426,525 research outputs found

    Supporting Abstraction when Model Checking ASM

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    Model checking as a method for automatic tool support for verification highly stimulates industry's interests. It is limited, however, with respect to the size of the systems' state space. In earlier work, we developed an interface between the ASM Workbench and the SMV model checker that allows model checking of finite ASM models. In this work, we add a means for abstraction in case the model to be checked is infinite and therefore not feasible for the model checking approach. We facilitate the ASM specification language (ASM-SL) with a notion for abstract types and introduce an interface between ASM-SL and Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs). MDGs are capable of representing transition systems with abstract types and functions and provide the functionality necessary for symbolic model checking. Our interface maps abstract ASM models into MDGs in a semantic preserving way. It provides a very simple means for generating abstract models that are infinite but can be checked by a model checker based on MDGs

    Using higher-order contracts to model session types

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    Session types are used to describe and structure interactions between independent processes in distributed systems. Higher-order types are needed in order to properly structure delegation of responsibility between processes. In this paper we show that higher-order web-service contracts can be used to provide a fully-abstract model of recursive higher-order session types. The model is set-theoretic, in the sense that the meaning of a contract is given in terms of the set of contracts with which it complies. The proof of full-abstraction depends on a novel notion of the complement of a contract. This in turn gives rise to an alternative to the type duality commonly used in systems for type-checking session types. We believe that the notion of complement captures more faithfully the behavioural intuition underlying type duality.Comment: Added definitions of m-closed terms, of 'dual', and a discussion to show the problems of the complement functio

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles

    A wide-spectrum language for verification of programs on weak memory models

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    Modern processors deploy a variety of weak memory models, which for efficiency reasons may (appear to) execute instructions in an order different to that specified by the program text. The consequences of instruction reordering can be complex and subtle, and can impact on ensuring correctness. Previous work on the semantics of weak memory models has focussed on the behaviour of assembler-level programs. In this paper we utilise that work to extract some general principles underlying instruction reordering, and apply those principles to a wide-spectrum language encompassing abstract data types as well as low-level assembler code. The goal is to support reasoning about implementations of data structures for modern processors with respect to an abstract specification. Specifically, we define an operational semantics, from which we derive some properties of program refinement, and encode the semantics in the rewriting engine Maude as a model-checking tool. The tool is used to validate the semantics against the behaviour of a set of litmus tests (small assembler programs) run on hardware, and also to model check implementations of data structures from the literature against their abstract specifications

    The Clocks They Are Adjunctions: Denotational Semantics for Clocked Type Theory

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    Clocked Type Theory (CloTT) is a type theory for guarded recursion useful for programming with coinductive types, allowing productivity to be encoded in types, and for reasoning about advanced programming language features using an abstract form of step-indexing. CloTT has previously been shown to enjoy a number of syntactic properties including strong normalisation, canonicity and decidability of type checking. In this paper we present a denotational semantics for CloTT useful, e.g., for studying future extensions of CloTT with constructions such as path types. The main challenge for constructing this model is to model the notion of ticks used in CloTT for coinductive reasoning about coinductive types. We build on a category previously used to model guarded recursion, but in this category there is no object of ticks, so tick-assumptions in a context can not be modelled using standard tools. Instead we show how ticks can be modelled using adjoint functors, and how to model the tick constant using a semantic substitution

    Untyped Recursion Schemes and Infinite Intersection Types

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    Abstract. A new framework for higher-order program verification has been recently proposed, in which higher-order functional programs are modelled as higher-order recursion schemes and then model-checked. As recursion schemes are essentially terms of the simply-typed lambda-calculus with recursion and tree constructors, however, it was not clear how the new framework applies to programs written in languages with more advanced type systems. To circumvent the limitation, this paper introduces an untyped version of recursion schemes and develops an in-finite intersection type system that is equivalent to the model checking of untyped recursion schemes, so that the model checking can be re-duced to type checking as in recent work by Kobayashi and Ong for typed recursion schemes. The type system is undecidable but we can obtain decidable subsets of the type system by restricting the shapes of intersection types, yielding a sound (but incomplete in general) model checking algorithm.

    Compositional software verification based on game semantics

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    One of the major challenges in computer science is to put programming on a firmer mathematical basis, in order to improve the correctness of computer programs. Automatic program verification is acknowledged to be a very hard problem, but current work is reaching the point where at least the foundational�· aspects of the problem can be addressed and it is becoming a part of industrial software development. This thesis presents a semantic framework for verifying safety properties of open sequ;ptial programs. The presentation is focused on an Algol-like programming language that embodies many of the core ingredients of imperative and functional languages and incorporates data abstraction in its syntax. Game semantics is used to obtain a compositional, incremental way of generating accurate models of programs. Model-checking is made possible by giving certain kinds of concrete automata-theoretic representations of the model. A data-abstraction refinement procedure is developed for model-checking safety properties of programs with infinite integer types. The procedure starts by model-checking the most abstract version of the program. If no counterexample, or a genuine one, is found, the procedure terminates. Otherwise, it uses a spurious counterexample to refine the abstraction for the next iteration. Abstraction refinement, assume-guarantee reasoning and the L* algorithm for learning regular languages are combined to yield a procedure for compositional verification. Construction of a global model is avoided using assume-guarantee reasoning and the L* algorithm, by learning assumptions for arbitrary subprograms. An implementation based on the FDR model checker for the CSP process algebra demonstrates practicality of the methods

    Abstract property verifier based on multiway decision graphs

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    Symbolic model-checking tools encounter state-explosion problem when verifying designs with large data paths. Multiway Decision Graph (MDG) model-checker uses abstract data representation and applies abstract operations to address the state explosion problem. The MDG verification tool, also known as Abstract Verifier, takes as input the specification (written as properties) and the description of the design, and then proves or disproves if the design satisfies these properties. The original specification language of the Abstract Verifier was called L mdg that provides temporal operators and abstract data types to formalize properties. Meanwhile, the Property Specification Language (PSL) has changed the verification world by introducing very rich temporal operators but without abstract data types. In this thesis, we propose a new specification language called Abstract Property Language (APL), for the MDG model-checker. This language replaces the L mdg specification language by introducing new operators borrowed from PSL to improve its expressiveness. We provide the formal definition of this language in BackusNaur form (BNF) and provide its formal semantics based on the computational model of the Abstract Verifier. APL is associated with a front-end translator that accepts APL specifications and builds verification-ready models to be handled directly inside the MDG model-checker. Finally, we have validated our APL language and the translator tool on the verification of several test benches including Look-Aside Interface (LA-1) design