1,307 research outputs found

    Building fault detection data to aid diagnostic algorithm creation and performance testing.

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    It is estimated that approximately 4-5% of national energy consumption can be saved through corrections to existing commercial building controls infrastructure and resulting improvements to efficiency. Correspondingly, automated fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) algorithms are designed to identify the presence of operational faults and their root causes. A diversity of techniques is used for FDD spanning physical models, black box, and rule-based approaches. A persistent challenge has been the lack of common datasets and test methods to benchmark their performance accuracy. This article presents a first of its kind public dataset with ground-truth data on the presence and absence of building faults. This dataset spans a range of seasons and operational conditions and encompasses multiple building system types. It contains information on fault severity, as well as data points reflective of the measurements in building control systems that FDD algorithms typically have access to. The data were created using simulation models as well as experimental test facilities, and will be expanded over time

    Modelling of high temperature storage systems for latent heat

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    There is a huge demand for heat storages for evaporation applications. Thermal storage systems are used to increase the efficiency of thermal systems by an improved adaption of energy availability and energy demand. In this paper a possible solution for modular storage systems from 200-600 °C and pressures up to 100 bar is presented. The application of steam as a working medium requires the availability of isothermal storage if charging/discharging should take place at almost constant pressure. The saturation temperature range is between 200°C and 320°C. Therefore nitrate salts are used as phase change material (PCM). The solution developed at DLR is characterized by a modular concept of tube register storages surrounded by both sensible and latent heat storage material. The focus in this paper is on modelling of the PCM storage. A model is introduced for melting and freezing of the PCM. To perform with an acceptable heat transfer rate inside the PCM, fins are used to increase the overall thermal conductivity. Instead introducing mean storage material parameters, like thermal conductivity or specific heat capacity, the geometry of the finned tube is modelled by using discrete elements. Therefore the model allows detailed studies on heat transfer during space and time. The fin design can be varied in order to find an optimal configuration. A set of partial differential equations is created and solved. When considering a stand alone system, that means tube, fin and PCM, without a connection to other components, investigation is quite effective. In case of the PCM storage there is the big advantage, compared with a sensible regenerator, that the almost constant fluid temperature, when evaporating or condensing, leads to a uniform temperature distribution in fluid flow direction. Therefore only a very rough discretisation in axial direction is needed, what even allows bonding with other components e.g. from the Modelica Fluid Library. Sensible storages as they are used for preheating and superheating have a characteristic temperature gradient in axial direction. To describe their thermal behaviour concentrated models, using dimensionless numbers, are used

    Energy efficient renovation of heritage residential buildings using modelica simulations

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    Historic homesteads can be found on a large scale in Europe and particularly in Flanders. In Flanders there are hundreds of homesteads in desperate need of renovation. Within the framework of the Europe 2020 objectives both CO2 emission and energy use need to be reduced with 20% by 2020. Unlike for the average residential building renovation, focus lies on synergy between respect to heritage and achieving an optimal energetic effectiveness. The object of this research is a case study homestead in Bruges, named the Schipjes. The first step in energy efficient renovation is to lower energy use by optimizing the building physics, therefore dynamic simulations in Modelica are performed to evaluate primary energy demand, especially for heating, and thermal comfort. The second step is the choice of the most energy efficient technical installations for a district heating system as will be used for Schipjes. Five different scenarios or combinations of heat production and distribution systems are developed as input options for future research simulations and energetic equations in Modelica

    Application of large underground seasonal thermal energy storage in district heating system: A model-based energy performance assessment of a pilot system in Chifeng, China

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    Seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) technology is a proven solution to resolve the seasonal discrepancy between heating energy generation from renewables and building heating demands. This research focuses on the performance assessment of district heating (DH) systems powered by low-grade energy sources with large-scale, high temperature underground STES technology. A pilot DH system, located in Chifeng, China that integrates a 0.5 million m3 borehole thermal energy storage system, an on-site solar thermal plant and excess heat from a copper plant is presented. The research in this paper adopts a model-based approach using Modelica to analyze the energy performance of the STES for two district heating system configurations. Several performance indicators such as the extraction heat, the injection heat and the storage coefficient are selected to assess the STES system performance. Results show that a lower STES discharge temperature leads to a better energy performance. A sensitivity analysis of the site properties illustrates that the thermal conductivity of soil is the most influential parameter on the STES system performance. The long-term performance of the STES is also discussed and a shorter stabilization time between one and two years could be achieved by discharging the STES at a lower temperature.This research is part of the seasonal storage for solar and industrial waste heat utilization for urban district heating project funded by the Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP)–Smart Energy in Smart Cities. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). We would also like to thank our research partners from Tsinghua University working on the project of the International S&T Cooperation Programof China (ISTCP) (project No. 2015DFG62410). Without their efforts, we would not have been able to obtain the technical data to conduct the case study