684 research outputs found

    Linked Markov sources: Modeling outcome-dependent social processes

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    Many social processes are adaptive in the sense that the process changes as a result of previous outcomes. Data on such processes may come in the form of categorical time series. First, the authors propose a class of Markov Source models that embody such adaptation. Second, the authors discuss new methods to evaluate the fit of such models. Third, the authors apply these models and methods to data on a social process that is a preeminent example of an adaptive process: (encoded) conversation as arises in structured interviews. © 2007 Sage Publications

    Understanding novice programmer behavior on introductory courses - Learning analytics approach

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    It is not easy to learn programming. This is why increasing theoretical and practical knowledge in programming education benefits both the educators as well as the students. To allow the students to gain maximal benefit from their studies, the educator must be able to recognize the students who are struggling with learning programming. Learning analytics provides a possible solution to this problem. This thesis demonstrates a novel method to model programmer behavior by using Markov Models. Programming fulfills the Markov property, because the success of the next attempt to compile or execute code is not influenced by the previous attempts; only by the current skill level of the programmer. The model is built using a state machine, which consists of states representing the different phases of the programming process. The state machine contains eight different states and 29different state transition possibilities. A Markov chain corresponding to a specific student can be computed using this state machine and then used with, for example machine learning algorithms. The data for this thesis was collected from a total of five different introductory programming courses, which used either the Java or Python programming languages. The dataset contains 1174 unique students, who made 544 835 total submissions to411 unique assignments. All programming courses were given in Turku, during2017-2021.This thesis provides a theoretical basis for modeling students (Markov Models) and offers a practical method to model students using Markov Models. This thesis only applies unsupervised machine learning methods to the data, specifically the K-Means clustering algorithm. However, supervised methods may also be used. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated by clustering students into three statistically similar clusters: students who perform well, average and poorly. The model is also applied to recognize the programming language used, based only on the transitions within the state machine.--- Ohjelmoinnin oppiminen ei ole helppoa. Tästä syystä ohjelmoinnin opetuksenteoreettinen ja käytännön edistäminen hyödyttää paitsi nykyisin ohjelmointia opettavia, myös opiskelijoita. Jotta opiskelijat voivat saavuttaa maksimaalisenhyödyn opiskelustaan, opettajan täytyy voida tunnistaa ne opiskelijat, joille ohjelmoinnin opiskelu tuottaa hankaluuksia. Oppimisanalytiikka tarjoaa tähän mahdollisuuden. Tämä väitöskirja esittelee tavan mallintaa ohjelmoinnin opiskelijoidenkäyttäytymistä käyttämällä Markovin malleja. Ohjelmoijan käyttäytyminen toteuttaa Markovin ominaisuuden, sillä ohjelmoijan koodin ajoyrityksen onnistumiseen vaikuttaa ainoastaan ohjelmoijan senhetkinen taitotaso; aikaisemmilla yrityksillä ei ole vaikutusta tuleviin kertoihin. Malli rakennetaan käyttämällä tilakonetta, jonka jokainen tila vastaa ohjelmointiprosessin vaihetta. Tilakoneessa on yhteensä kahdeksan eri tilaa ja 29 erilaista tilan muutosmahdollisuutta. Tilakoneesta lasketaan opiskelijaa vastaava Markovin ketju, mitä voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi koneoppimisalgoritmien kanssa. Dataa tähän väitöskirjaan kerättiin yhteensä viidestä ohjelmoinninperuskurssista, joissa käytettiin joko Java- tai Python-ohjelmointikieltä. Opiskelijoita kursseilla oli yhteensä 1174. Opiskelijat tekivät yhteensä 544-835 ohjelmointitehtävän palautusta 411 ohjelmointitehtävään. Kaikki ohjelmointikurssit pidettiin Turussa, vuosina 2017-2021 Tämä väitöskirja tarjoaa teoreettisen pohjan ohjelmoinnin opiskelijoidenmallintamiseen (Markovin mallit) ja tarjoaa menetelmän, jolla Markovin malleja käyttämällä voi mallintaa ohjelmoinnin opiskelijoita. Malliin sovelletaan vain ohjaamattomia koneoppimismenetelmiä, erityisesti K-Means clustering -algoritmia. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitan myös teoreettisen mallin muutamia käytännönsovelluksia luokittelemalla opiskelijoita samoja ominaisuuksia sisältäviin luokkiin. Malli opetetaan erottelemaan opiskelijat kolmeen ryhmään: hyvin, keskiverrosti ja huonosti pärjääviin. Mallia sovelletaan onnistuneesti myös tunnistamaan käytetty ohjelmointikieli käyttämällä vain tilakoneen tilasiirtymiä

