6 research outputs found

    Modeling and Selection of Software Service Variants

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    Providers and consumers have to deal with variants, meaning alternative instances of a service?s design, implementation, deployment, or operation, when developing or delivering software services. This work presents service feature modeling to deal with associated challenges, comprising a language to represent software service variants and a set of methods for modeling and subsequent variant selection. This work?s evaluation includes a POC implementation and two real-life use cases

    Modeling and Selection of Software Service Variants

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    Providers and consumers have to deal with variants of software services, which are alternative instances of a services design, implementation, deployment, or operation. This work develops the service feature modeling language to represent software service variants and a suite of methods to select variants for development or delivery. An evaluation describes the systems implemented to make use of service feature modeling and its application to two real-world use cases

    Standards in Disruptive Innovation: Assessment Method and Application to Cloud Computing

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    Die Dissertation schlägt ein konzeptionelles Informationsmodell und eine Methode zur Bewertung von Technologie-Standards im Kontext von Disruptiven Innovationen vor. Das konzeptionelle Informationsmodell stellt die Grundlage zur Strukturierung relevanter Informationen dar. Die Methode definiert ein Prozessmodell, das die Instanziierung des Informationsmodells für verschiedenen Domänen beschreibt und Stakeholder bei der Klassifikation und Evaluation von Technologie-Standards unterstützt

    Variantenmanagement in der Modellbildung und Simulation unter Verwendung des SES/MB Frameworks

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von allgemeinen Methoden zum Variantenmanagement in der Modellbildung und Simulation bis auf die Ebene der Simulationsexperimente und zur automatisierten Ausführung von Simulationsexperimenten. Der Lösungsvorschlag basiert auf der modular-hierarchischen Modellbildung und dem System Entity Structure/Model Base Framework. Das Variantenmanagement umfasst die Phasen Variantenanalyse, -formalisierung, -implementierung und –generierung. Weiterhin wird ein Konzeptrahmen zum automatisierten Experimentieren erarbeitet.This thesis contributes to the development of general methods for variant management in modelling and simulation up to the simulation experiments’ level and their automated execution. The proposed solution is developed based on the modular-hierarchical modeling approach and the System Entity Structure/Model Base Framework. The variant management comprises the phases variant analysis, variant formalization, variant implementation and variant generation. Moreover, a framework for automated experimentation is proposed

    Modeling and Selection of Software Service Variants

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    Providers and consumers have to deal with variants of software services, which are alternative instances of a services design, implementation, deployment, or operation. This work develops the service feature modeling language to represent software service variants and a suite of methods to select variants for development or delivery. An evaluation describes the systems implemented to make use of service feature modeling and its application to two real-world use cases