601 research outputs found

    Classification of road users detected and tracked with LiDAR at intersections

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    Data collection is a necessary component of transportation engineering. Manual data collection methods have proven to be inefficient and limited in terms of the data required for comprehensive traffic and safety studies. Automatic methods are being introduced to characterize the transportation system more accurately and are providing more information to better understand the dynamics between road users. Video data collection is an inexpensive and widely used automated method, but the accuracy of video-based algorithms is known to be affected by obstacles and shadows and the third dimension is lost with video camera data collection. The impressive progress in sensing technologies has encouraged development of new methods for measuring the movements of road users. The Center for Road Safety at Purdue University proposed application of a LiDAR-based algorithm for tracking vehicles at intersections from a roadside location. LiDAR provides a three-dimensional characterization of the sensed environment for better detection and tracking results. The feasibility of this system was analyzed in this thesis using an evaluation methodology to determine the accuracy of the algorithm when tracking vehicles at intersections. According to the implemented method, the LiDAR-based system provides successful detection and tracking of vehicles, and its accuracy is comparable to the results provided by frame-by-frame extraction of trajectory data using video images by human observers. After supporting the suitability of the system for tracking, the second component of this thesis focused on proposing a classification methodology to discriminate between vehicles, pedestrians, and two-wheelers. Four different methodologies were applied to identify the best method for implementation. The KNN algorithm, which is capable of creating adaptive decision boundaries based on the characteristics of similar observations, provided better performance when evaluating new locations. The multinomial logit model did not allow the inclusion of collinear variables into the model. Overfitting of the training data was indicated in the classification tree and boosting methodologies and produced lower performance when the models were applied to the test data. Despite ANOVA analysis not supporting superior performance by a competitor, the objective of classifying movements at intersections under diverse conditions was achieved with the KNN algorithm and was chosen as the method to implement with the existing algorithm

    Automatic Traffic Monitoring and Management for Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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    In this project, we have designed and developed an effective end-to-end system based on advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and computer vision to automatically monitor, detect, track, and count pedestrians and bicyclists. The main objective of this project is to improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, by applying self-sensed and AI-powered systems to monitor and control the flow of pedestrians/bicyclists. The developed system includes algorithms for detecting the pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as algorithms for tracking and counting the pedestrians. We evaluated the developed system on real videos captured by actual traffic cameras in the city of Los Angeles. Despite the low quality of some of the videos, the results demonstrated high accuracy and effectiveness of the developed system in automatically detecting and counting pedestrians and bicyclists

    Visual Clutter Study for Pedestrian Using Large Scale Naturalistic Driving Data

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    Some of the pedestrian crashes are due to driver’s late or difficult perception of pedestrian’s appearance. Recognition of pedestrians during driving is a complex cognitive activity. Visual clutter analysis can be used to study the factors that affect human visual search efficiency and help design advanced driver assistant system for better decision making and user experience. In this thesis, we propose the pedestrian perception evaluation model which can quantitatively analyze the pedestrian perception difficulty using naturalistic driving data. An efficient detection framework was developed to locate pedestrians within large scale naturalistic driving data. Visual clutter analysis was used to study the factors that may affect the driver’s ability to perceive pedestrian appearance. The candidate factors were explored by the designed exploratory study using naturalistic driving data and a bottom-up image-based pedestrian clutter metric was proposed to quantify the pedestrian perception difficulty in naturalistic driving data. Based on the proposed bottom-up clutter metrics and top-down pedestrian appearance based estimator, a Bayesian probabilistic pedestrian perception evaluation model was further constructed to simulate the pedestrian perception process

    Understanding and stimulating the development of perceptual-motor skills in child bicyclists

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    The role of visual information in the steering behaviour of young and adult bicyclists