    MOCAST 2021

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    The 10th International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2021) will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The MOCAST technical program includes all aspects of circuit and system technologies, from modeling to design, verification, implementation, and application. This Special Issue presents extended versions of top-ranking papers in the conference. The topics of MOCAST include:Analog/RF and mixed signal circuits;Digital circuits and systems design;Nonlinear circuits and systems;Device and circuit modeling;High-performance embedded systems;Systems and applications;Sensors and systems;Machine learning and AI applications;Communication; Network systems;Power management;Imagers, MEMS, medical, and displays;Radiation front ends (nuclear and space application);Education in circuits, systems, and communications

    Probabilistic Modelling of Morphologically Rich Languages

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    This thesis investigates how the sub-structure of words can be accounted for in probabilistic models of language. Such models play an important role in natural language processing tasks such as translation or speech recognition, but often rely on the simplistic assumption that words are opaque symbols. This assumption does not fit morphologically complex language well, where words can have rich internal structure and sub-word elements are shared across distinct word forms. Our approach is to encode basic notions of morphology into the assumptions of three different types of language models, with the intention that leveraging shared sub-word structure can improve model performance and help overcome data sparsity that arises from morphological processes. In the context of n-gram language modelling, we formulate a new Bayesian model that relies on the decomposition of compound words to attain better smoothing, and we develop a new distributed language model that learns vector representations of morphemes and leverages them to link together morphologically related words. In both cases, we show that accounting for word sub-structure improves the models' intrinsic performance and provides benefits when applied to other tasks, including machine translation. We then shift the focus beyond the modelling of word sequences and consider models that automatically learn what the sub-word elements of a given language are, given an unannotated list of words. We formulate a novel model that can learn discontiguous morphemes in addition to the more conventional contiguous morphemes that most previous models are limited to. This approach is demonstrated on Semitic languages, and we find that modelling discontiguous sub-word structures leads to improvements in the task of segmenting words into their contiguous morphemes.Comment: DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, submitted and accepted 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8df7324f-d3b8-47a1-8b0b-3a6feb5f45c

    Hidden Markov Models

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    Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), although known for decades, have made a big career nowadays and are still in state of development. This book presents theoretical issues and a variety of HMMs applications in speech recognition and synthesis, medicine, neurosciences, computational biology, bioinformatics, seismology, environment protection and engineering. I hope that the reader will find this book useful and helpful for their own research

    Dynamics of Social Networks: Multi-agent Information Fusion, Anticipatory Decision Making and Polling

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    This paper surveys mathematical models, structural results and algorithms in controlled sensing with social learning in social networks. Part 1, namely Bayesian Social Learning with Controlled Sensing addresses the following questions: How does risk averse behavior in social learning affect quickest change detection? How can information fusion be priced? How is the convergence rate of state estimation affected by social learning? The aim is to develop and extend structural results in stochastic control and Bayesian estimation to answer these questions. Such structural results yield fundamental bounds on the optimal performance, give insight into what parameters affect the optimal policies, and yield computationally efficient algorithms. Part 2, namely, Multi-agent Information Fusion with Behavioral Economics Constraints generalizes Part 1. The agents exhibit sophisticated decision making in a behavioral economics sense; namely the agents make anticipatory decisions (thus the decision strategies are time inconsistent and interpreted as subgame Bayesian Nash equilibria). Part 3, namely {\em Interactive Sensing in Large Networks}, addresses the following questions: How to track the degree distribution of an infinite random graph with dynamics (via a stochastic approximation on a Hilbert space)? How can the infected degree distribution of a Markov modulated power law network and its mean field dynamics be tracked via Bayesian filtering given incomplete information obtained by sampling the network? We also briefly discuss how the glass ceiling effect emerges in social networks. Part 4, namely \emph{Efficient Network Polling} deals with polling in large scale social networks. In such networks, only a fraction of nodes can be polled to determine their decisions. Which nodes should be polled to achieve a statistically accurate estimates

    Selecting an Optimal Measurement Model and Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    I investigated the sampling behavior of DIC and WAIC in the context of selecting an optimal measurement model in Bayesian SEM, as well as the utility of highly constrained parameter estimates in detecting differential item functioning (DIF). I assessed the relative efficiency of WAIC compared to DIC, evaluated analytical WAIC SEs by calculating relative bias, and reported how often WAIC and DIC indicated a preference for each invariance model. I compared the power and Type I error rates for DIF detection across conditions, and assessed the quality of estimates by calculating bias and 95% CI coverage rates for key parameters. Results indicate that although WAIC has less sampling variability than DIC, their model preferences are similar. Both WAIC and DIC have greater power to detect that invariance constraints are untenable than AIC in using maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. In tests of null hypotheses that DIF parameters are zero, Bayesian credible intervals and ML modification indices have similar power, but Bayesian credible intervals have much lower Type I error rates