18 research outputs found

    Aspect-based approach to modeling access control policies, An

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    Department Head: L. Darrell Whitley.2007 Spring.Includes bibliographical references (pages 119-126).Access control policies determine how sensitive information and computing resources are to be protected. Enforcing these policies in a system design typically results in access control features that crosscut the dominant structure of the design (that is, features that are spread across and intertwined with other features in the design). The spreading and intertwining of access control features make it difficult to understand, analyze, and change them and thus complicate the task of ensuring that an evolving design continues to enforce access control policies. Researchers have advocated the use of aspect-oriented modeling (AOM) techniques for addressing the problem of evolving crosscutting features. This dissertation proposes an approach to modeling and analyzing crosscutting access control features. The approach utilizes AOM techniques to isolate crosscutting access control features as patterns described by aspect models. Incorporating an access control feature into a design involves embedding instantiated forms of the access control pattern into the design model. When composing instantiated access control patterns with a design model, one needs to ensure that the resulting composed model enforces access control policies. The approach includes a technique to verify that specified policies are enforced in the composed model. The approach is illustrated using two well-known access control models: the Role- Based Access Control (RBAC) model and the Bell-LaPadula (BLP) model. Features that enforce RBAC and BLP models are described by aspect models. We show how the aspect models can be composed to create a new hybrid access control aspect model. We also show how one can verify that composition of a base (primary) design model and an aspect model that enforces specified policies produces a composed model in which the policies are still enforced

    Aspectual Templates in UML

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    UML Templates allow to capture models whose some of their constituents are parameters. This construct is general enough to be used in many ways, such as generic class representation, Design Pattern modeling, view or aspect-oriented modeling (AOM). In this paper, we concentrate on this last usage and the specific characteristics of so called ''Aspectual Templates". Such templates can be applied to enrich existing models as far as they conform to a required model. Template parameters are exploited here to specify some required model, so that they must be constrained to form a full model structure. After recall of UML templates and their metamodel, we present the specificities of their aspectual interpretation, existing works and identify the issues. Then we show how standard UML templates can be enhanced to capture aspectual ones. For this, a specialization of the UML template metamodel is detailed and OCL constraints are formulated due to this specific interpretation and its proper mechanisms. As a result, this metamodel specialization is fully compatible with the existing one so that aspectual templates are full UML standard ones. Finally, we present an algorithm which constructs the result of the application of an Aspectual Template to a model. This algorithm also works for aspectual template to template application. Presented results were implemented and made available in the EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) technology

    Software Architecture Evolution

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    This chapter provides an overview, comparison and detailed treatment of the various state-of-the-art approaches to evolving software architectures. Furthermore, we discuss one particular framework for software architecture evolution in more detail

    Weaving Aspect Configurations for Managing System Variability

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    International audienceVariability management is a key concern in the software industry. It allows designers to rapidly propose applications that fit the environment and the user needs, with a certain Quality-of-Service level, by choosing adapted variants. While Aspect-Oriented Programming has been introduced for managing variability and complexity at the code level, the Software Product-Line community highlights the needs for variability in the earlier phases of the software lifecycle, where a system is generally described by means of models. In this paper, we propose a generic approach for weaving flexible and reusable aspects at a model level. By extending our generic Aspect-Oriented Modeling approach with variability, we can manage variability and complexity in the early phases of the software lifecycle

    Performance analysis of security aspects in UML models

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    Aspect-Oriented State Machines

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    UML state machines are a widely used language for modeling software behavior. They are considered to be simple and intuitively comprehensible, and are hence one of the most popular languages for modeling reactive components. However, this seeming ease to use vanishes rapidly as soon as the complexity of the system to model increases. In fact, even state machines modeling ``almost trivial'' behavior may get rather hard to understand and error-prone. In particular, synchronization of parallel regions and history-based features are often difficult to model in UML state machines. We therefore propose High-Level Aspect (HiLA), a new, aspect-oriented extension of UML state machines, which can improve the modularity, thus the comprehensibility and reusability of UML state machines considerably. Aspects are used to define additional or alternative system behaviors at certain ``interesting'' points of time in the execution of the state machine, and achieve a high degree of separation of concerns. The distinguishing feature of HiLA w.r.t. other approaches of aspect-oriented state machines is that HiLA aspects are defined on a high, i.e. semantic level as opposed to a low, i.e. syntactic level. This semantic approach makes \HiLA aspects often simpler and better comprehensible than aspects of syntactic approaches. The contributions of this thesis include 1) the abstract and the concrete syntax of HiLA, 2) the weaving algorithms showing how the (additional or alternative) behaviors, separately modeled in aspects, are composed with the base state machine, giving the complete behavior of the system, 3) a formal semantics for HiLA aspects to define how the aspects are activated and (after the execution) left. We also discuss what conflicts between HiLA aspects are possible and how to detect them. The practical applicability of HiLA is shown in a case study of a crisis management system