6 research outputs found

    Modeling network-controlled device-to-device communications in SimuLTE

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    In Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A), network-controlled device-to-device (D2D) communications allow User Equipments (UEs) to communicate directly, without involving the Evolved Node-B in data relaying, while the latter still retains control of resource allocation. The above paradigm allows reduced latencies for the UEs and increased resource efficiency for the network operator, and is therefore foreseen to support several services, from Machine-to-machine to vehicular communications. D2D communications introduce research challenges that might affect the performance of applications and upper-layer protocols, hence simulations represent a valuable tool for evaluating these aspects. However, simulating D2D features might pose additional com-putational burden to the simulation environment. To this aim, a careful modeling is required in order to reduce computational overhead. In this paper we describe our modeling of net-work-controlled D2D communications in SimuLTE, a system-level LTE-A simulation library based on OMNeT++. We describe the core modeling choices of SimuLTE, and show how these allow an easy extension to D2D communications. Moreover, we describe in detail the modeling of specific problems arising with D2D communications, such as scheduling with frequency reuse, connection mode switching and broadcast transmission. We document the computational efficiency of our modeling choices, showing that simulation of D2D communications is not more complex than simulation of classical cellular communications of comparable scale. Results show that the heaviest computational burden of D2D communication lies in estimating the Sidelink channel quality. We show that SimuLTE allows one to evaluate the interplay between D2D communication and end-to-end performance of UDP- and TCP-based services. Moreover, we assess the accuracy of using a binary interference model for frequency reuse, and we evaluate the trade-off between speed of execution and accuracy in modeling the reception probability

    Scalable Real-time Emulation of 5G Networks with Simu5G

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    Real-time emulation of 5G networks is highly beneficial for several purposes, such as prototyping or performance evaluation of distributed applications meant to run on 5G networks, research demonstration, evaluation of other technologies (e.g., Multi-access Edge Computing) meant to interoperate with 5G access. In this work, we describe how to use Simu5G, a new end-to-end simulator of 5G networks based on OMNeT++, as a real-time emulator. We describe in detail the modeling choices that allow emulation to scale up without compromising accuracy. We present a thorough evaluation of the Simu5G’s emulation capabilities, showing that networks with hundreds of simulated users and tens of cells can be emulated on a single desktop machine

    Simu5G – An OMNeT++ library for end-to-end performance evaluation of 5G networks

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    In this paper we introduce Simu5G, a new OMNeT++-based model library to simulate 5G networks. Si-mu5G allows users to simulate the data plane of 5G New Radio deployments, in an end-to-end perspective and including all protocol layers, making it a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners interested in the performance evaluation of 5G networks and services. We discuss the modelling of the protocol layers, network entities and functions, and validate our abstraction of the physical layer using 3GPP-based sce-narios. Moreover, we show how Simu5G can be used to evaluate Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and Cellular Vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) services offered through a 5G network

    Tools for LTE Technology Simulation

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je popsat vlastnosti frameworku SimuLTE pro simulační nástroj OMNeT++, popsat vlastnosti modulu LTE pro simulační nástroj ns-3, srovnat je a navrhnout laboratorní úlohy pro odborný předmět. První část diplomové práce se zabývá popisem vlastností SimuLTE frameworku. Druhá část práce se zabývá popisem vlastností modulu LTE pro simulační nástroj ns-3. V praktické části následuje návrh komplexních simulačních příkladů, které využívají oba moduly. Simulační příklady se zabývají podobnou problematikou, s cílem porovnat jednotlivé nástroje z pohledu různých možností v dané problematice. Součástí příkladů je vyhodnocení dosažených výsledků. Poslední část diplomové práce se zabývá srovnáním jednotlivých nástrojů z hlediska efektivity, výkonnosti a rozsahu možností.The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the properties of the SimuLTE framework for the simulation tool OMNeT++, to describe the properties of the LTE module for the simulation tool ns-3, compare them and design laboratory tasks for a technical subject. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the description of the properties of the SimuLTE framework. The second part deals with the description of the properties of the LTE module for the simulation tool ns-3. In practical part is the design of complex simulation examples that use both modules. Simulation examples deal with similar issues, in order to compare the various tools in terms of different options. Part of the examples is the evaluation of the achieved results. The last part of the diploma thesis deals with the comparison in terms of efficiency, performance and the range of possibilities of individual tool.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Modeling Network-Controlled Device-to-Device Communications in SimuLTE

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    In Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A), network-controlled device-to-device (D2D) communications allow User Equipments (UEs) to communicate directly, without involving the Evolved Node-B in data relaying, while the latter still retains control of resource allocation. The above paradigm allows reduced latencies for the UEs and increased resource efficiency for the network operator, and is therefore foreseen to support several services, from Machine-to-machine to vehicular communications. D2D communications introduce research challenges that might affect the performance of applications and upper-layer protocols, hence simulations represent a valuable tool for evaluating these aspects. However, simulating D2D features might pose additional computational burden to the simulation environment. To this aim, a careful modeling is required to reduce computational overhead. In this paper, we describe our modeling of network-controlled D2D communications in SimuLTE, a system-level LTE-A simulation library based on OMNeT++. We describe the core modeling choices of SimuLTE, and show how these allow an easy extension to D2D communications. Moreover, we describe in detail the modeling of specific problems arising with D2D communications, such as scheduling with frequency reuse, connection mode switching and broadcast transmission. We document the computational efficiency of our modeling choices, showing that simulation of D2D communications is not more complex than simulation of classical cellular communications of comparable scale. Results show that the heaviest computational burden of D2D communication lies in estimating the Sidelink channel quality. We show that SimuLTE allows one to evaluate the interplay between D2D communication and end-to-end performance of UDP- and TCP-based services. Moreover, we assess the accuracy of using a binary interference model for frequency reuse, and we evaluate the trade-off between speed of execution and accuracy in modeling the reception probability