86,617 research outputs found

    La mobilité dans la carriÚre enseignante

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    Ce deuxiĂšme numĂ©ro d’Enjeux pĂ©dagogiques est consacrĂ©, comme l’annonce la couverture, au thĂšme de la mobilitĂ©, notion polysĂ©mique s’il en est, car possĂ©dant de multiples rĂ©sonances : mobilitĂ© gĂ©ographique, mobilitĂ© sociale, mobilitĂ© physique, mobilitĂ© Ă©tudiante


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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : CRDP - Droit et nouveaux rapports sociaux

    Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Identity: a French-Argentine Comparative Study

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    This study forms part of the author’s longstanding research regarding social, educational and professional mobility observed in Argentina across three generations, associated with the factor of Education and with the greater flow of immigrants in the last century. This research encompasses various smaller studies. Here we mention one, a French-Argentine comparative study in which we worked with PhDs from different institutions and different social science PhD programs. Our objective was: a) to analyze what factors (quantitative) and what reasons (qualitative) positively and negatively impacted professional pathways (career mobility); b) to observe the level of educational mobility present in families with PhDs, taking the issue from different paradigms (reproductionist/interactionist): University of elites? University of the masses? The methodology was both quantitative and qualitative, using semi-structured surveys (which included open-ended statements so respondents could expand); the hierarchical evocation technique and interviews. Results: a) we observed the intergenerational educational mobility of PhDs (quantitative-descriptive level); b) we understood some of the “reasons” and “sense” that underlie said mobility and that have either acted as driving forces or have not acted as driving forces of social and cultural-educational promotion (qualitative level). c) We found similar levels of intergenerational educational mobility for PhDs in France and Argentina (graduates of various PhD programs). This result is interesting in the face of well-held myths of educational “hypo mobility” , intergenerational drops in mobility, stagnation, a lack of educational/cultural promotion under “plafond” effects, or a saturation of degree holders, above all in developed countries. From the point of view of identity, this high level of intergenerational educational mobility impacted national, institutional and micro individual identity; three planes in sustained interaction using the author’s theory: The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense ((2015 a and b).Fil: Aparicio, Miriam Teresita. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de FilosofĂ­a y Letras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentin

    Social mobility in Portugal (1860–1960): operative issues and trends

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    This article presents the results of a study of social mobility in Portugal from the 1860s to the 1960s. Four distinct social contexts were examined by reference to selected criteria, and marriage records were used as the source for data collection and analysis. The HISCO coding scheme was followed to allow comparisons of intergenerational mobility, stratification, and social change. We present the methodological and operative issues inherent in the hermeneutics of the sources used, identifying difficulties in the process of coding arising from the use of a common language to locate individuals in society. We shall offer an opinion on the pace of Portuguese social mobility during the period. La mobilitĂ© sociale au Portugal (1860–1960): rĂ©sultats et tendances Nous prĂ©sentons ici les rĂ©sultats d'une enquĂȘte sur la mobilitĂ© sociale au Portugal des annĂ©es 1860 aux annĂ©es 1960. Nous avons enquĂȘtĂ© sur quatre contextes sociaux diffĂ©rents, selon des critĂšres que nous avons choisis; nous avons aussi recouru aux registres de mariage comme sources de donnĂ©es et d'analyses. Nous avons adoptĂ© le code HISCO qui nous permet une Ă©tude comparative de la mobilitĂ© intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle, de la stratification et des changements sociaux. Nous prĂ©sentons les problĂšmes tant mĂ©thodologiques qu'opĂ©ratoires liĂ©s Ă  l'hermĂ©neutique des sources utilisĂ©es, tout en relevant les difficultĂ©s provenant de la procĂ©dure de codage qui utilise un langage gĂ©nĂ©raliste pour situer des individus au sein de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Nous donnerons notre point de vue sur le rythme de la mobilitĂ© sociale au Portugal durant cette pĂ©riode. Soziale MobilitĂ€t in Portugal (1860–1960): operative Fragen und Trends In dieser Aufsatz werden die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur sozialen MobilitĂ€t in Portugal von den 1860er zu den 1960er Jahren mitgeteilt. Mit Hilfe ausgewĂ€hlter Kriterien wurden vier unterschiedliche soziale Kontexte untersucht, wobei als Quelle fĂŒr die Datenerhebung und -analyse Heiratsakten benutzt wurden. Um Vergleiche der intergenerationalen MobilitĂ€t, der sozialen Schichtung und des sozialen Wandels zu ermöglichen, wurde das HISCO-Kodierungsschema verwendet. Wir legen die methodologischen und operativen Probleme offen, die der Hermeneutik der benutzten Quellen innewohnen, und benennen die Schwierigkeiten bei der Kodierung, die aus der Verwendung einer gemeinsamen Sprache erwachsen, um Individuen in der Gesellschaft zu lokalisieren. Wir Ă€ußern auch eine EinschĂ€tzung zum Tempo der sozialen MobilitĂ€t in Portugal im Untersuchungszeitraum

    The motives of mobility: an infra-urban level analysis. The case of Bordeaux, France.

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    The influence of urban form on travel patterns is of growing interest among researchers. It has been notably argued that high density, mixed land use settlements reduce automobile use and distances travelled, hence energy consumption per capita. A precise characterization of urban form calls analysis at an infra-urban level. We have questioned the interaction between land use and mobility in the metropolitan area of Bordeaux, France, by using OLS regressions for usual transportation variables and a multinomial logit model for modal shares. The results confirm a strong influence of both residential and firm density on mobility patterns. Mixed land use patterns doesn’t seem to influence mobility. Some economic and demographic characteristics have an influence on travel patterns. Thus it is unavoidable to take them in account. The strong interdependence between variables, and the difficulty to determine the direction of the causal relationships shows a strong degree of complexity of the problem. We’re led to conclude by proposing an explanatory framework for a better understanding of the factors of infra-urban mobility patterns.urban sprawl urban form density compact city mobility

    The influence of urban form on travel patterns. An application to the metropolitan area of Bordeaux

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    The influence of urban form on travel patterns is of growing interest among researchers. It has been notably argued that high density, mixed land use settlements reduce automobile use and distances travelled, hence energy consumption per capita. A precise characterization of urban form calls analysis at an infra-urban level. We have questioned the interaction between land use and mobility in the metropolitan area of Bordeaux, France, by using OLS regressions for usual transportation variables and a multinomial logit model for modal shares. The results confirm a strong influence of both residential and firm density on mobility patterns. Mixed land use patterns doesn’t seem to influence mobility. Some economic and demographic characteristics have an influence on travel patterns. Thus it is unavoidable to take them in account. But sometimes it leads to a logical indecision, and it is difficult to determine the direction of the causal relationship. Keywords : urban sprawl, density, compact city, land use – mobility interaction JEL classification : R12, R14, R41

    Does regional development explain international youth mobility? Spatial patterns and global/local determinants of the recent emigration of young Italians

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    In this essay, we tackle the issue of the international mobility of young Italians in relation to regional disparities. Our intention is to determine if and to what extent a relationship exists between regional development and the international mobility of young people. We analyze the international migration of Italian citizens aged 15-34 who left the country in the period 2010-2017 using several variables that reflect the varying conditions found in different NUTS 3-level regions in terms of economic dynamism, labor-market efficiency, social fragility, educational underdevelopment and spatial peripherality. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) models show that the international mobility of young Italians is very much dependent on local conditions and affected by spatial differences. It is greatest in the most economically dynamic areas of the country, in border regions and in metropolitan areas, with factors relating to spatial proximity and peripherality, imbalances in local labor markets, and paucity of human capital proving particularly significant
