16 research outputs found

    The Effect of Integrated Learning Management Systems FLearn in Improving Learning Outcomes at Universities during Online Learning

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    The problem in learning during the covid-19 pandemic is how the university implements effective online learning for students. In order to facilitate online learning to be more comprehensive and integrated, the development of an integrated learning system, namely the learning system in Flexibel Learning or Leaning management, is expected to increase the effectiveness of online learning. The research method in this study is a mixed-method research method with a sequential exploratory model. The research begins with a qualitative study to find the root of the problem and then continues with quantitative analysis to find the influence between variables. The study subjects were fourth-year students in the mathematics education study program. The study results show that the integration of the system facilitates the implementation of learning in the online learning process, but there are still obstacles, such as internet access and learning devices. In contrast, the regression test results show a significant influence between the integration of the learning system on student learning outcomes. The influence of learning system integration on learning achievement is 61.3%, and 38.7% is affected by other factors such as motivation, learning independence, student responsibility, and adequate internet access.The problem in learning during the covid-19 pandemic is how the university implements effective online learning for students. In order to facilitate online learning to be more comprehensive and integrated, the development of an integrated learning system, namely the learning system in Flexibel Learning or Leaning management, is expected to increase the effectiveness of online learning. The research method in this study is a mixed-method research method with a sequential exploratory model. The research begins with a qualitative study to find the root of the problem and then continues with quantitative analysis to find the influence between variables. The study subjects were fourth-year students in the mathematics education study program. The study results show that the integration of the system facilitates the implementation of learning in the online learning process, but there are still obstacles, such as internet access and learning devices. In contrast, the regression test results show a significant influence between the integration of the learning system on student learning outcomes. The influence of learning system integration on learning achievement is 61.3%, and 38.7% is affected by other factors such as motivation, learning independence, student responsibility, and adequate internet access

    Actualizing the affordance of mobile technology for classroom orchestration: A main path analysis of mobile learning

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    Ubiquitous and increasingly accessible, mobile technology enhanced learning in the learning process, referred to as classroom orchestration, is inspiring an increasing number of studies that examines mobile learning from various perspectives. Nonetheless, educators find themselves confronted by the ever-evolving features of mobile technology and challenges in implementation context. This study, therefore, surveys the research literature on mobile learning using main path analysis, and cites affordance actualization by Strong (Strong et al. 2014) as a theoretical lens to identify the research themes from results found in main paths, to develop a “mobile learning actualization” framework. This particular framework integrates several research themes, ranging from system features, educator and learner, the goal of mobile technology adoption, contextual implementation, to the outcome of mobile learning. These insights have proven constructive for educators to adapt mobile technology to a learning environment, thus successfully achieving classroom orchestration

    A review of recent methodologies, technologies and usability in English language content delivery

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    English Language Teaching (ELT) and content delivery have undergone vast shift in this era of modernization. With analogue content digitized as a common form of knowledge delivery, methodologies equipped with current technologies have produced new perspectives on English Language Learning. This paper reviews the status, context, teaching parameters, assessment parameters, teaching strategies and usability in the current research capacity of ELT, highlighting the current works with technologies in their content delivery methods. Emerging technologies in ELT has also inspires the other spectrum of study involving the usability of technological interfaces, which has evolved constantly with the progression of human and computer interactivity. The aim of this research is to rediscover usability evolution surrounding the technologies in ELT and to redefine the gap existed in between English learning and tools interactivity. Current technologies and usability measures used in ELT will be discussed, highlighting the current trends in gauging interface interaction. A summary of comparative results in the aforementioned works will also be highlighted in this review paper, together with the categorization of reviewed parameters, variables and metrics in ELT. The reviews conducted have shown that there are still many unexplored areas in ELT, ELT technologies and usability in ELT

    Flexible Learning in Action: The Readiness of State Universities and Colleges Teachers and Students to Flexible Learning

