3,761 research outputs found

    Data analytics for stochastic control and prognostics in cyber-physical systems

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    In this dissertation, several novel cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis and defense methodologies for cyber-physical systems have been proposed. First, a novel routing scheme for wireless mesh network is proposed. An effective capacity estimation for P2P and E2E path is designed to guarantee the vital transmission safety. This scheme can ensure a high quality of service (QoS) under imperfect network condition, even cyber attacks. Then, the imperfection, uncertainties, and dynamics in the cyberspace are considered both in system model and controller design. A PDF identifier is proposed to capture the time-varying delays and its distribution. With the modification of traditional stochastic optimal control using PDF of delays, the assumption of full knowledge of network imperfection in priori is relaxed. This proposed controller is considered a novel resilience control strategy for cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis. After that, we turn to the development of a general framework for cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis schemes for CPSs wherein the cyberspace performance affect the physical system and vice versa. A novel cyber fault diagnosis scheme is proposed. It is capable of detecting cyber fault by monitoring the probability of delays. Also, the isolation of cyber and physical system fault is achieved with cooperating with the traditional observer based physical system fault detection. Next, a novel cyber fault prognosis scheme, which can detect and estimate cyber fault and its negative effects on system performance ahead of time, is proposed. Moreover, soft and hard cyber faults are isolated depending on whether potential threats on system stability is predicted. Finally, one-class SVM is employed to classify healthy and erroneous delays. Then, another cyber fault prognosis based on OCSVM is proposed --Abstract, page iv

    Thread-level Parallelism in Fault Simulation of Deep Neural Networks on Multi-Processor Systems

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    High-performance fault simulation is one of the essential and preliminary tasks in the process of online and offline testing of machine learning (ML) hardware. Deep neural networks (DNN), as one of the essential parts of ML programs, are widely used in many critical and non-critical applications in Systems-on-Chip and ASIC designs. Through fault simulation for DNNs, by increasing the number of neurons, the fault simulation time increases exponentially. However, the software architecture of neural networks and the lack of dependency between neurons in each inference layer provide significant opportunity for parallelism of the fault simulation time in a multi-processor platform. In this paper, a multi-thread technique for hierarchical fault simulation of neural network is proposed, targeting both permanent and transient faults. During the process of fault simulation the neurons for each inference layer will be distributed among the executing threads. Since in the process of hierarchical fault simulation, the faulty neuron demands proportionally enormous computation comparing to behavioural model of non-faulty neurons, the faulty neuron will be assigned to one thread while the rest of the neurons will be divided among the remaining threads. Experimental results confirm the time efficiency of the proposed fault simulation technique on multi-processor architectures

    How Aerospace and Transportation Design Challenges can be addressed from Simulation-based Virtual Prototyping for Distributed Safety Critical Automotive Applications

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    International audienceThe reduction of development and product costs for distributed and software dominated safety-critical automotive applications can only be achieved via novel methodologies and tool sets that address fault injection/analysis and integration testing via simulation-based virtual prototyping. In fact, earlier discovery of design errors and initial proof of safety in critical conditions should be addressed earlier using a system virtual prototype, before hardware and software implementations are available. In this paper, we propose a methodology that allows evaluating fault-tolerant system architectures in the presence of errors caused by faults of hardware elements or interferences. We illustrate how the paradigm shift from physical to virtual integration platforms can be applied to Aerospace and Transportation domains effectively

    A Holistic Approach to Functional Safety for Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Functional safety is a significant concern in today's networked cyber-physical systems such as connected machines, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent environments. Simulation is a well-known methodology for the assessment of functional safety. Simulation models of networked cyber-physical systems are very heterogeneous relying on digital hardware, analog hardware, and network domains. Current functional safety assessment is mainly focused on digital hardware failures while minor attention is devoted to analog hardware and not at all to the interconnecting network. In this work we believe that in networked cyber-physical systems, the dependability must be verified not only for the nodes in isolation but also by taking into account their interaction through the communication channel. For this reason, this work proposes a holistic methodology for simulation-based safety assessment in which safety mechanisms are tested in a simulation environment reproducing the high-level behavior of digital hardware, analog hardware, and network communication. The methodology relies on three main automatic processes: 1) abstraction of analog models to transform them into system-level descriptions, 2) synthesis of network infrastructures to combine multiple cyber-physical systems, and 3) multi-domain fault injection in digital, analog, and network. Ultimately, the flow produces a homogeneous optimized description written in C++ for fast and reliable simulation which can have many applications. The focus of this thesis is performing extensive fault simulation and evaluating different functional safety metrics, \eg, fault and diagnostic coverage of all the safety mechanisms

