1,470 research outputs found

    Identifying and Modelling Complex Workflow Requirements in Web Applications

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    Workflow plays a major role in nowadays business and therefore its requirement elicitation must be accurate and clear for achieving the solution closest to business’s needs. Due to Web applications popularity, the Web is becoming the standard platform for implementing business workflows. In this context, Web applications and their workflows must be adapted to market demands in such a way that time and effort are minimize. As they get more popular, they must give support to different functional requirements but also they contain tangled and scattered behaviour. In this work we present a model-driven approach for modelling workflows using a Domain Specific Language for Web application requirement called WebSpec. We present an extension to WebSpec based on Pattern Specifications for modelling crosscutting workflow requirements identifying tangled and scattered behaviour and reducing inconsistencies early in the cycle

    Surveying navigation modelling approaches

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    Recently, a number of authors who work on web application modelling have paid attention to the ideas regarding separation of concerns that underlie aspect-orientation, as well as some ideas that come from the model-driven development community. They attempt to improve the representation and separation of some concerns such as customisation or navigational concerns that are scattered throughout different software artifacts and tangled with other concerns in order to give a best support to the evolution of web applications. This paper surveys recent proposals in this field and compares them within a homogeneous framework that bridges the gap between the many different terminologies used, and highlights open problems that need further research.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-64119Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN-2007-67843-C06-0

    Concern-sensitive navigation: Improving navigation in web software through separation of concerns

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    Traditionally, the use of good techniques to improve software modularity, such as advanced separation of concerns, has no impact in the user experience, for example while navigating Web software. While the intent of these techniques is to simplify evolution and maintenance, navigation design quality is often seen as an unrelated concern. In this paper we present a novel approach for improving navigation in Web applications by using some of the core application's concerns (called navigational concerns) to derive their navigational structure. Using some realistic examples we show that, by carefully using these concerns, we can improve the user experience. Some implementation issues are discussed and a thorough comparison with related ideas in the Web Engineering field is presented.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 5074).Facultad de Informátic

    Concern-sensitive navigation: Improving navigation in web software through separation of concerns

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    Traditionally, the use of good techniques to improve software modularity, such as advanced separation of concerns, has no impact in the user experience, for example while navigating Web software. While the intent of these techniques is to simplify evolution and maintenance, navigation design quality is often seen as an unrelated concern. In this paper we present a novel approach for improving navigation in Web applications by using some of the core application's concerns (called navigational concerns) to derive their navigational structure. Using some realistic examples we show that, by carefully using these concerns, we can improve the user experience. Some implementation issues are discussed and a thorough comparison with related ideas in the Web Engineering field is presented.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 5074).Facultad de Informátic

    Identifying and modelling complex workflow requirements in web applications

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    Workflow plays a major role in nowadays business and therefore its requirement elicitation must be accurate and clear for achieving the solution closest to business's needs. Due to Web applications popularity, the Web is becoming the standard platform for implementing business workflows. In this context, Web applications and their workflows must be adapted to market demands in such a way that time and effort are minimize. As they get more popular, they must give support to different functional requirements but also they contain tangled and scattered behaviour. In this work we present a model-driven approach for modelling workflows using a Domain Specific Language for Web application requirement called WebSpec. We present an extension to WebSpec based on Pattern Specifications for modelling crosscutting workflow requirements identifying tangled and scattered behaviour and reducing inconsistencies early in the cycle.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (vol. 7387).Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Model-Based Concerns Mashups for Mobile Hypermedia

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    Mobile (or Physical) Hypermedia combines the navigational style typical of Web applications with the functionality of location and context-aware software. Users explore digital and physical relationships while accessing to information about their actual location, e.g. the object in front of them. Similar to “conventional” Web applications one might suffer usability problems when dealing with multiple informational concerns, but the situation gets worse because of screen size issues, the need to avoid user distraction, etc. In this paper we outline our model based approach for building mobile hypermedia applications by combining (“mashing up”) information corresponding to multiple concerns in a modular, usable way. Architectural issues are discussed and a simple example is presented together with its implementation.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Goal-driven requirements analysis for hypermedia-intensive Web applications

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    Requirements analysis for Web applications still needs to employ effective RE practices to accommodate some distinctive aspects: capturing high-level communication goals, considering several user profiles, defining hypermedia-specific requirements, bridging the gap between requirements and Web design, and reusing requirements for an effective usability evaluation. Techniques should be usable, informal, require little training effort, and show relative advantage to project managers. On the basis of the i * framework, this paper presents a proposal for defining hypermedia requirements (concerning aspects such as content, interaction, navigation, and presentation) for Web applications. The model adopts a goal-driven approach coupled with scenario-based techniques, introduces a hypermedia requirement taxonomy to facilitate Web conceptual design, and paves the way for systematic usability evaluation. Particular attention is paid to the empirical validation of the model based on the perceived quality attributes theory. A case study developed with industrial partners is discusse

    Transparent interface composition in web applications

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    In this paper we present an approach for oblivious composition of Web user interfaces, particularly for volatile functionality. Our approach, which is inspired on well-known techniques for advanced separation of concerns such as aspect-oriented software design, allows to clearly separate the design of the core's interface from the one corresponding to more volatile services, i.e. those that are offered for short periods of time. Both interfaces are oblivious from each other and can be seamlessly composed using a transformation language. We show that in this way we simplify the application's evolution by preventing intrusive edition of the interface code. Using some illustrative examples we focus both on design and implementation issues, presenting an extension of the OOHDM design model which supports modular design of volatile functionality.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 4607).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Concern-sensitive navigation: Improving navigation in web software through separation of concerns

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    Traditionally, the use of good techniques to improve software modularity, such as advanced separation of concerns, has no impact in the user experience, for example while navigating Web software. While the intent of these techniques is to simplify evolution and maintenance, navigation design quality is often seen as an unrelated concern. In this paper we present a novel approach for improving navigation in Web applications by using some of the core application's concerns (called navigational concerns) to derive their navigational structure. Using some realistic examples we show that, by carefully using these concerns, we can improve the user experience. Some implementation issues are discussed and a thorough comparison with related ideas in the Web Engineering field is presented.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 5074).Facultad de Informátic

    Identifying and modelling complex workflow requirements in web applications

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    Workflow plays a major role in nowadays business and therefore its requirement elicitation must be accurate and clear for achieving the solution closest to business's needs. Due to Web applications popularity, the Web is becoming the standard platform for implementing business workflows. In this context, Web applications and their workflows must be adapted to market demands in such a way that time and effort are minimize. As they get more popular, they must give support to different functional requirements but also they contain tangled and scattered behaviour. In this work we present a model-driven approach for modelling workflows using a Domain Specific Language for Web application requirement called WebSpec. We present an extension to WebSpec based on Pattern Specifications for modelling crosscutting workflow requirements identifying tangled and scattered behaviour and reducing inconsistencies early in the cycle.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (vol. 7387).Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad