10 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study on Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Resources in Mobile Cloud Environment

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    The increase usage of mobile users with internet and interoperability among the cloud services intensifies the role of distributed environemtnt in today’s real world application. Modern technologies are important for building rich, scalable and interoperable applications. To meet the requirements of client,the cloud service provider should offer adequate infrastructure especially under heavy multi-client load.To provide solution for large scale requirements and to statisfy the mobile client from the critical situation like lacking with bandwidth,connectivity issues,service completion ratio, we present adhoc virtual cloud model  for different scenarios that include single and multiple client configurations with various file sizes of various file formats for retrieving files in the mobile cloud environement.We evaluate the strategies with the socket and RMI implemented using java and identify the best model for real world applications. Performance evaluation is done with the results obtained and recommends that when sockets and RMI can be appropriately used in peer-to-peer environment when the mobile user cannot connect directly to the cloud services

    Методические указания по выполнению и защите курсовой работы

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    Настоящее методическое пособие предназначено для студентов третьего курса Высшей школы информационных технологий и интеллектуальных систем, обучающихся по направлению 09.03.04 "Программная инженерия". В методических указаниях представлены общие положения, описан порядок выполнения курсовой работы, приведены рекомендации по формулированию проблемы и цели в рамках работы, а также оформлению текста работы и подготовке к её защите.1

    Servicios en la nube empleados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles: una revisión de la literatura científica en los años 2016 al 2020

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    Los servicios en la nube o cloud computing son los servicios informáticos a demanda que los proveedores ofrecen como servicios a través de internet y que permite a los developers crear un entorno informático virtual, suministrándoles herramientas de desarrollo flexibles y escalables basadas en la nube, haciendo posible la creación de apps móviles para Android. La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de saber los diversos servicios en la nube que se han ido empleando al desarrollar apps móviles y que están tomando mucha importancia puesto que facilita el acceso a diferentes tecnologías, a diferencia que con una solución on premise. Por esta razón, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada en los años 2016 al 2020 y que luego de un análisis minucioso se obtuvieron 19 artículos, extraídos de bases de datos tales como Scielo, Dialnet, Microsoft Academic, Google académico y del Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Privada del Norte; para su selección se consideraron criterios de elegibilidad como documentos enfocados al tema planteado y en idioma español e inglés. Los resultados describen diversos servicios en la nube hallados en artículos de revistas y tesis, los cuales según el servicio que brindan fueron agrupados en los modelos: PaaS e IaaS. En conclusión, los servicios en la nube favorecen la creación de aplicaciones que aporten valor a la sociedad digital

    Mobile applications as food distribution channels

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    Predmet i cilj ovog rada je istražiti stavove i sklonosti hrvatske populacije prema korištenju mobilnih aplikacija kao primarnim kanalom distribucije prehrambenih proizvoda. Ovaj rad objedinjuje razmatranja i zaključke teorijskog i istraživačkog dijela. Na kraju prikazat će se odstupanja zaključnih razmatranja istraživačkog dijela od teorijskog te će se iznijeti prijedlog za daljnja istraživanja. U radu smo istražili tržište kanala distribucije putem mobilnih I web aplikacija. U radu smo istražili tržište kanala distribucije putem mobilnih I web aplikacija. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je navedeno tržište novo i brzorastuće, od velike je važnosti vidjeti koji modeli ostvaruju velike prihode na tržištu, a koji rade suprotno. Posebno će se istražiti varijable kao što su dohodak, broj ukućana, dob, spol i veličina prosječne košarice. Istraživanje je provedeno na segmentu informatički pismene populacije na prostoru Republike Hrvatske veličine N=140 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 60+ godina. Analiza rezultata istraživanja pokazuje kako većina ispitanika još uvijek nije pokušala izvršiti narudžbu putem mobilnih i web aplikacija. Analizom rezultata uvidjeli smo kako je narudžba putem aplikacija puno ugodnija te zahtijeva manje troškove, no većina ispitanika smatra da sami mogu bolje odabrati kvalitetu namirnica u fizičkom dućanu te uživaju u odlasku u dućan. Vrlo mali broj ljudi ne želi prijeći na uslugu online dostave uz dodatne povlastice. Na kraju rada navode se ograničenja i prijedlozi za daljnja istraživanja kako bi ostali marketinški stručnjaci i svi sudionici uključeni u distribuciju prehrambenih proizvoda putem mobilnih i web aplikacija dobili bolji uvid u tržište naručivanja namirnica putem Interneta.The aim and the objective of this paper is to research opinions and tendencies of Croatian population considering using mobile applications as a primary distribution channel of food products. This paper integrates the considerations and conclusions of the theoretical and research part. We have explored the market of mobile and web based distribution channels. Since this is a new, emerging market in the investment community, it is of great importance to understand which models are generating large revenues on the market and which fail to do so We will examine variables that determine consumer habits such as household income, number of household members, the respondent’s age and gender and size of an average box. The study was conducted on a sample of Croatian citizens of N=140 subjects, aged 18 to 60+ years. Analysis of research results shows that most respondents still haven’t tried out grocery delivery trough mobile or web applications. Subjects still consider that they can pick their own groceries better than the grocer, but they all believe that online grocery delivery is a faster and a much more convenient way of shopping. Although a very small number of people strongly agrees with never subjecting to the online option, 90% of them is inclined to try the mobile or web application in case of some benefits. At the end of the paper there are restrictions and suggestions for further research so that other marketing experts and all participants involved in food distribution through mobile and web channels will gain a better insight into the online food distribution market and the outlook of a Croatian population towards delivery of groceries

