6,817 research outputs found

    Model-free control for wind farms using a gradient estimation-based algorithm

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    Wind turbines working close to other turbines experience interactions that affect the power production. These interactions arise as a consequence of wakes caused by upstream wind turbines. In order to achieve a more effective and precise control of the power generated by wind farms, the control strategy must consider these interactions. However, the phenomena involved in wake effects are complex especially in cases of large number of turbines. This paper presents the implementation of a gradient estimation-based algorithm as a model-free control for two different control schemes aimed to maximize the energy capture of a wind farm. One control is centralized, leaving to a supervisor the task of command computation and the other topology is decentralized, distributing the performing generation among wind turbines. This latter scheme aims to increase the reliability of the wind farm operation by reducing the communications needed to fulfill the objective of maximizing energy capture. Both control schemes are evaluated by simulation in the case of three-turbine wind farm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Wind Power Forecasting Methods Based on Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Accurate wind power forecasting in wind farm can effectively reduce the enormous impact on grid operation safety when high permeability intermittent power supply is connected to the power grid. Aiming to provide reference strategies for relevant researchers as well as practical applications, this paper attempts to provide the literature investigation and methods analysis of deep learning, enforcement learning and transfer learning in wind speed and wind power forecasting modeling. Usually, wind speed and wind power forecasting around a wind farm requires the calculation of the next moment of the definite state, which is usually achieved based on the state of the atmosphere that encompasses nearby atmospheric pressure, temperature, roughness, and obstacles. As an effective method of high-dimensional feature extraction, deep neural network can theoretically deal with arbitrary nonlinear transformation through proper structural design, such as adding noise to outputs, evolutionary learning used to optimize hidden layer weights, optimize the objective function so as to save information that can improve the output accuracy while filter out the irrelevant or less affected information for forecasting. The establishment of high-precision wind speed and wind power forecasting models is always a challenge due to the randomness, instantaneity and seasonal characteristics

    State of the Art in the Optimisation of Wind Turbine Performance Using CFD

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    Wind energy has received increasing attention in recent years due to its sustainability and geographically wide availability. The efficiency of wind energy utilisation highly depends on the performance of wind turbines, which convert the kinetic energy in wind into electrical energy. In order to optimise wind turbine performance and reduce the cost of next-generation wind turbines, it is crucial to have a view of the state of the art in the key aspects on the performance optimisation of wind turbines using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which has attracted enormous interest in the development of next-generation wind turbines in recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art progress on optimisation of wind turbine performance using CFD, reviewing the objective functions to judge the performance of wind turbine, CFD approaches applied in the simulation of wind turbines and optimisation algorithms for wind turbine performance. This paper has been written for both researchers new to this research area by summarising underlying theory whilst presenting a comprehensive review on the up-to-date studies, and experts in the field of study by collecting a comprehensive list of related references where the details of computational methods that have been employed lately can be obtained

    Modeling the wind circulation around mills with a Lagrangian stochastic approach

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    This work aims at introducing model methodology and numerical studies related to a Lagrangian stochastic approach applied to the computation of the wind circulation around mills. We adapt the Lagrangian stochastic downscaling method that we have introduced in [3] and [4] to the atmospheric boundary layer and we introduce here a Lagrangian version of the actuator disc methods to take account of the mills. We present our numerical method and numerical experiments in the case of non rotating and rotating actuator disc models. We also present some features of our numerical method, in particular the computation of the probability distribution of the wind in the wake zone, as a byproduct of the fluid particle model and the associated PDF method

    Optimal prediction intervals of wind power generation

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    Accurate and reliable wind power forecasting is essential to power system operation. Given significant uncertainties involved in wind generation, probabilistic interval forecasting provides a unique solution to estimate and quantify the potential impacts and risks facing system operation with wind penetration beforehand. This paper proposes a novel hybrid intelligent algorithm approach to directly formulate optimal prediction intervals of wind power generation based on extreme learning machine and particle swarm optimization. Prediction intervals with associated confidence levels are generated through direct optimization of both the coverage probability and sharpness to ensure the quality. The proposed method does not involve the statistical inference or distribution assumption of forecasting errors needed in most existing methods. Case studies using real wind farm data from Australia have been conducted. Comparing with benchmarks applied, experimental results demonstrate the high efficiency and reliability of the developed approach. It is therefore convinced that the proposed method provides a new generalized framework for probabilistic wind power forecasting with high reliability and flexibility and has a high potential of practical applications in power systems

    Influence of Wake Model Superposition and Secondary Steering on Model-Based Wake Steering Control with SCADA Data Assimilation

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    Methods for wind farm power optimization through the use of wake steering often rely on engineering wake models due to the computational complexity associated with resolving wind farm dynamics numerically. Within the transient, turbulent atmospheric boundary layer, closed-loop control is required to dynamically adjust to evolving wind conditions, wherein the optimal wake model parameters are estimated as a function of time in a hybrid physics- and data-driven approach using supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data. Analytic wake models rely on wake velocity deficit superposition methods to generalize the individual wake deficit to collective wind farm flow. In this study, the impact of the wake model superposition methodologies on closed-loop control are tested in large eddy simulations of the conventionally neutral atmospheric boundary layer with full Coriolis effects. A model for the non-vanishing lateral velocity trailing a yaw misaligned turbine, termed secondary steering, is also presented, validated, and tested in the closed-loop control framework. Modified linear and momentum conserving wake superposition methodologies increase the power production in closed-loop wake steering control statistically significantly more than linear superposition. While the secondary steering model increases the power production and reduces the predictive error associated with the wake model, the impact is not statistically significant. Modified linear and momentum conserving superposition using the proposed secondary steering model increase a six turbine array power production, compared to baseline control, in large eddy simulations by 7.5% and 7.7%, respectively, with wake model predictive mean absolute errors of 0.03P₁ and 0.04P₁, respectively, where P₁ is the baseline power production of the leading turbine in the array. Ensemble Kalman filter parameter estimation significantly reduces the wake model predictive error for all wake deficit superposition and secondary steering cases compared to predefined model parameters

    The Significance of Wind Turbines Layout Optimization on the Predicted Farm Energy Yield

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    Securing energy supply and diversifying the energy sources is one of the main goals of energy strategy for most countries. Due to climate change, wind energy is becoming increasingly important as a method of CO2-free energy generation. In this paper, a wind farm with five turbines located in Jerash, a city in northern Jordan, has been designed and analyzed. Optimization of wind farms is an important factor in the design stage to minimize the cost of wind energy to become more competitive and economically attractive. The analyses have been carried out using the WindFarm software to examine the significance of wind turbines’ layouts (M, straight and arch shapes) and spacing on the final energy yield. In this research, arranging the turbines facing the main wind direction with five times rotor diameter distance between each turbine has been simulated, and has resulted in 22.75, 22.87 and 21.997 GWh/year for the M shape, Straight line and Arch shape, respectively. Whereas, reducing the distance between turbines to 2.5 times of the rotor diameter (D) resulted in a reduction of the wind farm energy yield to 22.68, 21.498 and 21.5463 GWh/year for the M shape, Straight line and Arch shape, respectively. The energetic efficiency gain for the optimized wind turbines compared to the modeled layouts regarding the distances between the wind turbines. The energetic efficiency gain has been in the range between 8.9% for 5D (rotor diameter) straight layout to 15.9% for 2.5D straight layout