1,767 research outputs found

    Reliability Analysis of Complex NASA Systems with Model-Based Engineering

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    The emergence of model-based engineering, with Model- Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) leading the way, is transforming design and analysis methodologies. The recognized benefits to systems development include moving from document-centric information systems and document-centric project communication to a model-centric environment in which control of design changes in the life cycles is facilitated. In addition, a single source of truth about the system, that is up-to-date in all respects of the design, becomes the authoritative source of data and information about the system. This promotes consistency and efficiency in regard to integration of the system elements as the design emerges and thereby may further optimize the design. Therefore Reliability Engineers (REs) supporting NASA missions must be integrated into model-based engineering to ensure the outputs of their analyses are relevant and value-needed to the design, development, and operational processes for failure risks assessment and communication

    Model-Based Engineering of Supervisory Controllers using CIF

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    In the Model-Based Engineering (MBE) paradigm, models are the core elements in the design process of a system from its requirements to the actual implementation of the system. By means of Supervisory Control Theory (SCT), supervisory controllers (supervisors) can be synthesized instead of designingthem manually. In this paper, a framework based on the Compositional Interchange Format for hybrid systems (CIF) has been developed that integrates the MBE andthe SCT paradigms. To illustrate the framework, an industrial-size case study has been performed: 'synthesis of a supervisory controller for the patientsupport system of an MRI scanner'. In this case study, we address 1) modelling of the components and the control requirements; 2) synthesis of the supervisor;3) simulation of the synthesized supervisor and a hybrid model of the plant; and 4) real-time, simulation based control of the supervisor and the actual patient support system of the MRI scanner

    Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book presents the results of the "Collaborative Embedded Systems" (CrESt) project, aimed at adapting and complementing the methodology underlying modeling techniques developed to cope with the challenges of the dynamic structures of collaborative embedded systems (CESs) based on the SPES development methodology. In order to manage the high complexity of the individual systems and the dynamically formed interaction structures at runtime, advanced and powerful development methods are required that extend the current state of the art in the development of embedded systems and cyber-physical systems. The methodological contributions of the project support the effective and efficient development of CESs in dynamic and uncertain contexts, with special emphasis on the reliability and variability of individual systems and the creation of networks of such systems at runtime. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the case studies are therefore selected from areas that are highly relevant for Germany’s economy (automotive, industrial production, power generation, and robotics). It also supports the digitalization of complex and transformable industrial plants in the context of the German government's "Industry 4.0" initiative, and the project results provide a solid foundation for implementing the German government's high-tech strategy "Innovations for Germany" in the coming years

    Model-Based Engineering and Manufacturing CAD/CAM Benchmark.

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    Model-based Engineering of Autonomous Systems using Ontologies and Metamodels

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    Our research focuses on engineering processes for autonomous intelligent systems construction with a life-cycle holistic view, by means of a model-based framework. The conceptual core of the framework is ontologically-driven. Our ontological approach consists of two elements. The first one is a domain Ontology for Autonomous Systems (OASys) to capture the autonomous system structure, function and behaviour. The second element is an Ontology-driven Engineering Methodology (ODEM) to develop the target autonomous system. This methodology is based on Model-based Systems Engineering and produces models of the system as core assets. These models are used through the whole system life-cycle, from implementation or validation to operation and maintenance. On the application side, the ontological framework has been used to develop a metacontrol engineering technology for autonomous systems, the OM Engineering Process (OMEP), to improve their runtime adaptivity and resilience. OMEP has been applied to a mobile robot in the form of a metacontroller built on top of the robot's control architecture. It exploits a functional model of the robot (TOMASys Model) to reconfigure its control if required by the situation at runtime. The functional model is based on a metamodel about controller function and structure using concepts form the ontology. The metacontroller was developed using the ontology-driven methodology and a robot control reference architecture

    Model-Based Engineering Education with Practical Activities Using HEPTA-Sat

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    In this study, we designed and implemented an education using CubeSat educational kit “HEPTA-Sat” to acquire Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) practically. We share the lessons learned there. In the development of complicated systems such as CubeSat, it is difficult to manage requirements and tasks only in the mind, and omissions and inconsistencies may occur. And, in communication between members and document accumulated in the project, there is often a contradiction with the receiver, since there is implicit information which is not clarified in the background. Therefore, by describing a system in a modeling language and managing it by connecting various related information, it is possible to grasp the whole complicated system and its context, and to succeed project management and knowledge management. Therefore, we designed a course to practically acquire approach to realize the above system development and conducted it. The course consisted of overview of Systems Engineering, practical assembly of HEPTA-Sat, explanation of the system model, practical training in mission design and modeling, mission implementation and verification, and presentations. Because modeling is a highly abstract task that describes the structure and behavior of a system graphically, it is difficult for beginners. For this reason, students will practice assembling the HEPTA-Sat, which enables them to learn the basic functions of the satellite system, before handling the system in an abstract manner, and deepen their understanding of the specific system. In modeling, free graphic drawing tool diagrams.net is used, the system is expressed from 3 views (operational, functional, physical), and 2 sides of static and dynamic. A series of flow is presented so that modeling can be performed while maintaining consistency among multiple models. In addition, an example of the mission and system model of HEPTA-Sat was prepared, and it was used to promote the understanding modeling approach. Mission design, modeling, implementation and verification were carried out as a field of the practice of the learned content. Verification Matrix which arranged the verification item by the retrieval from the model and the report which records the result of the verification were also made. They are connected to model by hyperlink as the simple demonstration of connecting model and context. Because it was possible to teach consistently with one thing, positive opinions such as It was easy to understand by dealing with the system from both abstract and concrete aspects. were obtained from the participants. In the last presentation, many students were able to deepen their understanding of the model. Therefore, if the cycle from input to output can be carried out multiple times, it is expected that understanding will improve

    Toward model-based engineering for space embedded systems and software

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    International audienceEmbedded systems development suffers from difficulties to reach cost, delay and safety requirements. The continuous increase of system complexity requires a corresponding increase in the capability of design fault-free systems. Model-based engineering aims to make complexity management easier with the construction of a virtual representation of systems enabling early prediction of behaviour and performance. In this context, Space industry has specific needs to deal with remote systems that can not be maintained on ground. In such systems, fault management includes complex detection, localisation and recovery automatic procedures that can not be performed without confidence on safety. In this way, only simulation and formal proofs can support the validation of all the possible configurations. Thus, formal description of both functional and non-functional properties with temporal logic formulae is expected to analyse and to early predict system characteristics at execution. This paper is based on various studies and experiences that are carried out in space domain on the support provided by model-based engineering in terms of: • support to needs capture and requirements analysis, • support to design, • support to early verification and validation, • down to automatic generation of code

    Model-based engineering in real-time embedded systems: specifying timing constraints

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    This paper presents the results from a research project on development of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTESs) using a Model-Based Engineering (MBE) approach. A review of the state-of-the-art modelling languageswas done in order to assess their capabilities to model time. A chosen case study,a Brake-By-Wire (BBW) system, was taken from the automotive industry.The case study focuses on the use of EAST-ADL to model the RTES and TADL to specify timing constraints. A different approach using MARTE to model the BBW system was developed within our project. This approach is used to compare MARTE (and OCL) with EAST-ADL (and TADL). The results show that MARTE can be used to model an RTES from the automotive industry but lacks some important semantic expressions for the timing constraints which are present in TADL

    07451 Abstracts Collection -- Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems

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    From 04.11. to 09.11.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07451 ``Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
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