976 research outputs found

    Modeling Data Center Co-Tenancy Performance Interference

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    A multi-core machine allows executing several applications simultaneously. Those jobs are scheduled on different cores and compete for shared resources such as the last level cache and memory bandwidth. Such competitions might cause performance degradation. Data centers often utilize virtualization to provide a certain level of performance isolation. However, some of the shared resources cannot be divided, even in a virtualized system, to ensure complete isolation. If the performance degradation of co-tenancy is not known to the cloud administrator, a data center often has to dedicate a whole machine for a latency-sensitive application to guarantee its quality of service. Co-run scheduling attempts to make good utilization of resources by scheduling compatible jobs into one machine while maintaining their service level agreements. An ideal co-run scheduling scheme requires accurate contention modeling. Recent studies for co-run modeling and scheduling have made steady progress to predict performance for two co-run applications sharing a specific system. This thesis advances co-tenancy modeling in three aspects. First, with an accurate co-run modeling for one system at hand, we propose a regression model to transfer the knowledge and create a model for a new system with different hardware configuration. Second, by examining those programs that yield high prediction errors, we further leverage clustering techniques to create a model for each group of applications that show similar behavior. Clustering helps improve the prediction accuracy of those pathological cases. Third, existing research is typically focused on modeling two application co-run cases. We extend a two-core model to a three- and four-core model by introducing a light-weight micro-kernel that emulates a complicated benchmark through program instrumentation. Our experimental evaluation shows that our cross-architecture model achieves an average prediction error less than 2% for pairwise co-runs across the SPECCPU2006 benchmark suite. For more than two application co-tenancy modeling, we show that our model is more scalable and can achieve an average prediction error of 2-3%

    Alioth: A Machine Learning Based Interference-Aware Performance Monitor for Multi-Tenancy Applications in Public Cloud

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    Multi-tenancy in public clouds may lead to co-location interference on shared resources, which possibly results in performance degradation of cloud applications. Cloud providers want to know when such events happen and how serious the degradation is, to perform interference-aware migrations and alleviate the problem. However, virtual machines (VM) in Infrastructure-as-a-Service public clouds are black-boxes to providers, where application-level performance information cannot be acquired. This makes performance monitoring intensely challenging as cloud providers can only rely on low-level metrics such as CPU usage and hardware counters. We propose a novel machine learning framework, Alioth, to monitor the performance degradation of cloud applications. To feed the data-hungry models, we first elaborate interference generators and conduct comprehensive co-location experiments on a testbed to build Alioth-dataset which reflects the complexity and dynamicity in real-world scenarios. Then we construct Alioth by (1) augmenting features via recovering low-level metrics under no interference using denoising auto-encoders, (2) devising a transfer learning model based on domain adaptation neural network to make models generalize on test cases unseen in offline training, and (3) developing a SHAP explainer to automate feature selection and enhance model interpretability. Experiments show that Alioth achieves an average mean absolute error of 5.29% offline and 10.8% when testing on applications unseen in the training stage, outperforming the baseline methods. Alioth is also robust in signaling quality-of-service violation under dynamicity. Finally, we demonstrate a possible application of Alioth's interpretability, providing insights to benefit the decision-making of cloud operators. The dataset and code of Alioth have been released on GitHub.Comment: Accepted by 2023 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS

    Resource Sharing for Multi-Tenant Nosql Data Store in Cloud

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics and Computing, 2015Multi-tenancy hosting of users in cloud NoSQL data stores is favored by cloud providers because it enables resource sharing at low operating cost. Multi-tenancy takes several forms depending on whether the back-end file system is a local file system (LFS) or a parallel file system (PFS), and on whether tenants are independent or share data across tenants In this thesis I focus on and propose solutions to two cases: independent data-local file system, and shared data-parallel file system. In the independent data-local file system case, resource contention occurs under certain conditions in Cassandra and HBase, two state-of-the-art NoSQL stores, causing performance degradation for one tenant by another. We investigate the interference and propose two approaches. The first provides a scheduling scheme that can approximate resource consumption, adapt to workload dynamics and work in a distributed fashion. The second introduces a workload-aware resource reservation approach to prevent interference. The approach relies on a performance model obtained offline and plans the reservation according to different workload resource demands. Results show the approaches together can prevent interference and adapt to dynamic workloads under multi-tenancy. In the shared data-parallel file system case, it has been shown that running a distributed NoSQL store over PFS for shared data across tenants is not cost effective. Overheads are introduced due to the unawareness of the NoSQL store of PFS. This dissertation targets the key-value store (KVS), a specific form of NoSQL stores, and proposes a lightweight KVS over a parallel file system to improve efficiency. The solution is built on an embedded KVS for high performance but uses novel data structures to support concurrent writes, giving capability that embedded KVSs are not designed for. Results show the proposed system outperforms Cassandra and Voldemort in several different workloads