    Mobile applications as food distribution channels

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    Predmet i cilj ovog rada je istražiti stavove i sklonosti hrvatske populacije prema korištenju mobilnih aplikacija kao primarnim kanalom distribucije prehrambenih proizvoda. Ovaj rad objedinjuje razmatranja i zaključke teorijskog i istraživačkog dijela. Na kraju prikazat će se odstupanja zaključnih razmatranja istraživačkog dijela od teorijskog te će se iznijeti prijedlog za daljnja istraživanja. U radu smo istražili tržište kanala distribucije putem mobilnih I web aplikacija. U radu smo istražili tržište kanala distribucije putem mobilnih I web aplikacija. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je navedeno tržište novo i brzorastuće, od velike je važnosti vidjeti koji modeli ostvaruju velike prihode na tržištu, a koji rade suprotno. Posebno će se istražiti varijable kao što su dohodak, broj ukućana, dob, spol i veličina prosječne košarice. Istraživanje je provedeno na segmentu informatički pismene populacije na prostoru Republike Hrvatske veličine N=140 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 60+ godina. Analiza rezultata istraživanja pokazuje kako većina ispitanika još uvijek nije pokušala izvršiti narudžbu putem mobilnih i web aplikacija. Analizom rezultata uvidjeli smo kako je narudžba putem aplikacija puno ugodnija te zahtijeva manje troškove, no većina ispitanika smatra da sami mogu bolje odabrati kvalitetu namirnica u fizičkom dućanu te uživaju u odlasku u dućan. Vrlo mali broj ljudi ne želi prijeći na uslugu online dostave uz dodatne povlastice. Na kraju rada navode se ograničenja i prijedlozi za daljnja istraživanja kako bi ostali marketinški stručnjaci i svi sudionici uključeni u distribuciju prehrambenih proizvoda putem mobilnih i web aplikacija dobili bolji uvid u tržište naručivanja namirnica putem Interneta.The aim and the objective of this paper is to research opinions and tendencies of Croatian population considering using mobile applications as a primary distribution channel of food products. This paper integrates the considerations and conclusions of the theoretical and research part. We have explored the market of mobile and web based distribution channels. Since this is a new, emerging market in the investment community, it is of great importance to understand which models are generating large revenues on the market and which fail to do so We will examine variables that determine consumer habits such as household income, number of household members, the respondent’s age and gender and size of an average box. The study was conducted on a sample of Croatian citizens of N=140 subjects, aged 18 to 60+ years. Analysis of research results shows that most respondents still haven’t tried out grocery delivery trough mobile or web applications. Subjects still consider that they can pick their own groceries better than the grocer, but they all believe that online grocery delivery is a faster and a much more convenient way of shopping. Although a very small number of people strongly agrees with never subjecting to the online option, 90% of them is inclined to try the mobile or web application in case of some benefits. At the end of the paper there are restrictions and suggestions for further research so that other marketing experts and all participants involved in food distribution through mobile and web channels will gain a better insight into the online food distribution market and the outlook of a Croatian population towards delivery of groceries

    Model-Driven Development Patterns for Mobile Services in Cloud of Things

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    © 2013 IEEE. Cloud of Things (CoT) is an integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing for intelligent and smart application especially in mobile environment. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is used to develop Software as a Service (SaaS) so as to facilitate mobile application development by relieving developers from technical details. However, traditional service composition or mashup are somewhat unavailable due to complex relations and heterogeneous deployed environments. For the purpose of building cloud-enabled mobile applications in a configurable and adaptive way, Model-Driven Development Patterns based on semantic reasoning mechanism are provided towards CoT application development. Firstly, a meta-model covering both multi-view business elements and service components are provided for model transformation. Then, based on formal representation of models, three patterns from different tiers of Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework are used to transform business models into service component system so as to configure cloud services rapidly. Lastly, a related software platform is also provided for verification. The result shows that the platform is applicable for rapid system development by means of various service integration patterns

    Model-Driven Development Patterns for Mobile Services in Cloud of Things

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