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    The study examined the readiness of teachers and students in Isabela State University, Philippines, for flexible learning in Mathematics due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It utilized quantitative analysis and found that while teachers were proficient in mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge for teaching, they lacked understanding of connecting math to other disciplines and detecting faulty student understanding. Students were deep approach learners but deficient in seeking meaning before analyzing a problem. Both teachers and students were moderately ready for flexible learning, but teachers believed it would result in low-quality learning experiences. Recommendations include improving teacher training in connecting math to other disciplines and detecting faulty understanding, improving time management and location for teaching, and encouraging collaborative and critical thinking among students. The results may be applied to a quality-assured module and instructional videos for flexible learning

    Отношение на студенти към базови характеристики на мобилното обучение

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    Mobile learning has a number of positive characteristics that define it as a new pedagogical concept suitable for the mobile era. This article reflects students' attitudes towards some of the basic characteristics of mobile learning

    Mobile technology to promote education 4.0 in Vietnam

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    Currently, with development of technology, the use of gadgets like smart devices (smartphones, tablets) is becoming more common. In recent years, mobile technologies play an increasingly important role in students’ lives, study and scientific research. In addition, currently most students in higher education institutions use smartphones. Many universities use electronic devices such as smart phones, laptops, computers, and tablets as teaching devices and building websites that run on mobile platforms or developing applications that can be easily downloaded from google play or Apple store. Therefore, this article focuses on analyzing the perspectives as well as the application of learning on mobile devices in higher education 4.0. Surveys of students owning a mobile device and doing their learning on a mobile phone show that the currently students owning mobile devices is high and will continue to increase. The data was analyzed through the calculation of the proportion of responses in the questionnaires. The article also summarizes the results of short discussions about the results of the research, finding that mobile technologies play an important role in teaching and learning in the current context of higher education in Vietnam. Based on the results, the authors recommend that more studies should be done to provide knowledge regarding the application and development of mobile technologies in learning and research of students towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR4)

    Building up the English language listening skill through M-Learning tools. A preliminary study

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    Introduction. In the sphere of education, mobile technology has taken on a significant role. There are numerous resources available to help us enhance our talents in areas that we are unfamiliar with. The primary goal of this research is to see how the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps affect listening comprehension development. Objective. The goal of the study is to examine student acceptance of mobile technology as a methodology for learning English and building listening skills by evaluating the efficiency of the mobile apps based on improvements in students' listening skills after two months of use. Methodology. The research was conducted with 63 students from the third year of baccalaureate at the Unidad Educativa Prócer Manuel Quiroga in Santo Domingo City, Ecuador. The researcher employs standardized Pre-test and Post-Test to collect data. Results. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess all the data, and the results showed that the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps had 95 percent favorable effects on the improvement of listening comprehension. Conclusion. Finally, it is concluded that English Listening and 6 Minute English are two mobile applications that teachers may trust and use to help students improve their listening comprehension. These programs offer a wide range of interactive, innovative, and instructive listening activities. Their systems are trustworthy and include accurate information that can be shared in a classroom setting. Based on the findings, teachers should use the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps to help students improve their listening comprehension in English as a foreign language. Because of their originality, content, approach, and interest, these apps provide various and significant benefits to students.Introducción. El aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera requiere el manejo de ciertas habilidades y para lograrlo es necesario tomarse el tiempo, aplicar métodos y estrategias, y apreciar el proceso de aprendizaje significativo. Objetivo. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar las aplicaciones móviles Listening English y 6 Minute English en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. Metodología. Esta investigación se desarrolló en la Unidad Educativa Prócer Manuel Quiroga en Santo Domingo, con 63 estudiantes en su tercer año de secundaria. Como primer paso, se realizó una encuesta entre profesores para identificar el problema. Resultados. Este trabajo utilizó investigación empírica con enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos. Para recopilar información, se utilizó pruebas estandarizadas previas y posteriores a la prueba. Los estudiantes utilizaron la aplicación móvil durante dos meses. Se utilizó la prueba de Wilcoxon para analizar la información recopilada. Conclusión. Finalmente, los resultados mostraron que las aplicaciones móviles English Listening y 6 Minute English tuvieron un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. Su estructura, métodos y recursos resultaron muy atractivos para los estudiantes y han aprendido el idioma de forma eficaz. Estos factores hacen que los estudiantes y profesores se sientan cómodos y motivados para desarrollar sus habilidades auditivas

