9 research outputs found

    A system to secure websites and educate students about cyber security through crowdsourcing

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    Startups are innovative companies who have ideas for the betterment of the society. But, due to limited resources, and highly expensive testing procedures, they invest less time and money in securing their website and web applications. Furthermore, cyber security education lacks integrating practical knowledge with educational theoretical materials. Recognizing, the need to educate both startups and students about cyber security, this report presents Secure Startup - a novel system, that aims to provide startups with a platform to protect their website in a costeffective manner, while educating students about the real-world cyber skills. This system finds potential security problems in startup websites and provides them with effective solutions through a crowdtesting framework. Secure Startup, crowdsources the testers (security experts and students) of this system, through social media platforms, using Twitter Bots. The basic idea behind this report, is to understand, if such a system can help students learn the necessary cyber skills, while running successful tests and generating quality results for the startups. The results presented in this report show that, this system has a higher learning rate, and a higher task effectiveness rate, which helps in detecting and remediating maximum possible vulnerabilities. These results were generated after analyzing the performance of the testers and the learning capabilities of students, based on their feedback, trainings and task performance. These results have been promising in pursuing the system\u27s value which lays in enhancing the security of a startup website and providing a new approach for practical cyber security education

    Detection of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Query Injection Attacks in Web Applications

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    The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a common protocol used in organizations for Directory Service. LDAP is popular because of its features such as representation of data objects in hierarchical form, being open source and relying on TCP/IP, which is necessary for Internet access. However, with LDAP being used in a large number of web applications, different types of LDAP injection attacks are becoming common. The idea behind LDAP injection attacks is to take advantage of an application not validating inputs before being used as part of LDAP queries. An attacker can provide inputs that may result in alteration of intended LDAP query structure. LDAP injection attacks can lead to various types of security breaches including (i) Login Bypass, (ii) Information Disclosure, (iii) Privilege Escalation, and (iv) Information Alteration. Despite many research efforts focused on traditional SQL Injection attacks, most of the proposed techniques cannot be suitably applied for mitigating LDAP injection attacks due to syntactic and semantic differences between LDAP and SQL queries. Many implemented web applications remain vulnerable to LDAP injection attacks. In particular, there has been little attention for testing web applications to detect the presence of LDAP query injection attacks. The aim of this thesis is two folds: First, study various types of LDAP injection attacks and vulnerabilities reported in the literature. The planned research is to critically examine and evaluate existing injection mitigation techniques using a set of open source applications reported to be vulnerable to LDAP query injection attacks. Second, propose an approach to detect LDAP injection attacks by generating test cases when developing secure web applications. In particular, the thesis focuses on specifying signatures for detecting LDAP injection attack types using Object Constraint Language (OCL) and evaluates the proposed approach using PHP web applications. We also measure the effectiveness of generated test cases using a metric named Mutation Score

    Model Based Security Testing for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a novel approach to generate a security test suite to mitigate malicious attacks on an autonomous system. Our method uses model based testing (MBT) methods to model system behavior, attacks and mitigations as independent threads in an execution stream. The threads intersect at a rendezvous or attack point. We build a security test suite from a behavioral model, an attack type and a mitigation model using communicating extended finite state machine (CEFSM) models. We also define an applicability matrix to determine which attacks are possible with which states. Our method then builds a comprehensive test suite using edge-node coverage that allows for systematic testing of an autonomous vehicle

    Automated generation of oracled test cases with regular expressions and combinatorial techniques

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    One of the main challenges of software testing research is the automated addition of oracles to the generated test cases: Whereas the automated generation of operation sequences (which is one of the essential components of test cases) is in practice a solved problem, the automated addition of the oracle (another indispensable element) is still an important problem and an open research question. This article proposes an approach to get executable test suites composed by complete test cases (i.e., they include the oracle). The core of the method is based on annotated regular expressions. The test generation process, which is supported by a tool, follows three steps: (1) creation of annotated regular expressions, where each regular expression describes a set of sequences of operations to be executed against the system under test; (2) expansion of the regular expressions to get sequences of operations, which still do not have parameter values; and (3) generation of the executable test cases with oracle. In this third step, each test case is generated with the suitable oracle, depending on the conditions specified in the regular expression

    Data Partitioning Methods to Process Queries on Encrypted Databases on the Cloud

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    Many features and advantages have been brought to organizations and computer users by Cloud computing. It allows different service providers to distribute many applications and services in an economical way. Consequently, many users and companies have begun using cloud computing. However, the users and companies are concerned about their data when data are stored and managed in the Cloud or outsourcing servers. The private data of individual users and companies is stored and managed by the service providers on the Cloud, which offers services on the other side of the Internet in terms of its users, and consequently results in privacy concerns [61]. In this dissertation, a technique has been explored to improve query processing performance while protecting database tables on a Cloud by encrypting those so that they remain secure. It shows how to process SQL queries on encrypted databases designed to protect data from any leakage or attack, even from the service providers. The strategy is to process the query on the Cloud without having to decrypt the data, and data decryption is performed only at the client site. Therefore, to achieve efficiency, no more than the exact set of requested data is returned to the client. In addition, four different techniques have been developed to index and partition the data. The indexes and partitions of the data are used to select part of the data from the Cloud or outsource data depending on the required data. The index data can be stored on the Cloud or server with the encrypted database table. This helps in reducing the entire processing time, which includes data transfer time from the Cloud to the client and also data decryption and processing time at the client

    Model-Based Security Vulnerability Testing

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