15 research outputs found

    Using popular culture to enable health service co-design with young people

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    This paper reports on participatory service design with young people with type 1 diabetes – a long-term condition that can impact their emotional wellbeing and where poor self-care often leads to negative health consequences. The paper describes a project working with young people with type 1 diabetes to design innovative health services. The project consisted of eight creative workshops, in which we used popular cultural references as a means to create enjoyable activities and encourage the young people to engage with design. These cultural references can be understood as creating design language games that allowed the young people to understand and participate in the activities required at each stage of the design process. However, not all popular culture references worked equally well and this paper explores the reasons for this

    Changing Family Practices with Assistive Technology: MOBERO Improves Morning and Bedtime Routines for Children with ADHD

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    Families of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often report morning and bedtime routines to be stressful and frustrating. Through a design process involving domain professionals and families we designed MOBERO, a smartphone-based system that assists families in establishing healthy morning and bedtime routines with the aim to assist the child in becoming independent and lowering the parents’ frustration levels. In a two-week intervention with 13 children with ADHD and their families, MOBERO significantly improved children’s independence and reduced parents’ frustration levels. Additionally, use of MOBERO was associated with a 16.5% reduction in core ADHD symptoms and an 8.3% improvement in the child’s sleep habits, both measured by standardized questionnaires. Our study highlights the potential of assistive technologies to change the everyday practices of families of children with ADHD

    Personalization Paradox in Behavior Change Apps:Lessons from a Social Comparison-Based Personalized App for Physical Activity

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    Social comparison-based features are widely used in social computing apps. However, most existing apps are not grounded in social comparison theories and do not consider individual differences in social comparison preferences and reactions. This paper is among the first to automatically personalize social comparison targets. In the context of an m-health app for physical activity, we use artificial intelligence (AI) techniques of multi-armed bandits. Results from our user study (n=53) indicate that there is some evidence that motivation can be increased using the AI-based personalization of social comparison. The detected effects achieved small-to-moderate effect sizes, illustrating the real-world implications of the intervention for enhancing motivation and physical activity. In addition to design implications for social comparison features in social apps, this paper identified the personalization paradox, the conflict between user modeling and adaptation, as a key design challenge of personalized applications for behavior change. Additionally, we propose research directions to mitigate this Personalization Paradox

    Recommender Systems for Personalized Gamification

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    Š Owners/Authors, 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in UMAP '17 - Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization.DOI: 10.1145/3099023.3099114Gamification has been used in a variety of application domains to promote behaviour change. Nevertheless, the mechanisms behind it are still not fully understood. Recent empirical results have shown that personalized approaches can potentially achieve better results than generic approaches. However, we still lack a general framework for building personalized gameful applications. To address this gap, we present a novel general framework for personalized gameful applications using recommender systems (i.e., software tools and technologies to recommend suggestions to users that they might enjoy). This framework contributes to understanding and building effective persuasive and gameful applications by describing the different building blocks of a recommender system (users, items, and transactions) in a personalized gamification context.NSERC SSHRC Mitacs CNPq, Brazi

    Children's Health: Evaluating the Impact of Digital Technology. Final Report for Sunderland City Council.

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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Children’s Health project sponsored by the City of Sunderland Digital Challenge project examined the impact of providing health-focused digital technologies to children aged 11-15 years, in terms of their usage and requirements of such technologies, and their subsequent behavioural changes. The empirical study ran with three groups of six children over a period of seven weeks for each group. A console-based exercise game and an exercise-focused social website were used in the study and the focus was on opportunistic (unstructured/unplanned) exercise. The emergent findings are: • Data collected about physical activity must be more extensive than simple step counts. • Data collection technologies for activities must be ubiquitous but invisible. • Social interaction via technology is expected; positive messages reinforcing attainments of goals are valued; negative feedback is seen as demotivating. • participants were very open to sharing information (privacy was not a concern). • Authority figures have a significant impact on restricting adolescents’ use of technologies. This document reports the how the study was conducted, analyses the findings and draws conclusions from these regarding how to use digital technologies to improve and/or maintain the physical activity levels of children throughout their adolescence and on into adulthood. The appendices provide the detailed (anonymised) data collected during the study and the background literature review

    Managing obesity through mobile phone applications: a state-of-the-art review from a user-centred design perspective

