
Supporting Abstraction when Model Checking ASM


Model checking as a method for automatic tool support for verification highly stimulates industry's interests. It is limited, however, with respect to the size of the systems' state space. In earlier work, we developed an interface between the ASM Workbench and the SMV model checker that allows model checking of finite ASM models. In this work, we add a means for abstraction in case the model to be checked is infinite and therefore not feasible for the model checking approach. We facilitate the ASM specification language (ASM-SL) with a notion for abstract types and introduce an interface between ASM-SL and Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs). MDGs are capable of representing transition systems with abstract types and functions and provide the functionality necessary for symbolic model checking. Our interface maps abstract ASM models into MDGs in a semantic preserving way. It provides a very simple means for generating abstract models that are infinite but can be checked by a model checker based on MDGs

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