17 research outputs found


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    Research have studied numerous means of compute size adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware which studies will indicate that size bot nets can transform from millions to volume of thousands and you will find no leading concepts to create apparent these variation. Within our work we inspect how adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware propagate within systems from global perspective and rigorous two layer epidemic representation for adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware distribution from network to network.  Based on forecasted representation, our analysis indicate that distribution of provided adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware follows exponential distribution, the distribution of power law acquiring a short exponential tail, additionally to power law distribution at its initial, late additionally to final stages, correspondingly. The suggested type of two layer adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware propagation explains development of specified adware and spyware and spyware and adware and spyware and adware and adware and spyware at Internet level applying this two layer representation, we determine entire volume of compromised hosts additionally for distribution concerning systems

    An Innovative Signature Detection System for Polymorphic and Monomorphic Internet Worms Detection and Containment

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    Most current anti-worm systems and intrusion-detection systems use signature-based technology instead of anomaly-based technology. Signature-based technology can only detect known attacks with identified signatures. Existing anti-worm systems cannot detect unknown Internet scanning worms automatically because these systems do not depend upon worm behaviour but upon the worm’s signature. Most detection algorithms used in current detection systems target only monomorphic worm payloads and offer no defence against polymorphic worms, which changes the payload dynamically. Anomaly detection systems can detect unknown worms but usually suffer from a high false alarm rate. Detecting unknown worms is challenging, and the worm defence must be automated because worms spread quickly and can flood the Internet in a short time. This research proposes an accurate, robust and fast technique to detect and contain Internet worms (monomorphic and polymorphic). The detection technique uses specific failure connection statuses on specific protocols such as UDP, TCP, ICMP, TCP slow scanning and stealth scanning as characteristics of the worms. Whereas the containment utilizes flags and labels of the segment header and the source and destination ports to generate the traffic signature of the worms. Experiments using eight different worms (monomorphic and polymorphic) in a testbed environment were conducted to verify the performance of the proposed technique. The experiment results showed that the proposed technique could detect stealth scanning up to 30 times faster than the technique proposed by another researcher and had no false-positive alarms for all scanning detection cases. The experiments showed the proposed technique was capable of containing the worm because of the traffic signature’s uniqueness

    Augmenting Information Propagation Models with Graph Neural Networks

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringConventional epidemic models are limited in their ability to capture the dynamics of real world epidemics in a sense that they either place restrictions on the models such as their topology and contact process for mathematical tractability, or focus only on the average global behavior, which lacks details for further analysis. We propose a novel modeling approach that augments the conventional epidemic models using Graph Neural Networks to improve their expressive power while preserving the useful mathematical structures. Simulation results show that our proposed model can predict spread times in both node-level and network-wide perspectives with high accuracy having median relative errors below 15% for a wide range of scenarios.ope

    Malware Propagation Modelling in Peer-to-Peer Networks: A Review

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    yesPeer-to-Peer (P2P) network is increasingly becoming the most important means of trading content throughout the last years due to the constant evolvement of the cyber world. This popularity made the P2P network susceptible to the spread of malware. The detection of the cause of malware propagation is now critical to the survival of P2P networks. This paper offers a review of the current relevant mathematical propagation models that have been proposed to date to predict the propagation behavior of a malware in a P2P network. We analyzed the models proposed by researchers and experts in the field by evaluating their limitations and a possible alternative for improving the analysis of the expected behavior of a malware spread


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    Malware is inescapable in systems, and represents a basic risk to network security. Be that as it may, we have exceptionally constrained comprehension of malware conduct in systems to date. In this paper, we examine how malware spread in systems from a worldwide point of view. We plan the issue, and set up a thorough two-layer scourge demonstrate for malware proliferation from system to arrange. In light of the proposed demonstrate, our examination shows that the dissemination of a given malware takes after exponential appropriation, control law circulation with a short exponential tail, and power law conveyance at its initial, late and last stages, individually. Broad trials have been performed through two genuine worldwide scale malware information sets, and the outcomes affirm our hypothetical discoveries