    E-Learning Application Usage in Higher Education with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for Students’ Assessment

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    Abstract Disruptions to daily life and business have occurred in nearly every part of the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Multiple sectors, including the educational system, have been hit particularly hard. This study focuses on adopting e-learning by students and explores how it can effectively change the old-style classroom environment. Adopting an approach based on the technology acceptance paradigm, the research aims to investigate the e-learning adoption level among students. The study was conducted on 200 students in the art and design faculty at Universitas Negeri Makassar and used e-learning LMS SYAM-OK. The research examined students' intentions to adopt and use online learning in the future can impact their perceptions of the usefulness and ease of technology. The data were analyzed using the SEM methods with IBM AMOS software. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant impact between the variables of AB to BI (coefficient of 0.514; p < 0.01) and BI to AU (coefficient of 0.617; p < 0.01) of online education platforms during the pandemic. Students are intensely interested in utilizing the e-learning system when they have favorable attitudes. The success or failure of an e-learning program depends on the student's mindset. An individual's opinion of a system is shaped by their experience, particularly its accessibility and practicality. The perceived utility influences the number of individuals willing to return to using e-learning and use it

    Usability framework for mobile augmented reality language learning

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    After several decades since its introduction, the existing ISO9241-11 usability framework is still vastly used in Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) language learning. The existing framework is generic and can be applied to diverse emerging technologies such as electronic and mobile learning. However, technologies like MAR have interaction properties that are significantly unique and require different usability processes. Hence, implementing the existing framework on MAR can lead to non-optimized, inefficient, and ineffective outcomes. Furthermore, state-of-the-art analysis models such as machine learning are not apparent in MAR usability studies, despite evidence of positive outcomes in other learning technologies. In recent MAR learning studies, machine learning benefits such as problem identification and prioritization were non-existent. These setbacks could slow down the advancement of MAR language learning, which mainly aims to improve language proficiency among MAR users, especially in English communication. Therefore, this research proposed the Usability Framework for MAR (UFMAR) that addressed the currently identified research problems and gaps in language learning. UFMAR introduced an improved data collection method called Individual Interaction Clustering-based Usability Measuring Instrument (IICUMI), followed by a machine learning-driven analysis model called Clustering-based Usability Prioritization Analysis (CUPA) and a prioritization quantifier called Usability Clustering Prioritization Model (UCPM). UFMAR showed empirical evidence of significantly improving usability in MAR, capitalizing on its unique interaction properties. UFMAR enhanced the existing framework with new abilities to systematically identify and prioritize MAR usability issues. Through the experimental results of UFMAR, it was found that the IICUMI method was 50% more effective, while CUPA and UCPM were 57% more effective than the existing framework. The outcome through UFMAR also produced 86% accuracy in analysis results and was 79% more efficient in framework implementation. UFMAR was validated through three cycles of the experimental processes, with triangulation through expert reviews, to be proven as a fitting framework for MAR language learning

    Developing a method for a holistic design of mobile learning

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    Includes bibliographical references.Mobile learning provides unique learning experiences for learners in both formal and informal environments, supporting various pedagogies with the unique characteristics that are afforded by mobile technology. Mobile learning, as a growing topic of interest, brings challenges of design for teachers and course designers alike. Current research on mobile learning has covered various aspects such as personalisation, context sensitivity, ubiquity and pedagogy. While existing theories and findings are valuable to the understanding of mobile learning, they are fragmented and separate, and need to be understood within the broader mobile learning paradigm. This dissertation unifies existing theories into a method for mobile learning design that can be generalised across mobile learning applications. This method develops from a strategy. By seeking objectives, identifying different approaches to learning and understanding the context in which the course will exist; the method helps to guide the content, delivery and structure of the course towards a successful implementation that is evaluated against the initial objectives set out