7 research outputs found

    Exploring Deviation in Inquiry Learning: Degrees of Freedom or Source of Problems?

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    The European Go-Lab project aims to promote Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) with online laboratories. To support teachers and students in this endeavor, the project provides an IBL model (a sequence of inquiry phases) as well as the technological infrastructure to implement it: the Graasp platform and the Golabz repository. Using these technologies, teachers create Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) where they adapt the proposed IBL model to their needs, and enrich each one of its phases with online resources, apps or labs to build a web-based learning environment and distribute it to the students. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the deviations from the model proposed within the project on the teacher model and the way students adapt it. For that purpose, we analyzed the 102 most frequently used ILSs with respect to the perspectives of teachers and students. The results show deviations of the authored spaces from the pedagogical model of inquiry learning as well as deviations in the actual learning process models from the teachers’ specifications. Additionally, the analysis points out best practices for the learning design, particularly the inclusion of resources and apps into the spaces

    Co-designing MOOCs with CoDe-Graph

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    As MOOCs have become a standard format of online learning, it is increasingly important to design courses that ft the needs and contexts of the targeted learners. One way to do so is by actively designing with the subject experts, instructors, and other stakeholders. Within the context of designing MOOCs for disadvantaged groups in Southeast Asia, we explore the three-phase process of co-design. We present a graphical modeling language, CoDe-Graph, which can be used to facilitate the co-design process. We examine how diverse groups of experts provide feedback on design elements and create a com mon understanding using shared artifacts. Four case studies illustrate how the tool can be used by co-design teams to create and visualize custom MOOC designs

    Potenziale von Process Mining zur Unterstützung technologiegestützten Lernens: Analyse von Computernutzung und Lernpfaden in den Raumwissenschaften

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    In this work the method ‚Process Mining‘ which automatically builds process models was applied to technology-enhanced learning processes. A framework was constructed to define applicable didactical support measured for students who are motivated and skilled to different degrees. With this framework as a basis, a preliminary testing study was conducted using Process Mining. Additionally the student characteristics were thoroughly analyzed. The analysis focused primarily on the students’ preconditions for learning with technology. The main results are that Process Mining can support instructors who are in charge of improving technology-enhanced learning processes. Another result was the definition of a student typology which suppliess a meaningful description of technology-enhanced learning preconditions in geosciences. The results are preliminary due to the small samples and need to be validated in additional, more representative studies.Diese Arbeit handelt von der Übertragung des Process Mining zur automatischen Modell-Generierung auf E-Learning-Prozesse. Hierfür wurde ein Framework für geeignete didaktische Unterstützung von unterschiedlich motivierten und vorgebildeten Studierenden entwickelt, welches in einer Studie untersucht und mit Process Mining unterstützt wurde. Die Eigenschaften der Studierenden wurden zudem umfassend untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung waren die Lernvoraussetzungen für das Lernen mit Technologie. Die vorläufigen Hauptergebnisse sind, dass Process Mining den Erkenntnisprozess von Lehrenden unterstützen kann, um geeignete Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Lernprozesses abzuleiten. Weiterhin konnten Studierendencluster identifiziert werden, die die Lernvoraussetzungen für das Lernen mit Technologie in den raumbezogenen Wissenschaften wie Geologie und Geographie aufzeigen. Die Ergebnisse sind als vorläufig zu verstehen und bedürfen der Überprüfung in zusätzlichen, repräsentativeren Studien

    Cálculo de rutas en Sistemas de E-Learning utilizando un algoritmo de optimización por colonias de hormigas

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    Esta tesis plantea un escenario en el que existen itinerarios de aprendizaje alternativos para adquirir las mismas competencias y habilidades, cuyo nivel de asimilación se evalúa al finalizar el programa completo, compuesto por una secuencia de cursos concreta. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la aplicación de la metaheurística de optimización mediante colonias de hormigas al problema de adaptar el itinerario a seguir por un alumno, en función de las calificaciones obtenidas en cada curso. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se modifica el algoritmo Ant System con el fin de adaptarlo al escenario propuesto (algoritmo ASALI) y se estudian, mediante simulación por ordenador, los resultados obtenidos y la velocidad de adaptación a los cambios, verificando su utilidad en el problema propuesto. Como estudio previo se ofrece el estado del arte actual en algoritmos de optimización por colonias de hormigas, con una breve descripción de los algoritmos más relevantes tanto para un único objetivo como para múltiples objetivos