1,899 research outputs found

    Modularity and Openness in Modeling Multi-Agent Systems

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    We revisit the formalism of modular interpreted systems (MIS) which encourages modular and open modeling of synchronous multi-agent systems. The original formulation of MIS did not live entirely up to its promise. In this paper, we propose how to improve modularity and openness of MIS by changing the structure of interference functions. These relatively small changes allow for surprisingly high flexibility when modeling actual multi-agent systems. We demonstrate this on two well-known examples, namely the trains, tunnel and controller, and the dining cryptographers. Perhaps more importantly, we propose how the notions of multi-agency and openness, crucial for multi-agent systems, can be precisely defined based on their MIS representations.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416

    AtomsMasher: Personal Reactive Automation for the Web

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    The rise of "Web 2.0" has seen an explosion of web sites for the social sharing of personal information. To enable users to make valuable use of the rich yet fragmented sea of public, social, and personal information, data mashups emerged to provide a means for combining and filtering such information into coherent feeds and visualizations. In this paper we present AtomsMasher (AM), a new framework which extends data mashups into the realm of context-aware reactive behaviors. Reactive scripts in AM can be made to trigger automatically in response to changes in its world model derived from multiple web-based data feeds. By exposing a simple state-model abstraction and query language abstractions of data derived from heterogeneous web feeds through a simulation-based interactive script debugging environment, AM greatly simplifies the process of creating such automation in a way that is flexible, predictable, scalable and within the reach of everyday Web programmers

    Study of the dynamic formation of transmission gratings recorded in photopolymers and holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals

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    Local and nonlocal models for the diffusion of photopolymers are applied to the dynamic formation of transmission gratings recorded in photopolymers and holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLCs). We retrieve the main parameters of H-PDLCs (refractive-index modulation and diffusion coefficient) by combining a solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation and the rigorous coupledwave theory applied to transmission gratings. The rigorous coupled-wave theory method provides us with information on higher harmonics of the refractive profile (not only on the first harmonic as when the classical Kogelnik theory is applied). Measurements concerning the second harmonic validate the modeling

    A formal model of emotional-response, inspired from human cognition and emotion systems

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    In this paper, we used the formalisms of decision-making theory and theories in psychology, physiology and cognition to proposing a macro model of human emotional-response. We believe that using such formalism can fill the gap between psychology, cognitive science and AI, and can be useful in the design of human-like agents. This model can be used in a wide variety of applications such as artificial agents, user interface, and intelligent tutoring systems. Using the proposed model, we can provide for human behaviors like mood, personality and biological response in machines. This capability will enable such systems, to adapt their responses and behaviors. In situations where there are multiple ways for performing an action, this model can help with the decision making process

    A novel and cost-effective hydrogen sulfide removal technology using tire derived rubber particles

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is corrosive, toxic, and produced during the anaerobic digestion process at wastewater treatment plants. Tire derived rubber particles (TDRPTM) and other rubber material (ORMTM) are recycled waste rubber products distributed by Envirotech Systems, Inc (Lawton, IA). They were found to be effective at removing H2S from biogas in a previous study. A scrubber system utilizing TDRPTM and ORMTM was tested at the Ames Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) to determine operational conditions that would optimize the amount of H2S removed from biogas in order to allow for systematic sizing of biogas scrubbers.Operational conditions tested were empty bed contact time, mass of the media bed, compaction of the media bed, and temperature of the biogas and scrubber media. Additionally, siloxane concentrations were tested before and after passing through the scrubber. The two different types of products, TDRPTM and ORMTM, differed in metal concentrations and particle size distribution. A scrubber system was set up and maintained in the Gas Handling Building at the WPCF from February to December 2009. Results showed that longer contact times, compaction, and higher inlet H2S concentrations improved the amount of H2S that was adsorbed by the TDRPTM and ORMTM. The inlet H2S concentration of the biogas was found to be variable over time and was affected by large additions of fats, oils, and grease (FOG). The effect of temperature was not found to be significant. In excess of 98% siloxane reduction was observed from the biogas.The Freundlich Isotherm was successfully fit to experimental data at ambient temperatures (near 25°C) and low temperatures (14-20°C). Using assumptions about the concentration of H2S, flow of biogas, and temperature at the WPCF, it was found that the volume of ORMTM and TDRPTM needed for one year of H2S removal at the WPCF at 25°C would be approximately 12.48 m3 and 6.77 m3, respectively

    A new mini-triaxial cell for combined high-pressure and high-temperature in situ synchrotron X-ray microtomography experiments up to 400°C and 24 MPa.

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    A new experimental triaxial cell for in situ synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography aimed at imaging small samples of (6 mm × 19 mm) at high temperatures (up to 400°C) and pressures (up to 24 MPa confining) is presented. The system has flow-through capabilities, independent axial and radial pressure control, and has been developed and tested at the 8.3.2. beamline at the Advanced Light Source. The characteristics of this new experimental rig are described, along with the challenges, mainly concerning the combination of X-ray transparency with vessel strength at high temperature, and solutions found during the development stage. An experiment involving oil shale pyrolysis under subsurface conditions, highlighting the importance of a device able to operate in this pressure and temperature range, is also introduced. The availability of this cell enables an unprecedented range of experiments in the Earth Sciences, with a special focus on subsurface geothermal processes

    Declarative Ajax Web Applications through SQL++ on a Unified Application State

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    Implementing even a conceptually simple web application requires an inordinate amount of time. FORWARD addresses three problems that reduce developer productivity: (a) Impedance mismatch across the multiple languages used at different tiers of the application architecture. (b) Distributed data access across the multiple data sources of the application (SQL database, user input of the browser page, session data in the application server, etc). (c) Asynchronous, incremental modification of the pages, as performed by Ajax actions. FORWARD belongs to a novel family of web application frameworks that attack impedance mismatch by offering a single unifying language. FORWARD's language is SQL++, a minimally extended SQL. FORWARD's architecture is based on two novel cornerstones: (a) A Unified Application State (UAS), which is a virtual database over the multiple data sources. The UAS is accessed via distributed SQL++ queries, therefore resolving the distributed data access problem. (b) Declarative page specifications, which treat the data displayed by pages as rendered SQL++ page queries. The resulting pages are automatically incrementally modified by FORWARD. User input on the page becomes part of the UAS. We show that SQL++ captures the semi-structured nature of web pages and subsumes the data models of two important data sources of the UAS: SQL databases and JavaScript components. We show that simple markup is sufficient for creating Ajax displays and for modeling user input on the page as UAS data sources. Finally, we discuss the page specification syntax and semantics that are needed in order to avoid race conditions and conflicts between the user input and the automated Ajax page modifications. FORWARD has been used in the development of eight commercial and academic applications. An alpha-release web-based IDE (itself built in FORWARD) enables development in the cloud.Comment: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2013), August 30, 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Ital

    A formal verification framework and associated tools for enterprise modeling : application to UEML

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    The aim of this paper is to propose and apply a verification and validation approach to Enterprise Modeling that enables the user to improve the relevance and correctness, the suitability and coherence of a model by using properties specification and formal proof of properties