367 research outputs found

    Investigation of multi-phase tubular permanent magnet linear generator for wave energy converters

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    In this article, an investigation into different magnetization topologies for a long stator tubular permanent magnet linear generator is performed through a comparison based on the cogging force disturbance, the power output, and the cost of the raw materials of the machines. The results obtained from finite element analysis simulation are compared with an existing linear generator described in [1]. To ensure accurate results, the generator developed in [1] is built with 3D CAD and simulated using the finite-element method, and the obtained results are verified with the source.The PRIMaRE project

    Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine

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    Optimal performance of the electric machine/drive system is mandatory to improve the energy consumption and reliability. To achieve this goal, mathematical models of the electric machine/drive system are necessary. Hence, this motivated the editors to instigate the Special Issue “Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine”, aiming to collect novel publications that push the state-of-the art towards optimal performance for the electric machine/drive system. Seventeen papers have been published in this Special Issue. The published papers focus on several aspects of the electric machine/drive system with respect to the mathematical modelling. Novel optimization methods, control approaches, and comparative analysis for electric drive system based on various electric machines were discussed in the published papers

    Robust passivity-based control of switched-reluctance motors

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    International audienceWe propose a state-feedback controller for switched-reluctance motors as a preliminary step towards the solution of the sensorless control problem (without measurement of rotor variables). We establish global exponential stability. Furthermore, our controller renders the closed-loop system robust to external disturbances that is, input-to-state stable. Although there exist some works on sensorless control of switched-reluctance motors, these consist mainly on ad hoc solutions without theoretical foundation. The few theoretically-validated results in the literature are established under more stringent conditions such as knowledge of the load torque

    Magnetic Material Modelling of Electrical Machines

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    The need for electromechanical energy conversion that takes place in electric motors, generators, and actuators is an important aspect associated with current development. The efficiency and effectiveness of the conversion process depends on both the design of the devices and the materials used in those devices. In this context, this book addresses important aspects of electrical machines, namely their materials, design, and optimization. It is essential for the design process of electrical machines to be carried out through extensive numerical field computations. Thus, the reprint also focuses on the accuracy of these computations, as well as the quality of the material models that are adopted. Another aspect of interest is the modeling of properties such as hysteresis, alternating and rotating losses and demagnetization. In addition, the characterization of materials and their dependence on mechanical quantities such as stresses and temperature are also considered. The reprint also addresses another aspect that needs to be considered for the development of the optimal global system in some applications, which is the case of drives that are associated with electrical machines

    A Review of Transverse Flux Machines Topologies and Design

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    High torque and power density are unique merits of transverse flux machines (TFMs). TFMs are particularly suitable for use in direct-drive systems, that is, those power systems with no gearbox between the electric machine and the prime mover or load. Variable speed wind turbines and in-wheel traction seem to be great-potential applications for TFMs. Nevertheless, the cogging torque, efficiency, power factor and manufacturing of TFMs should still be improved. In this paper, a comprehensive review of TFMs topologies and design is made, dealing with TFM applications, topologies, operation, design and modeling

    Advances in the Field of Electrical Machines and Drives

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    Electrical machines and drives dominate our everyday lives. This is due to their numerous applications in industry, power production, home appliances, and transportation systems such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, ships, and aircrafts. Their development follows rapid advances in science, engineering, and technology. Researchers around the world are extensively investigating electrical machines and drives because of their reliability, efficiency, performance, and fault-tolerant structure. In particular, there is a focus on the importance of utilizing these new trends in technology for energy saving and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This Special Issue will provide the platform for researchers to present their recent work on advances in the field of electrical machines and drives, including special machines and their applications; new materials, including the insulation of electrical machines; new trends in diagnostics and condition monitoring; power electronics, control schemes, and algorithms for electrical drives; new topologies; and innovative applications

    Advancements in Flux Switching Machine Optimization : Applications and Future Prospects

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    This work was supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, U. K., under Grant Number: NGCN-180-2021Peer reviewe

    A Fault Diagnostic Method for Position Sensor of Switched Reluctance Wind Generator

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    Implementation of a new flux rotor based on model reference adaptive system for sensorless direct torque control modified for induction motor

