then, a model analysis scheme is given, based on the derived motor model at steady-state. Contact boundary and transition conditions, continuity equations at the contact boundaries and contact search equations are stated. After that, a spatial discretization is carried out, using a GALERKIN discretization method with both, global and local Ansatz-functions. Compared to Finite-Element-Methods this reduces the number of degrees of freedom drastically, thus saving computer time. For the resulting algebraic equations, a contact algorithm is given. Using the computer code developed from this, numerical analyses are carried out. Particular resonance curves and speed-torque characteristics are computed and discussed. In the experimental part, the focus is on the resonance, the temperature and the steady-state motor operation behavior of a typical ultrasonic motor. Resonance curves of the electric admittances of stator and motor were measured and discussed as well as those of the velocity of surface points of both, stator and rotor. The resonance curves show a non-linear softening behavior. For sufficiently high stator vibration amplitudes this goes along with a jump phenomenon. It is found that material non-linearities in the piezoceramics may be the reason for this effect. Furthermore, the influence of the temperature rise due to the frictional contact mechanism is investigated. Speed-torque characteristics were measured and their dependence on various external parameters is investigated. At the same time, the time histories of different motor quantities like rotational speed, motor torque, electric current or velocity of surface points were recorded. Different effects in the motor behavior were observed, among them overhang speed-torque characteristics and hysteretic behavior. Finally, resistive and reactive power components as well as efficiencies along the speed-torque characteristics were computed