7 research outputs found

    Modeling IoT-Based Solutions Using Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has inspired solutions that are already available for addressing problems in various application scenarios, such as healthcare, security, emergency support and tourism. However, there is no clear approach to modeling these systems and envisioning their capabilities at the design time. Therefore, the process of designing these systems is ad hoc and its real impact is evaluated once the solution is already implemented, which is risky and expensive. This paper proposes a modeling approach that uses  human-centric wireless sensor networks to specify and evaluate models of IoT-based systems at the time of design, avoiding the need to spend time and effort on early implementations of immature designs. It allows designers to focus on the system design, leaving the implementation decisions for a next phase. The article illustrates the usefulness of this proposal through a running example, showing the design of an IoT-based solution to support the first responses during medium-sized or large urban incidents. The case study used in the proposal evaluation is based on a real train crash. The proposed modeling approach can be used to design IoT-based systems for other application scenarios, e.g., to support security operatives or monitor chronic patients in their homes.Fil: Monares, Álvaro . Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Ochoa, Sergio F.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Santos, Rodrigo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería Eléctrica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Orozco, Javier Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería Eléctrica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Meseguer, Roc . Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; Españ

    A Study on Privacy of IoT Devices among a Sample of Indians in the U.S- 2021

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained immense popularity over the last decade with wide-ranging applications in domains of medicine, science, military as well as domestic use. Despite its tremendous growth, privacy concerns plague IoT applications and have the potential to hamper the benefits derived from its usage. This paper carries out a statistical analysis of empirical data collected from users of IoT to assess the level of awareness among users of IoT. The mode of study was through a questionnaire sent through Google forms to a selection of Indians living across the U.S. The place was chosen as some of the authors were in that country and also because its usage is more in the U.S. Many homes have extensive use of IoT, even if it’s for simple operations like turning on/off electric bulbs. Privacy issues have also been a matter of concern as these devices are linked to the internet. The sample was chosen from judgment /convenience sampling. Only one member per family was asked to respond so that there is no overlap of the collected data. The respondents were asked about the privacy issues of using IOT devices and also if it bothered them to continue usage. The results showed that not only were users aware of the privacy issues related to IoT, but they also expressed concerns over the same. Due to the convenience and ease of usage, it is highly unlikely that people will stop using these devices but definitely, the usage will be more guarded in the future

    Flying real-time network to coordinate disaster relief activities in urban areas

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    While there have been important advances within wireless communication technology, the provision of communication support during disaster relief activities remains an open issue. The literature in disaster research reports several major restrictions to conducting first response activities in urban areas, given the limitations of telephone networks and radio systems to provide digital communication in the field. In search-and-rescue operations, the communication requirements are increased, since the first responders need to rely on real-time and reliable communication to perform their activities and coordinate their efforts with other teams. Therefore, these limitations open the door to improvisation during disaster relief efforts. In this paper, we argue that flying ad-hoc networks can provide the communication support needed in these scenarios, and propose a new solution towards that goal. The proposal involves the use of flying witness units, implemented using drones, that act as communication gateways between first responders working at different locations of the affected area. The proposal is named the Flying Real-Time Network, and its feasibility to provide communication in a disaster scenario is shown by presenting both a real-time schedulability analysis of message delivery, as well as simulations of the communication support in a physical scenario inspired by a real incident. The obtained results were highly positive and consistent, therefore this proposal represents a step forward towards the solution of this open issuePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estudi bibliomètric any 2014. Campus del Baix Llobregat: EETAC i ESAB

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    En el present informe s’analitza la producció científica de les dues escoles del Campus del Baix Llobregat, l’Escola d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aerospacial de Castelldefels (EETAC) i l’Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) durant el 2014.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Modeling IoT-Based solutions using human-centric wireless sensor networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has inspired solutions that are already available for addressing problems in various application scenarios, such as healthcare, security, emergency support and tourism. However, there is no clear approach to modeling these systems and envisioning their capabilities at the design time. Therefore, the process of designing these systems is ad hoc and its real impact is evaluated once the solution is already implemented, which is risky and expensive. This paper proposes a modeling approach that uses human-centric wireless sensor networks to specify and evaluate models of IoT-based systems at the time of design, avoiding the need to spend time and effort on early implementations of immature designs. It allows designers to focus on the system design, leaving the implementation decisions for a next phase. The article illustrates the usefulness of this proposal through a running example, showing the design of an IoT-based solution to support the first responses during medium-sized or large urban incidents. The case study used in the proposal evaluation is based on a real train crash. The proposed modeling approach can be used to design IoT-based systems for other application scenarios, e.g., to support security operatives or monitor chronic patients in their homes

    A tecnologia e os turistas da Geração Z

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    Dissertação de MestradoEste trabalho visa contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o comportamento da Geração Z no âmbito do turismo, nomeadamente se o recurso à tecnologia por parte deste segmento leva à satisfação do turista perante a escolha do destino. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento tecnológico tem vindo a modificar o comportamento do turista que é mais informado, ativo e recorre a tecnologia, usufruindo de experiências turísticas mais diversificadas (Serra, Neuhofer & Ivars-Baidal, 2018). A tecnologia torna-se assim uma componente essencial que influencia a satisfação ou insatisfação do turista no destino (Cutler & Carmichael, 2010; Culter, 2015; Marujo, 2016). A metodologia de investigação utilizada foi baseada na aplicação de um inquérito por questionário dirigido aos turistas do Porto, pertencentes à Geração Z, no sentido de obter informações sobre a tecnologia que utilizam nas duas fases da experiência turística: antes e durante a viagem. O questionário, com 22 questões foi aplicado a uma amostra de 400 turistas/visitantes em diferentes locais da cidade do Porto. A análise de dados recolhidos foi efetuada através do recurso ao programa do SPSS versão 24 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Os resultados da amostra demonstram que, globalmente, podemos concluir que os recursos tecnológicos influenciam o grau de satisfação na fase antes e durante a viagem de acordo com os resultados obtidos.This work aims to contribute to the knowledge about the behavior of generation Z in the tourism sector, and whether the use of technology by this segment leads to tourist satisfaction by the destination choice. In this context, technological development has been modifying the behavior of tourists who are more informed, active, and use technology, enjoying more diversified tourism experiences (Serra, Neuhofer & Ivars-Baidal, 2018). Technology thus becomes an essential component that influences tourist satisfaction or dissatisfaction at destination (Cutler & Carmichael, 2010; Culter, 2015, Marujo, 2016). The research methodology used was based on the application of a survey to tourists from Porto, belonging to generation Z, in order to obtain information about the technology used in the two phases of the tourist experience: before and during the trip. The questionnaire contained 22 questions and was applied to a sample of 400 tourists/visitors in different places of the city of Porto. The analysis of data collected was evaluated using SPSS software version 24 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The results of the sample demonstrate that, globally, we can conclude that the technological resources influence the degree of satisfaction in the phase before and during the trip according to the results obtained.N/