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    Evidence has shown that the trend of increasing obesity rates has continued in the last decade. Mobile phone applications, benefiting from their ubiquity, have been increasingly used to address this issue. In order to increase the applications’ acceptance and success, a design and development process that focuses on users, such as User-Centred Design, is necessary. This paper reviews reported studies that concern the design and development of mobile phone applications to prevent obesity, and analyses them from a User-Centred Design perspective. Based on the review results, strengths and weaknesses of the existing studies were identified. Identified strengths included: evidence of the inclusion of multidisciplinary skills and perspectives; user involvement in studies; and the adoption of iterative design practices. Weaknesses included the lack of specificity in the selection of end-users and inconsistent evaluation protocols. The review was concluded by outlining issues and research areas that need to be addressed in the future, including: greater understanding of the effectiveness of sharing data between peers; privacy; and guidelines for designing for behavioural change through mobile phone applications

    Encouraging organized active game play in primary school children

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    A mobile video game designed to encourage physical activity in children in an organized outdoor setting is presented. Game elements of narrative based treasure hunt game: Pirate Adventure are designed by a team of IT and Health professionals to encourage primary school aged children to engage in physical activity. The mobile phone platform uses several sensor technologies; accelerometers, camera and Wi-Fi to integrate gameplay with the physical environment. Key game locations in the real world environment are tracked using 2-dimensional codes (QR codes) and activity is tracked using accelerometers. The design is evaluated during several organized play session. Telemetry collected demonstrates that the treasure hunt mechanic encourages players to be physically active during each game, and validates that player actions are consistent with the game design elements. QR code scanning is effective as a location tracking mechanism. Additional insight is provided into the issue of sensor suitability and mobile device reliability when used in games for this age group. The results of this study can inform other mobile active games for children

    Development and validation of an instrument to measure the persuasion effects on parents after using the persuasive mobile child obesity monitor app

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    With the advent of technology, mobile healthcare (m-healthcare) applications have been developed to help people in managing their daily lives. In order to improve the use of m-healthcare applications, persuasive components in m-healthcare are vital for changing behaviour. However, there is no single agreement on how to measure the level of persuasion of users especially in m-healthcare for behaviour change. Therefore, majority of researchers attempt to measure the level of users'acceptance or attitude. So, this paper focuses on the development and validation of a generalized instrument to measure the persuasion effects which targets different group of users. Also, this work is aimed to design and evaluate an instrument to measure the persuasion perspectives of parents using the Persuasive Mobile Child Obesity Monitor (PMCOM) app. Based on the literature review analysis, there are three variables that depend on the persuasion theories which include trigger, ability and motivation that lead to behaviour change. These variables have five dimensions that include reminder, reduction, historical information, suggestion and praise. All dimensions are used to establish the required behaviour when integrated into the mobile application. The results of an evaluation among 58 parents show that the design of a persuasive instrument based on the generalizable process can provide guidance and information in the construction and validation of the questionnaires for any future studies


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    Exercise video games have a recognized potential for widespread use as tools for effective exercise. Current exergames do not consistently strike a successful balance between the “fun gameplay” and “effective exercise” aspects of the ideal exergame. Our research into the design of better exergames applies existing gameflow research and established exercise guidelines, such as those published by the American College of Sports Medicine, to a collection of four custom exergames: Astrojumper, Washboard, Sweet Harvest and Legerdemain implement full-body motion mechanics that support different types of exercise, and vary in intended duration of play, game complexity, and level of physical challenge. Each game also implements a difficulty adjustment system that detects player performance from in-game data and dynamically adjusts game difficulty, in order to balance between a player’s fitness level and the physical challenge presented by the game. We have evaluated the games produced by our design approach through a series of user studies on players’ physiological and psychological responses to gameplay, finding that balance between challenge types (cognitive or physical) is an important consideration along with challenge-skill balance, and further, that game mechanics able to support creativity of movement are an effective means of bridging between gameplay and exercise in order to improve the player experience

    Wearables at work:preferences from an employee’s perspective

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    This exploratory study aims to obtain a first impression of the wishes and needs of employees on the use of wearables at work for health promotion. 76 employ-ees with a mean age of 40 years old (SD Âą11.7) filled in a survey after trying out a wearable. Most employees see the potential of using wearable devices for workplace health promotion. However, according to employees, some negative aspects should be overcome before wearables can effectively contribute to health promotion. The most mentioned negative aspects were poor visualization and un-pleasantness of wearing. Specifically for the workplace, employees were con-cerned about the privacy of data collection