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    Introduction. In order to realize an efficient speed control of induction motor, speed sensors, such as encoder, resolver or tachometer may be utilized. However, some problems appear such as, need of shaft extension, which decreases the mechanical robustness of the drive, reduce the reliability, and increase in cost. Purpose. In order to eliminate of speed sensors without losing. Several solutions to solve this problem have been suggested. Based on the motor fundamental excitation model, high frequency signal injection methods. The necessity of external hardware for signal injection and the adverse influence of injecting signal on the motor performance do not constitute an advantage for this technique. Fundamental model-based strategies method using instantaneous values of stator voltages and currents to estimate the rotor speed has been investigate. Several other methods have been proposed, such as model reference adaptive system, sliding mode observers, Luenberger observer and Kalman filter. The novelty of the proposed work consists in presenting a model reference adaptive system based speed estimator for sensorless direct torque control modified for induction motor drive. The model reference adaptive system is formed with flux rotor and the estimated stator current vector. Methods. The reference model utilizes measured current vector. On the other hand, the adjustable model uses the estimated stator current vector. The current is estimated through the solution of machine state equations. Practical value. The merits of the proposed estimator are demonstrated experimentally through a test-rig realized via the dSPACE DS1104 card in various operating conditions. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed speed estimation technique. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed speed estimation method at nominal speed regions and speed reversal, and good results with respect to measurement speed estimation errors obtained.Вступ. Щоб реалізувати ефективне керування швидкістю асинхронного двигуна, можна використовувати датчики швидкості, такі як енкодер, резольвер або тахометр. Однак виникають деякі проблеми, такі як необхідність подовження валу, що знижує механічну міцність приводу, знижує надійність та збільшує вартість. Мета. Для усунення датчиків швидкості без втрати. Було запропоновано кілька рішень на вирішення цієї проблеми. На основі моделі основного порушення двигуна використовуються методи подачі високочастотного сигналу. Необхідність зовнішнього обладнання для подачі сигналу та несприятливий вплив подачі сигналу на роботу двигуна не є перевагою цього методу. Досліджено метод стратегій на основі фундаментальних моделей з використанням миттєвих значень напруг та струмів статора для оцінки швидкості обертання ротора. Було запропоновано кілька інших методів, таких як еталонна адаптивна система моделі, спостерігачі режиму ковзання, спостерігач Люенбергера і фільтр Калмана. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у поданні модельної еталонної адаптивної системи оцінки швидкості прямого бездатчикового управління моментом, модифікованої для асинхронного електроприводу. Еталонна адаптивна система моделі формується з магнітним потоком ротора та оціненим вектором струму статора. Методи. Еталонна модель використовує вимірюваний вектор струму. З іншого боку, модель, що регулюється, використовує передбачуваний вектор струму статора. Струм оцінюється шляхом вирішення рівнянь стану машини. Практична цінність. Переваги запропонованого оцінювача продемонстровані експериментально на тестовій установці, реалізованій на платі dSPACE DS1104 у різних умовах експлуатації. Експериментальні результати свідчать про ефективність запропонованої методики оцінки швидкості. Експериментальні результати показують ефективність запропонованого методу оцінки швидкості в областях номінальних швидкостей та реверсивних швидкостей, а також хороші результати щодо отриманих похибок оцінки швидкості вимірювання

    Design of Outrunner Eectric Machines for Green Energy Applications

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    Interests in using rare-earth free motors such as switched reluctance motors (SRMs) for electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EV/HEVs) continue to gain popularity, owing to their low cost and robustness. Optimal design of an SRM, to meet specific characteristics for an application, should involve simultaneous optimization of the motor geometry and control in order to achieve the highest performance with the lowest cost. This dissertation firstly presents a constrained multi-objective optimization framework for design and control of a SRM based on a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). The proposed methodology optimizes SRM operation for high volume traction applications by considering multiple criteria including efficiency, average torque, and torque ripple. Several constraints are defined by the application considered, such as the motor stack length, minimum desired efficiency, etc. The outcome of this optimization includes an optimal geometry, outlining variables such as air gap length, rotor inner diameter, stator pole arc angle, etc as well as optimal turn-on and turn-off firing angles. Then the machine is manufactured according to the obtained optimal specifications. Finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental results are provided to validate the theoretical findings. A solution for exploring optimal firing angles of nonlinear current-controlled SRMs is proposed in order to minimize the torque ripple. Motor torque ripple for a certain electrical load requirement is minimized using a surrogate-based optimization of firing angles by adjusting the motor geometry, reference current, rotor speed and dc bus voltage. Surrogate-based optimization is facilitated via Neural Networks (NN) which are regression tools capable of learning complex multi-variate functions. Flux and torque of the nonlinear SRM is learned as a function of input parameters, and consequently the computation time of design, which is crucial in any micro controller unit, is expedited by replacing the look-up tables of flux and torque with the surrogate NN model. This dissertation then proposes a framework for the design and analysis of a coreless permanent magnet (PM) machine for a 100 kWh shaft-less high strength steel flywheel energy storage system (SHFES). The PM motor/generator is designed to meet the required specs in terms of torque-speed and power-speed characteristics given by the application. The design challenges of a motor/generator for this architecture include: the poor flux paths due to a large scale solid carbon steel rotor and zero-thermal convection of the airgap due to operation of the machine in vacuum. Magnetic flux in this architecture tends to be 3-D rather than constrained due to lack of core in the stator. In order to tackle these challenges, several other parameters such as a proper number of magnets and slots combination, number of turns in each coil, magnets with high saturated flux density and magnets size are carefully considered in the proposed design framework. Magnetic levitation allows the use of a coreless stator that is placed on a supporting structure. The proposed PM motor/generator comprehensive geometry, electromagnetic and mechanical dimensioning are followed by detailed 3-D FEA. The torque, power, and speed determined by the FEA electromagnetic analysis are met by the application design requirements and constraints for both the charging and discharging modes of operation. Finally, the motor/generator static thermal analysis is discussed in order to validate the proposed cooling system functionality