    Dependability Evaluation of Time Triggered Architecture Using Simulation

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    The method presented in this paper uses a generic C-language written simulation model of an embedded distributed computer system aimed for a safety-critical control application. The considered system is built using Time Triggered Architecture (TTA) concepts. The aim of the presented simulation method is to evaluate the system capability to tolerate a chosen category of faults. The model, being written in ANSI-C, is portable and machine-independent. Its structure is modular and flexible, so that the system to be studied and the experiment setting can easily be changed. The functionality of this model is demonstrated on a set of fault injection experiments aimed mainly to evaluate the correctness of the Time Triggered Protocol (TTP/C) that implements the abstract concepts of TTA. These experiments were done within the EU/IST project Fault Injection for Time triggered architecture (FIT)

    Toward Biologically-Inspired Self-Healing, Resilient Architectures for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems and Embedded Devices

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    Digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems in safety-related applications of next generation industrial automation systems require high levels of resilience against different fault classes. One of the more essential concepts for achieving this goal is the notion of resilient and survivable digital I&C systems. In recent years, self-healing concepts based on biological physiology have received attention for the design of robust digital systems. However, many of these approaches have not been architected from the outset with safety in mind, nor have they been targeted for the automation community where a significant need exists. This dissertation presents a new self-healing digital I&C architecture called BioSymPLe, inspired from the way nature responds, defends and heals: the stem cells in the immune system of living organisms, the life cycle of the living cell, and the pathway from Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to protein. The BioSymPLe architecture is integrating biological concepts, fault tolerance techniques, and operational schematics for the international standard IEC 61131-3 to facilitate adoption in the automation industry. BioSymPLe is organized into three hierarchical levels: the local function migration layer from the top side, the critical service layer in the middle, and the global function migration layer from the bottom side. The local layer is used to monitor the correct execution of functions at the cellular level and to activate healing mechanisms at the critical service level. The critical layer is allocating a group of functional B cells which represent the building block that executes the intended functionality of critical application based on the expression for DNA genetic codes stored inside each cell. The global layer uses a concept of embryonic stem cells by differentiating these type of cells to repair the faulty T cells and supervising all repair mechanisms. Finally, two industrial applications have been mapped on the proposed architecture, which are capable of tolerating a significant number of faults (transient, permanent, and hardware common cause failures CCFs) that can stem from environmental disturbances and we believe the nexus of its concepts can positively impact the next generation of critical systems in the automation industry

    Systematic Model-based Design Assurance and Property-based Fault Injection for Safety Critical Digital Systems

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    With advances in sensing, wireless communications, computing, control, and automation technologies, we are witnessing the rapid uptake of Cyber-Physical Systems across many applications including connected vehicles, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, smart homes etc. Many of these applications are safety-critical in nature and they depend on the correct and safe execution of software and hardware that are intrinsically subject to faults. These faults can be design faults (Software Faults, Specification faults, etc.) or physically occurring faults (hardware failures, Single-event-upsets, etc.). Both types of faults must be addressed during the design and development of these critical systems. Several safety-critical industries have widely adopted Model-Based Engineering paradigms to manage the design assurance processes of these complex CPSs. This thesis studies the application of IEC 61508 compliant model-based design assurance methodology on a representative safety-critical digital architecture targeted for the Nuclear power generation facilities. The study presents detailed experiences and results to demonstrate the benefits of Model testing in finding design flaws and its relevance to subsequent verification steps in the workflow. Additionally, to study the impact of physical faults on the digital architecture we develop a novel property-based fault injection method that overcomes few deficiencies of traditional fault injection methods. The model-based fault injection approach presented here guarantees high efficiency and near-exhaustive input/state/fault space coverage, by utilizing formal model checking principles to identify fault activation conditions and prove the fault tolerance features. The fault injection framework facilitates automated integration of fault saboteurs throughout the model to enable exhaustive fault location coverage in the model
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