69 research outputs found


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    Early detection of breast cancer increases the survival rate and increases the treatment options. One of the most powerful techniques for early detection of breast cancer is based on digital mammogram. A system can be developed for assisting the analysis of digital mammograms using log-Gabor wavelet statistical features. The proposed system involves three major steps called Pre-processing, Processing, and Feature extraction. In pre-processing, the digital mammogram can be de-noised using efficient decision-based algorithm. In processing stage, the suspicious Region of Interest (ROI) can be cropped and convolved with log-Gabor filter for four different orientations. Then gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)can be constructed for log-Gabor filter output at four different orientations and from that first order statistical features and second order statistical features can be extracted to analyze whether the mammogram as normal or benign or malignant. The proposed method can allow the radiologist to focus rapidly on the relevant parts of the mammogram and it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of radiology clinics

    Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a Spectral-Spatial Sparse Coding Model

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    We present a sparse coding based spectral-spatial classification model for hyperspectral image (HSI) datasets. The proposed method consists of an efficient sparse coding method in which the l1/lq regularized multi-class logistic regression technique was utilized to achieve a compact representation of hyperspectral image pixels for land cover classification. We applied the proposed algorithm to a HSI dataset collected at the Kennedy Space Center and compared our algorithm to a recently proposed method, Gaussian process maximum likelihood (GP-ML) classifier. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve significantly better performances than the GP-ML classifier when training data is limited with a compact pixel representation, leading to more efficient HSI classification systems

    Textural-Contextual Labeling and Metadata Generation for Remote Sensing Applications

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    Despite the extensive research and the advent of several new information technologies in the last three decades, machine labeling of ground categories using remotely sensed data has not become a routine process. Considerable amount of human intervention is needed to achieve a level of acceptable labeling accuracy. A number of fundamental reasons may explain why machine labeling has not become automatic. In addition, there may be shortcomings in the methodology for labeling ground categories. The spatial information of a pixel, whether textural or contextual, relates a pixel to its surroundings. This information should be utilized to improve the performance of machine labeling of ground categories. Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper (TM) data taken in July 1982 over an area in the vicinity of Washington, D.C. are used in this study. On-line texture extraction by neural networks may not be the most efficient way to incorporate textural information into the labeling process. Texture features are pre-computed from cooccurrence matrices and then combined with a pixel's spectral and contextual information as the input to a neural network. The improvement in labeling accuracy with spatial information included is significant. The prospect of automatic generation of metadata consisting of ground categories, textural and contextual information is discussed

    Introduction of Local Spatial Constraints and Local Similarity Estimation in Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Imagery

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    This paper presents a unique Possibilistic c-Means with constraints (PCM-S) with Adaptive Possibilistic Local Information c-Means (ADPLICM) in a supervised way by incorporating local information through local spatial constraints and local similarity measures in Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm. PCM-S with ADPLICM overcome the limitations of the known Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) and Possibilistic c-Means with constraints (PCM-S) algorithms. The major contribution of proposed algorithm to ensure the noise resistance in the presence of random salt & pepper noise. The effectiveness of proposed algorithm has been analysed on random “salt and pepper” noise added on original dataset and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) has been calculated between original dataset and noisy dataset. It has been observed that PCM-S with ADPLICM is effective in minimizing noise during supervised classification by introducing local convolution


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    Interpreting brain MR images are becoming automated, to such extent that in some cases “all” the diagnostic procedure is done by computers. Therefore, diagnosing the patients is done by a comparably higher accuracy. Computer models that have been trained by a priori knowledge act as the decision makers. They make decisions about each new image, based on the training data fed to them previously. In case of cancerous images, the model picks that image up, and isolates the malignant tissue in the image as neatly as possible. In this paper we have developed an unsupervised learning system for automatic tumor segmentation and detection that can be applied to low contrast images

    On a parameter estimation method for Gibbs-Markov random fields

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This correspondence is about a Gibbs-Markov random field (GMRF) parameter estimation technique proposed by Derin and Elliott. We will refer to this technique as the histogramming (H) method. First, the relation of the H method to the (conditional) maximum likelihood (ML) method is considered. Second, a bias-reduction based modification of the H method is proposed to improve its performance, especially in the case of small amounts of image data

    Markov random field segmentation for industrial computed tomography with metal artefacts

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    X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) has become an important tool for industrial measurement and quality control through its ability to measure internal structures and volumetric defects. Segmentation of constituent materials in the volume acquired through XCT is one of the most critical factors that influence its robustness and repeatability. Highly attenuating materials such as steel can introduce artefacts in CT images that adversely affect the segmentation process, and results in large errors during quantification. This paper presents a Markov Random Field (MRF) segmentation method as a suitable approach for industrial samples with metal artefacts. The advantages of employing the MRF segmentation method are shown in comparison with Otsu thresholding on CT data from two industrial objects

    A MAP Estimator for Simultaneous Superresolution and Detector Nonunifomity Correct

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    During digital video acquisition, imagery may be degraded by a number of phenomena including undersampling, blur, and noise. Many systems, particularly those containing infrared focal plane array (FPA) sensors, are also subject to detector nonuniformity. Nonuniformity, or fixed pattern noise, results from nonuniform responsivity of the photodetectors that make up the FPA. Here we propose a maximuma posteriori (MAP) estimation framework for simultaneously addressing undersampling, linear blur, additive noise, and bias nonuniformity. In particular, we jointly estimate a superresolution (SR) image and detector bias nonuniformity parameters from a sequence of observed frames. This algorithm can be applied to video in a variety of ways including using amoving temporal window of frames to process successive groups of frames. By combining SR and nonuniformity correction (NUC) in this fashion, we demonstrate that superior results are possible compared with the more conventional approach of performing scene-based NUC followed by independent SR. The proposed MAP algorithm can be applied with or without SR, depending on the application and computational resources available. Even without SR, we believe that the proposed algorithm represents a novel and promising scene-based NUC technique. We present a number of experimental results to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. These include simulated imagery for quantitative analysis and real infrared video for qualitative analysis

    Dynamic Block-Based Parameter Estimation for MRF Classification of High-Resolution Images

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    International audienceA Markov random field is a graphical model that is commonly used to combine spectral information and spatial context into image classification problems. The contributions of the spatial versus spectral energies are typically defined by using a smoothing parameter, which is often set empirically. We propose a new framework to estimate the smoothing parameter. For this purpose, we introduce the new concepts of dynamic blocks and class label co-occurrence matrices. The estimation is then based on the analysis of the balance of spatial and spectral energies computed using the spatial class co-occurrence distribution and dynamic blocks. Moreover, we construct a new spatially weighted parameter to preserve the edges, based on the Canny edge detector. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method on three data sets: a multispectral DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 and two hyperspectral images, recorded by the AVIRIS and the ROSIS sensors, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed method succeeds in estimating the optimal smoothing parameter and yields higher classification accuracies when compared to the state-of-the-art methods