722 research outputs found

    Modeling high frequency data using hawkes processes with power-law kernels

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    Those empirical properties exhibited by high frequency financial data, such as time-varying intensities and self-exciting features, make it a challenge to model appropriately the dynamics associated with, for instance, order arrival. To capture the microscopic structures pertaining to limit order books, this paper focuses on modeling high frequency financial data using Hawkes processes. Specifically, the model with power-law kernels is compared with the counterpart with exponential kernels, on the goodness of fit to the empirical data, based on a number of proposed quantities for statistical tests. Based on one-trading-day data of one representative stock, it is shown that Hawkes processes with power-law kernels are able to reproduce the intensity of jumps in the price processes more accurately, which suggests that they could serve as a realistic model for high frequency data on the level of microstructure

    The limits of statistical significance of Hawkes processes fitted to financial data

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    Many fits of Hawkes processes to financial data look rather good but most of them are not statistically significant. This raises the question of what part of market dynamics this model is able to account for exactly. We document the accuracy of such processes as one varies the time interval of calibration and compare the performance of various types of kernels made up of sums of exponentials. Because of their around-the-clock opening times, FX markets are ideally suited to our aim as they allow us to avoid the complications of the long daily overnight closures of equity markets. One can achieve statistical significance according to three simultaneous tests provided that one uses kernels with two exponentials for fitting an hour at a time, and two or three exponentials for full days, while longer periods could not be fitted within statistical satisfaction because of the non-stationarity of the endogenous process. Fitted timescales are relatively short and endogeneity factor is high but sub-critical at about 0.8

    Uncovering Causality from Multivariate Hawkes Integrated Cumulants

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    We design a new nonparametric method that allows one to estimate the matrix of integrated kernels of a multivariate Hawkes process. This matrix not only encodes the mutual influences of each nodes of the process, but also disentangles the causality relationships between them. Our approach is the first that leads to an estimation of this matrix without any parametric modeling and estimation of the kernels themselves. A consequence is that it can give an estimation of causality relationships between nodes (or users), based on their activity timestamps (on a social network for instance), without knowing or estimating the shape of the activities lifetime. For that purpose, we introduce a moment matching method that fits the third-order integrated cumulants of the process. We show on numerical experiments that our approach is indeed very robust to the shape of the kernels, and gives appealing results on the MemeTracker database

    Nonparametric Markovian Learning of Triggering Kernels for Mutually Exciting and Mutually Inhibiting Multivariate Hawkes Processes

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    In this paper, we address the problem of fitting multivariate Hawkes processes to potentially large-scale data in a setting where series of events are not only mutually-exciting but can also exhibit inhibitive patterns. We focus on nonparametric learning and propose a novel algorithm called MEMIP (Markovian Estimation of Mutually Interacting Processes) that makes use of polynomial approximation theory and self-concordant analysis in order to learn both triggering kernels and base intensities of events. Moreover, considering that N historical observations are available, the algorithm performs log-likelihood maximization in O(N)O(N) operations, while the complexity of non-Markovian methods is in O(N2)O(N^{2}). Numerical experiments on simulated data, as well as real-world data, show that our method enjoys improved prediction performance when compared to state-of-the art methods like MMEL and exponential kernels
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