6 research outputs found

    Advancements of a MicroSat for On-Orbit Satellite Surgery

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    The concept of a highly articulated microsat to perform in-space construction, assembly, and repair is emerging due to advancements in microelectronics, robotics, and microsatellite technology. The combination of these has led to investigating foundational elements for conducting remote space robotic missions that will enable machines to build machines. The idea goes beyond robotic systems designed to mate specialty-crafted space modules or in-space 3D printed structures. It addresses a means to work with typical flight hardware in this remote, lifeless environment. The work presented in this research has focused on creating a semi-autonomous platform that shares both autonomous GN&C operations with man-in-the-loop telerobotics. The testbed platform contains a means for target capture, attachment, and for conducting technician-like mechanical tasks that include gripping, cutting, and working with fasteners with an interchangeable tool set. As the system evolves, evaluation tests have shown many aspects are feasible such as cutting thermal insulation and wire. For instance, the system can reach into a harness, isolate a 26 ga. wire, and cut it. It has also been able to perform small cuts in thermal insulation membranes. Fasteners are proving to be more challenging due to robotic tool alignment and management of forces

    An Open-Source Research Kit for the da Vinci ® Surgical System

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    Abstract-We present a telerobotics research platform that provides complete access to all levels of control via opensource electronics and software. The electronics employs an FPGA to enable a centralized computation and distributed I/O architecture in which all control computations are implemented in a familiar development environment (Linux PC) and lowlatency I/O is performed over an IEEE-1394a (FireWire) bus at speeds up to 400 Mbits/sec. The mechanical components are obtained from retired first-generation da Vinci R Surgical Systems. This system is currently installed at 11 research institutions, with additional installations underway, thereby creating a research community around a common open-source hardware and software platform

    Model-based telerobotic control with virtual fixtures for satellite servicing tasks

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    Model Driven Robotic Assistance for Human-Robot Collaboration

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    While robots routinely perform complex assembly tasks in highly structured factory environments, it is challenging to apply completely autonomous robotic systems in less structured manipulation tasks, such as surgery and machine assembly/repair, due to the limitations of machine intelligence, sensor data interpretation and environment modeling. A practical, yet effective approach to accomplish these tasks is through human-robot collaboration, in which the human operator and the robot form a partnership and complement each other in performing a complex task. We recognize that humans excel at determining task goals and recognizing constraints, if given sufficient feedback about the interaction between the tool (e.g., end-effector of the robot) and the environment. Robots are precise, unaffected by fatigue and able to work in environments not suitable for humans. We hypothesize that by providing the operator with adequate information about the task, through visual and force (haptic) feedback, the operator can: (1) define the task model, in terms of task goals and virtual fixture constraints through an interactive, or immersive augmented reality interface, and (2) have the robot actively assist the operator to enhance the execution time, quality and precision of the tasks. We validate our approaches through the implementations of both cooperative (i.e., hands-on) control and telerobotic systems, for image-guided robotic neurosurgery and telerobotic manipulation tasks for satellite servicing under significant time delay

    A Scalable, High-Performance, Real-Time Control Architecture with Application to Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation

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    A scalable and real-time capable infrastructure is required to enable high-performance control and haptic rendering of systems with many degrees-of-freedom. The specific platform that motivates this thesis work is the open research platform da Vinci ReResearch Kit (dVRK). For the system architecture, we propose a specialized IEEE-1394 (FireWire) broadcast protocol that takes advantage of broadcast and peer-to-peer transfers to minimize the number of transactions, and thus the software overhead, on the control PC, thereby enabling fast real-time control. It has also been extended to Ethernet via a novel Ethernet-to-FireWire bridge protocol. The software architecture consists of a distributed hardware interface layer, a real-time component-based software framework, and integration with the Robot Operating System (ROS). The architecture is scalable to support multiple active manipulators, reconfigurable to enable researchers to partition a full system into multiple independent subsystems, and extensible at all levels of control. This architecture has been applied to two semi-autonomous teleoperation applications. The first application is a suturing task in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery (RMIS), that includes the development of virtual fixtures for the needle passing and knot tying sub-tasks, with a multi-user study to verify their effectiveness. The second application concerns time-delayed teleoperation of a robotic arm for satellite servicing. The research contribution includes the development of a line virtual fixture with augmented reality, a test for different time delay configurations and a multi-user study that evaluates the effectiveness of the system

    Augmentation Of Human Skill In Microsurgery

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    Surgeons performing highly skilled microsurgery tasks can benefit from information and manual assistance to overcome technological and physiological limitations to make surgery safer, efficient, and more successful. Vitreoretinal surgery is particularly difficult due to inherent micro-scale and fragility of human eye anatomy. Additionally, surgeons are challenged by physiological hand tremor, poor visualization, lack of force sensing, and significant cognitive load while executing high-risk procedures inside the eye, such as epiretinal membrane peeling. This dissertation presents the architecture and the design principles for a surgical augmentation environment which is used to develop innovative functionality to address the fundamental limitations in vitreoretinal surgery. It is an inherently information driven modular system incorporating robotics, sensors, and multimedia components. The integrated nature of the system is leveraged to create intuitive and relevant human-machine interfaces and generate a particular system behavior to provide active physical assistance and present relevant sensory information to the surgeon. These include basic manipulation assistance, audio-visual and haptic feedback, intraoperative imaging and force sensing. The resulting functionality, and the proposed architecture and design methods generalize to other microsurgical procedures. The system's performance is demonstrated and evaluated using phantoms and in vivo experiments