424,960 research outputs found

    Virtual HR Departments: Getting Out of the Middle

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    In this chapter, we explore the notion of virtual HR departments: a network-based organization built on partnerships and mediated by information technologies in order to be simultaneously strategic, flexible, cost-efficient, and service-oriented. We draw on experiences and initiatives at Merck Pharmaceuticals in order to show how information technology in establishing an infrastructure for virtual HR. Then, we present a model for mapping the architecture of HR activities that includes both internal and external sourcing options. We conclude by offering some recommendations for management practice as well as future research

    Subsidiary contribution to the MNC – impact of strategic initiatives Najla Podruga

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate subsidiary strategic initiatives in the light of dynamic headquarters-subsidiary relations. The study is based on cross-sectional questionnaire survey data from 105 subsidiary top managers in subsidiaries located in Europe, Asia, and the USA within the ICT industry. The assumption of similar behavior by subsidiaries in the same industry is a sufficient motive for concentration on single industry. Theoretical contribution is reflected in the testing of models in subsidiaries within single rapidly growing turbulent industry that is abundant with hyper-competition and competitive dynamics, and where strategic initiatives are fundamental for survival, and by modeling variables in a different way than previously explored. Furthermore, the additional contribution is reflected in the conceptual model of the interdependence of subsidiaries and MNC in the process of subsidiary strategic initiatives, and besides providing a new perspective in this area, provides a framework for future research. The obtained results show that subsidiary networking and autonomy have a significant impact on subsidiary strategic initiatives whereas top management support and subsidiary innovativeness have no impact on the same variable. The results show that subsidiary strategic initiatives have a significant impact on its contribution to the multinational corporation (MNC)

    Striving for inclusion – A systematic review of long-term participation in strategic management of urban green spaces

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    This systematic review contributes to the research field of user participation by suggesting a new holistic approach comprising a cyclic process model for long-term participation in the strategic management of urban green spaces, including analysis, design, and implementation phases, each followed by an evaluation. User participation in urban green spaces is encouraged in international conventions. Such initiatives aim to involve citizens more closely in decisions regarding local spaces, based on the premise that this will create better, more inclusive, and sustainable local environments. However, a social inclusion perspective is largely absent in the growing body of European scientific literature on urban green spaces. Further, user participation processes are often carried out within projects, with uncertainties about which strategic management phase (planning, design, construction, and/or maintenance) to emphasize and about the long-term sustainability of project-based participation. Therefore, the literature was examined for tools for participation with the focus on participation of local users in the strategic management of urban green spaces, and in particular, marginalized groups. A systematic review based on peer-reviewed scientific papers revealed the necessity for adapting participation processes to the known needs of different participant groups, including those of marginalized groups often excluded in the past. Local authorities have several pathways to socially inclusive and long-term participation. These include choosing and employing a suitable participation approach, anchoring repeated project-based participation in existing municipal long-term strategies, continuously supporting participating users and evaluating ongoing participation processes, and employing a mix of participation types and approaches. The “cyclic process model for long-term participation in strategic management of UGS” presented in this paper could guide such efforts

    The influence of diversity management initiatives on business and social outcomes in South African businesses

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    Diversity management is of strategic importance in all organisations throughout the world. Its importance is derived from the belief that workplaces by nature consist of diverse employees, who in one way or another are different in terms of race, gender, religion, or any other difference that may have an impact on the business and its employees. The differences among people need to be managed. This study investigated the influence of diversity management initiatives on business and social outcomes in South African businesses. Literature reviews on diversity management and multicultural education in various parts of the world have revealed an impact on the influence of diversity management initiatives on business and social outcomes. However, existing South African literature on diversity management does not conclusively expose the effects of diversity management on business and social outcomes, hence the need for this study. The study was based on a conceptual framework, which included variables on diversity management initiatives, diversity management models, institutional development theory and business and social outcomes. Hypotheses for the study were also developed and tested. In testing the hypotheses, the empirical data collected was subjected to a series of statistical tests, using STATISTICA version 13. MANOVA tests were conducted to determine the existence of differences among variables and the extent to which the variables differed was measured by means of ANOVA tests. Tukey post hoc tests (Tukey HSD) were used to determine practical significance among variables. The study was also subjected to Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis tests to ascertain the existence of relationships between all diversity management initiatives and business and social outcome factors. The analysis was concluded by conducting an exploratory factor analysis. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to confirm or reduce the number of factors and the number of factors was subsequently reduced. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient test was also done for the extracted factors, after which a regressions analysis test was conducted to confirm the existence of relationships between the extracted diversity management initiatives factors and business and social outcomes factors. This formed the basis for the development of a proposed diversity management model. The model of the implementation of diversity management initiatives is an important contribution to the study because it shows the different aspects that guide the process of implementation. The model is based on the implementation of a formal diversity management change strategy and programme of action; employment equity plan and strategy; and the recruitment and empowerment of women and people living with disabilities. The study was not without limitations. Challenges with regard to access to respondents were experienced and this was one of the delays in data collection. Another challenge experienced was that the study did not include qualitative research approaches, which could have been used for in-depth responses. The study provides an important milestone for the use of diversity management initiatives in South African companies