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    In a first series of experiments, the visual behaviour during different steering tasks, and under different constraints, was investigated in an indoor environment. Young learner, and experienced adult bicyclists were asked to steer through narrow lanes, a curved lane, and a slalom. Participants directed their gaze to the future path about one to two seconds ahead, and moved forward using optokinetic nystagmus-like eye movements. Both cycling speed and task demand were found to affect the visual behaviour of bicyclists. Although these shifts of visual attention were in line with earlier findings in pedestrians and car drivers, they did not seem to be entirely in line with the two-level model of steering behaviour. Therefore, a redefined version of this model was proposed as the ‘gaze constraints model for steering’. During a simple linear steering task, the visual behaviour of children (between 6 and 12 years of age) was similar to that of adults. However, in a more demanding slalom task children adopted a different visual-motor strategy. Whereas adults made more use of anticipatory fixations and often looked at the functional space between two cones, children mainly focussed on the upcoming cone. These findings suggest that adults plan their route through the slalom whereas children focus on steering around one cone at the time. In a second series of experiments, the distribution of visual attention was investigated in an actual traffic environment and the influence of a low quality cycling track on visual behaviour was studied. Results showed that children direct their gaze more to the environment and less to the path than adults. However, both adults and children made an apparent shift of visual attention from distant environmental regions towards more proximate road properties on the low quality cycling track. In general, the current thesis provides insights into how visual attention of young and adult bicyclists is distributed during different steering tasks and how this is affected by individual, task, and environmental constraints. Based on the current results, a gaze constraints model for steering was proposed. Furthermore, it seems that children adapted their visual behaviour to their limited capabilities, but that children’s visual behaviour changes in a similar way to changing task constraints as the visual behaviour of adults. These findings suggest that traffic rules, road infrastructure and traffic education should take into account the limited capabilities of children. However, it should be noted that this work only focussed on the lane-keeping task. Future research should therefore study the integration of these findings in the visual control of other traffic tasks such as hazard perception. A better understanding of the development of information processing of young learner bicyclists could potentially lead to better traffic education and more appropriate road infrastructure. Additionally, a new fixation-by-fixation analysis method to analyze head-mounted eye tracking data was tested in this thesis. This method was found to be a good alternative to the time-consuming frame-by-frame method, provided that the areas of interest were large, and the analysis is done over an extended period of time

    Developing a Computer Vision-Based Decision Support System for Intersection Safety Monitoring and Assessment of Vulnerable Road Users

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    Vision-based trajectory analysis of road users enables identification of near-crash situations and proactive safety monitoring. The two most widely used sur-rogate safety measures (SSMs), time-to-collision (TTC) and post-encroachment time (PET)—and a recent variant form of TTC, relative time-to-collision (RTTC)—were investigated using real-world video data collected at ten signalized intersections in the city of San Diego, California. The performance of these SSMs was compared for the purpose of evaluating pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Prediction of potential trajectory intersection points was performed to calculate TTC for every interacting object, and the average of TTC for every two objects in critical situations was calculated. PET values were estimated by observing potential intersection points, and frequencies of events were estimated in three critical levels. Although RTTC provided useful information regarding the relative distance between objects in time, it was found that in certain conditions where objects are far from each other, the interaction between the objects was incorrectly flagged as critical based on a small RTTC. Comparison of PET, TTC, and RTTC for different critical classes also showed that several interactions were identified as critical using one SSM but not critical using a different SSM. These findings suggest that safety evaluations should not solely rely on a single SSM, and instead a combination of different SSMs should be considered to ensure the reliability of evaluations. Video data analysis was conducted to develop object detection and tracking models for automatic identification of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Outcomes of machine vision models were employed along with SSMs to build a decision support system for safety assessment of vulnerable road users at signalized intersections. Promising results from the decision support system showed that automated safety evaluations can be performed to proactively identify critical events. It also showed challenges as well as future directions to enhance the performance of the system

    Track, then Decide: Category-Agnostic Vision-based Multi-Object Tracking

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    The most common paradigm for vision-based multi-object tracking is tracking-by-detection, due to the availability of reliable detectors for several important object categories such as cars and pedestrians. However, future mobile systems will need a capability to cope with rich human-made environments, in which obtaining detectors for every possible object category would be infeasible. In this paper, we propose a model-free multi-object tracking approach that uses a category-agnostic image segmentation method to track objects. We present an efficient segmentation mask-based tracker which associates pixel-precise masks reported by the segmentation. Our approach can utilize semantic information whenever it is available for classifying objects at the track level, while retaining the capability to track generic unknown objects in the absence of such information. We demonstrate experimentally that our approach achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art tracking-by-detection methods for popular object categories such as cars and pedestrians. Additionally, we show that the proposed method can discover and robustly track a large variety of other objects.Comment: ICRA'18 submissio
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