    A new network slicing framework for multi-tenant heterogeneous cloud radio access networks

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    Research on network slicing for multi-tenant heterogeneous cloud radio access networks (H-CRANs) is still in its infancy. In this paper, we redefine network slicing and propose a new network slicing framework for multi-tenant H-CRANs. In particular, the network slicing process is formulated as a weighted throughput maximization problem that involves sharing of computational resources, fronthaul capacity, physical remote radio heads and radio resources. The problem is then jointly solved using a sub-optimal greedy approach and a dual decomposition method. Simulation results demonstrate that the framework can flexibly scale the throughput performance of multiple tenants according to the user priority weights associated with the tenants

    5G Infrastructure Network Slicing: E2E Mean Delay Model and Effectiveness Assessment to Reduce Downtimes in Industry 4.0

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    This work has been partially funded by the H2020 project 5G-CLARITY (Grant No. 871428) and the Spanish national project TRUE-5G (PID2019-108713RB-C53).Fifth Generation (5G) is expected to meet stringent performance network requisites of the Industry 4.0. Moreover, its built-in network slicing capabilities allow for the support of the traffic heterogeneity in Industry 4.0 over the same physical network infrastructure. However, 5G network slicing capabilities might not be enough in terms of degree of isolation for many private 5G networks use cases, such as multi-tenancy in Industry 4.0. In this vein, infrastructure network slicing, which refers to the use of dedicated and well isolated resources for each network slice at every network domain, fits the necessities of those use cases. In this article, we evaluate the effectiveness of infrastructure slicing to provide isolation among production lines (PLs) in an industrial private 5G network. To that end, we develop a queuing theory-based model to estimate the end-to-end (E2E) mean packet delay of the infrastructure slices. Then, we use this model to compare the E2E mean delay for two configurations, i.e., dedicated infrastructure slices with segregated resources for each PL against the use of a single shared infrastructure slice to serve the performance-sensitive traffic from PLs. Also we evaluate the use of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) against bare Ethernet to provide layer 2 connectivity among the 5G system components. We use a complete and realistic setup based on experimental and simulation data of the scenario considered. Our results support the effectiveness of infrastructure slicing to provide isolation in performance among the different slices. Then, using dedicated slices with segregated resources for each PL might reduce the number of the production downtimes and associated costs as the malfunctioning of a PL will not affect the network performance perceived by the performance-sensitive traffic from other PLs. Last, our results show that, besides the improvement in performance, TSN technology truly provides full isolation in the transport network compared to standard Ethernet thanks to traffic prioritization, traffic regulation, and bandwidth reservation capabilities.H2020 project 5G-CLARITY 871428Spanish Government PID2019-108713RB-C53TRUE-5

    Capacity Self-Planning in Small Cell Multi-Tenant 5G Networks

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    Multi-tenancy allows diverse agents sharing the infrastructure in the 5 th generation of mobile networks. Such a feature calls for more automated and faster planning procedures in order to adapt the network capacity to the varying traffic demand. To achieve these goals, Small Cells offer network providers more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions compared to macrocell deployments. This paper proposes a novel framework for cell planning in multi-tenant Small Cell networks. In this framework, the tenant's contracted capacity is translated to a set of detailed planning specifications over time and space domains in order to efficiently update the network infrastructure and configuration. Based on this, an algorithm is proposed that considers different actions such as adding/removing channels and adding or relocating small cells. The proposed approach is evaluated considering the deployment of a new tenant, where different sets of planning specifications are tested
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