1,018 research outputs found

    A review of Multi-Agent Simulation Models in Agriculture

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    Multi-Agent Simulation (MAS) models are intended to capture emergent properties of complex systems that are not amenable to equilibrium analysis. They are beginning to see some use for analysing agricultural systems. The paper reports on work in progress to create a MAS for specific sectors in New Zealand agriculture. One part of the paper focuses on options for modelling land and other resources such as water, labour and capital in this model, as well as markets for exchanging resources and commodities. A second part considers options for modelling agent heterogeneity, especially risk preferences of farmers, and the impacts on decision-making. The final section outlines the MAS that the authors will be constructing over the next few years and the types of research questions that the model will help investigate.multi-agent simulation models, modelling, agent-based model, cellular automata, decision-making, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Does bounded rationality lead to individual heterogeneity? The impact of the experimentation process and of memory constraints

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    In this paper we explore the effect of bounded rationality on the convergence of individual behavior toward equilibrium. In the context of a Cournot game with a unique and symmetric Nash equilibrium, firms are modeled as adaptive economic agents through a genetic algorithm. Computational experiments show that (1) there is remarkable heterogeneity across identical but boundedly rational agents; (2) such individual heterogeneity is not simply a consequence of the random elements contained in the genetic algorithm; (3) the more rational agents are in terms of memory abilities and pre-play evaluation of strategies, the less heterogeneous they are in their actions. At the limit case of full rationality, the outcome converges to the standard result of uniform individual behavior.bounded rationality; genetic algorithms; individual heterogeneitybounded rationality; genetic algorithms; individual heterogeneity


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    Invention of artificial intelligence (AI) is certainly one of the most promising technological advancements in modern economy. General AI reaching singularity makes one imagine its disruptive influence. Once invented it is supposed to surpass all human cognitive capabilities. Nevertheless, narrow AI has already been widely applied encompassing many technologies. This paper aims to explore the research area of artificial intelligence with the emphasis on the business economics field. Data has been derived from the records extracted from the Web of Science which is one of the most relevant databases of scientific publications. Total number of extracted records published in the period from 1963-2019 was 1369. Results provide systemic overview of the most influential authors, seminal papers and the most important sources for AI publication. Additionally, using MCA (multiple correspondence analysis) results display the intellectual map of the research field.Otkriće umjetne inteligencije zasigurno predstavlja jednu od najvaĆŸniji tehnoloĆĄkih inovacija moderne ekonomije. Opća umjetna inteligencija koja moĆŸe dosegnuti singularitet ima potencijal kreirati novu tehnoloĆĄku arenu. Jednom otkrivena smatra se da će nadmaĆĄiti sve ljudske kognitivne sposobnosti. Nadalje, specifična umjetna inteligencija već je otkrivena i primijenjena u brojnim sustavima. Ovaj rad nastoji istraĆŸiti područje umjetne inteligencije s naglaskom primjene u ekonomiji. Podaci su derivirani na osnovi zapisa Web of Science baze jednog od najrelevantnijih izvora znanstvenih radova. Ukupan broj ekstrahiranih zapisa u periodu 1963-2019 bio je 1369. Rezultati čine sustavan pregled najutjecajnijih autora, radova te izvora publikacija. Dodatno, koristeći MCA kreirana je intelektualna mapa istraĆŸivačkog područja

    Does bounded rationality lead to individual heterogeneity? The impact of the experimentation process and of memory constraints

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    In this paper we explore the effect of bounded rationality on the convergence of individual behavior toward equilibrium. In the context of a Cournot game with a unique and symmetric Nash equilibrium, firms are modeled as adaptive economic agents through a genetic algorithm. Computational experiments show that (1) there is remarkable heterogeneity across identical but boundedly rational agents; (2) such individual heterogeneity is not simply a consequence of the random elements contained in the genetic algorithm; (3) the more rational agents are in terms of memory abilities and pre-play evaluation of strategies, the less heterogeneous they are in their actions. At the limit case of full rationality, the outcome converges to the standard result of uniform individual behavior

    Can genetic algorithms explain experimental anomalies? An application to common property resources

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    It is common to find in experimental data persistent oscillations in the aggregate outcomes and high levels of heterogeneity in individual behavior. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find significant deviations from aggregate Nash equilibrium predictions. In this paper, we employ an evolutionary model with boundedly rational agents to explain these findings. We use data from common property resource experiments (Casari and Plott, 2003). Instead of positing individual-specific utility functions, we model decision makers as selfish and identical. Agent interaction is simulated using an individual learning genetic algorithm, where agents have constraints in their working memory, a limited ability to maximize, and experiment with new strategies. We show that the model replicates most of the patterns that can be found in common property resource experiments.Bounded rationality, Experiments, Common-pool resources, Genetic algorithms

    A Common Protocol for Agent-Based Social Simulation

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    Traditional (i.e. analytical) modelling practices in the social sciences rely on a very well established, although implicit, methodological protocol, both with respect to the way models are presented and to the kinds of analysis that are performed. Unfortunately, computer-simulated models often lack such a reference to an accepted methodological standard. This is one of the main reasons for the scepticism among mainstream social scientists that results in low acceptance of papers with agent-based methodology in the top journals. We identify some methodological pitfalls that, according to us, are common in papers employing agent-based simulations, and propose appropriate solutions. We discuss each issue with reference to a general characterization of dynamic micro models, which encompasses both analytical and simulation models. In the way, we also clarify some confusing terminology. We then propose a three-stage process that could lead to the establishment of methodological standards in social and economic simulations.Agent-based, simulations, methodology, calibration, validation.
