58,016 research outputs found

    Feedback and time are essential for the optimal control of computing systems

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    The performance, reliability, cost, size and energy usage of computing systems can be improved by one or more orders of magnitude by the systematic use of modern control and optimization methods. Computing systems rely on the use of feedback algorithms to schedule tasks, data and resources, but the models that are used to design these algorithms are validated using open-loop metrics. By using closed-loop metrics instead, such as the gap metric developed in the control community, it should be possible to develop improved scheduling algorithms and computing systems that have not been over-engineered. Furthermore, scheduling problems are most naturally formulated as constraint satisfaction or mathematical optimization problems, but these are seldom implemented using state of the art numerical methods, nor do they explicitly take into account the fact that the scheduling problem itself takes time to solve. This paper makes the case that recent results in real-time model predictive control, where optimization problems are solved in order to control a process that evolves in time, are likely to form the basis of scheduling algorithms of the future. We therefore outline some of the research problems and opportunities that could arise by explicitly considering feedback and time when designing optimal scheduling algorithms for computing systems

    Robust multivariable predictive control: how can it be applied to industrial test stands ?

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    To cope with recent technological evolutions of air conditioning systems for aircraft, the French Aeronautical Test Center built a new test stand for certification at ground level. The constraints specified by the industrial users of the process seemed antagonistic for many reasons. First, the controller had to be implemented on an industrial automaton, not adaptable to modern algorithms. Then the specified dynamic performances were very demanding, especially taking into account the wide operating ranges of the process. Finally, the proposed controller had to be easy for nonspecialist users to handle. Thus, the control design and implementation steps had to be conducted considering both theoretical and technical aspects. This finally led to the development of a new multivariable predictive controller, called alpha-MPC, whose main characteristic is the introduction of an extra tuning parameter alpha that has enhanced the overall control robustness. In particular, the H1-norm of the sensitivity functions can be significantly reduced by tuning this single new parameter. It turns out to be a simple but efficient way to improve the robustness of the initial algorithm. The other classical tuning parameters are still physically meaningful, as is usual with predictive techniques. The initial results are very promising and this controller has already been adopted by the industrial users as the basis of the control part for future developments of the test stand

    A nonparametric approach for model individualization in an artificial pancreas

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    The identification of patient-tailored linear time invariant glucose-insulin models is investigated for type 1 diabetic patients, that are characterized by a substantial inter-subject variability. The individualized linear models are identified by considering a novel kernel-based nonparametric approach and are compared with a linear time invariant average model in terms of prediction performance by means of the coefficient of determination, fit, positive and negative max errors, and root mean squared error. Model identification and validation are based on in-silico data collected from the adult virtual population of the UVA/Padova simulator. The data generation involves a protocol designed to produce a sufficient input excitation without compromising patient safety, compatible also with real life scenarios. The identified models are exploited to synthesize an individualized Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for each patient, which is used in an Artificial Pancreas to maintain the blood glucose concentration within an euglycemic range. The MPC used in several clinical studies, synthesized on the basis of a non-individualized average linear time invariant model, is also considered as reference. The closed-loop control performance is evaluated in an in-silico study on the adult virtual population of the UVA/Padova simulator in a perturbed scenario, in which the MPC is blind to random variations of insulin sensitivity in each virtual patient. © 2015, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A design of a strongly stable generalized predictive control using coprime factorization approach

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    This paper proposes a new generalized predictive control (GPC) having new design parameters. In selecting the design parameters, the controller becomes a strongly stable GPC, that is, not only the closed-loop system is stable, but also the controller itself is stable. The parameters are introduced by applying the coprime factorization approach and comparing Youla parametrization of stabilizing compensators to the controller by the standard GPC</p

    Prediction for control

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    5th IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control 1998 (SSC'98), Nantes, France, 8-10 JulyThis paper shows that "optimal" controllers based on "optimal" predictor structures are not "optimal" in their closed loop behaviour and that predictors should be designed taking into account closed-loop considerations. This is first illustrated with a first order plant with delay. The ISE index is computed for two typical optimal controllers (minimum variance controller and generalized predictive controller) when a stochastic disturbance is considered. The results are compared to those obtained by the use of a non optimal PI controller that uses a non optimal Smith predictor and performs better than the optimal controllers for the illustrative example. A general structure for predictors is proposed. In order to illustrate the results, some simulation examples are shown.Ce papier montre que des lois de commandes "optimales" basees sur des structures predictives "optimales" ne sont pas "optimales" dans leur comportement en boucle fermee et que la synthese de predicteurs devrait prendre en compte des considerations de boucle fermee. Cela est d'abord illustre avec un systeme du premier ordre a retard. l'index ISE est calcule pour deux lois de commandes optimales typiques (loi de commande a variance minim ale et loi de commande predictive generalisee), quand une perturbation stochastique est consideree. Les resultats sont compares a. ceux obtenus avec un regulateur PI non optimal base sur un predicteur de Smith non optimal et sont, pour l'exemple illustratif, meilleurs que ceux obtenus avec un regulateur optimal. Vne structure generale de predicteur est proposee. Pour illustrer les resultats, des exemples de simulations sont montres
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