    The Effectiveness of Risk Management and Business Performance: SMEs in Bangkok, Thailand

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    Objective: To test the effectiveness of the risk management model composing of 5 variables on the business performance of SMEs in Bangkok, Thailand. These variables were strategic, financial, operational, compliance risks, and the balanced scorecard, respectively. Methods: The research is undertaken based on a quantitative research methodology in which the data collection has been achieved through self-administered questionnaires from n = 400 participants. The item-objective congruence value test was used to assess the questionnaire validity at the design stage, on a pilot sample of 3 experts. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine validity. Findings: The 5-factor model was found to determine 61.2% of the observed effect with a confidence level of 99%. Implications: Practitioners in SMEs are advised to implement the balanced scorecard and risk management strategies in their companies. Supporting governmental initiatives increasing risk management literacy are welcomed. Academics may further develop this field by identifying specific risk management strategies for Thailand

    County First Lady champions in transformative partnerships for MHM advocacy and integration

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    Engaging influential individuals to promote change is an evidence-based advocacy strategy that is gaining tract in development initiatives. Through strategic partnerships with County first ladies (CFL) and county first ladies association (CFLA) in Kenya, WSSCC has leveraged the voices of champions at their points of influence to advancing menstrual hygiene management (MHM) advocacy efforts both at the policy and program levels. The office of County First Lady holds a unique position in Kenya, providing a platform to champion important social and development goals at the county level. WSSCC has partnered with County first ladies in Kenya since 2015 to profile MHM and advance its integration across different sectors and programs. This paper seeks to showcase the success and lessons from this model of MHM champions that can facilitate and institutionalize integration of initiatives such as MHM into policies and programs

    Why Do They Share Information with Supply Chain Partners? A Comparison of Supplier and Buyer Perspectives

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    To realize the anticipated benefits of inter-firm relationships, firms need to leverage information flows within the supply chains. While the initiatives to foster collaboration have gained momentum with the availability of advanced interorganizational information systems to support information sharing among supply chain partners, building such systems needs a better understanding of how firms share information across organizational boundaries and whether suppliers and buyers share the same view on this issue. Drawing on strategic management of interorganizational relationships, resource dependence perspective, and institutional theory, we examine strategic, power, and institutional factors that affect information sharing in supply chains. We test the proposed research model using separate supplier and buyer samples. While we have found general support to the proposed model from both samples, the results reveal that suppliers and buyers hold different opinions on how these factors affect their information sharing with supply chain partners. Implications are discussed based on the results

    The Return of Decentralization Greek Local Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the greatest crisis faced by humanity. It had a significant negative impact that affected public health, the society, the economy, and the performance of public administration. Although national administrative system's response to COVID-19 pandemic was set up, the performance and the resilience of strategic management patterns at national and local level was also initiated. This paper focuses on identifying and evaluating the strategies and models adopted by Greek local government to build resilience during the COVID-19 crisis. The results of the research are based on an empirical survey conducted in 27 municipal authorities in Greece, which showed that despite the various government policy initiatives and funding provided during the last decade and the formal introduction of crisis management and resilience focused planning models, urban resilience is downgrading due to the continuation of important implementation and compliance gaps in strategic planning and performance measurement adoption from the municipal authorities and the lack of an effective model of multi-level coordination among policy’s stakeholders

    Strategic challenges facing airports in gaining competitive strengths: lessons from the practice of Dubai International Airport

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    The anticipated increase in competition among airports means that there is now a greater need for strategic thinking in the airport business industry. In order to succeed, airport management will have to implement new strategic initiatives and identify their key competitive strengths. While many airports are now more active in following strategic directions, there is some deficiency and inconsistency in the literature in this regard. This research relates the theories of strategic management to the case of airports in order to explore the issue of whether the airport business industry is able to apply the different strategies adopted by other industries in order to achieve growth. The research provides an in-depth analysis into the strategies that Dubai International Airport has pursued. This carefully selected case study involves the collection of qualitative data through conducting semi-structured interviews as a primary source of information. Data collected are applied to different well-known business tools including the PESTEL Analysis, the Five Forces Model and the Resource-based View (RBV) of the firm. The research found that there are some strategic differences between the airport industry and other industries. While it is possible for airports to adopt certain strategies, some strategic theories are not very practicable for airports. While Dubai International Airport is not considered very different from other airports, there are some differentiated characteristics in its ownership and management that led it to outperform its rivals. The research proposes that there are a number of key success factors derived from four core areas that led Dubai International Airport to obtain strategic strengths over other airports. These four areas include: General Condition, Competitive Situation, Resource Acquisition and Strategic Direction. These areas are also classified as No Control, Least Control, Some Control and Most Control, respectively. This thesis contributes to the development of a best practice conceptual model that can help airport managers understand and improve their key competitive strengths and success factors