25 research outputs found

    The Mediating Role of Incumbent System Habit in the Relationship between Customers Perceived Value and Repurchase Intention in Smartphone Industry in Malaysia

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    The increasing number of smartphone vendors have made the competition in smartphone industry becomes fiercer than before. The implementation of habit construct in the research model have recently gained increasing attention among the IT researchers. Despite preliminary literatures perceived consumer habit as determinant of repurchase behavior in digital context, majority of the studies have defined consumer habit from the perspective of situation of use, and still lack of research focusing on habit from the perspective of skill developed related to the system. This study therefore aims to provide research model investigating the mediating role of skill-based habit related to the system (incumbent system habit) in the relationship between customer perceived value and customer repurchase intention in smartphone context

    A customer segmentation framework for targeted marketing in telecommunication

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    © 2017 IEEE. Telecommunication industry is highly competitive, and mass marketing is not applicable anymore. Moreover, Mobile customers have different behaviors that urge telecom industries to differentiate their strategies to meet customers' needs. At the same time, mobile operators have an enormous amount of customer records, and data-driven approaches can help them to draw insights from this huge amount of data. Therefore, a data-driven segmentation approach can support marketing strategies to tailor their marketing plans. In this research, we adopt behavior and beneficial segmentation in a two-dimensional framework to segment customers. The results indicate that our method has an outstanding performance for customer segmentation. Moreover, we have recommended some marketing strategies based on each segment's behavior with the aim of increasing in Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and decreasing in marketing expenses

    Mobile Commerce and Consumers’ Online Purchase Orientation in Poland, Croatia and Serbia

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    As an innovative approach to retail, mobile commerce develops rapidly during last decade. It brings new challenges and opportunities in front of retailers who have to adapt their business strategies to new generation shoppers. With a good understanding of the shoppers’ online purchase intention, retailers are able to develop effective online strategies to attract new and keep loyal web-shopping customers. The purpose of this paper is to explain the online shopping orientation in the context of country of origin. There is a limited number of such research in Central and Eastern Europe, so there is a lack of knowledge about young consumers from this region and their attitude as mobile technology users. The article is based on the research conducted in Poland, Croatia and Serbia where 454 young non randomly selected respondents answered online survey questions. The research hypotheses were tested using correlation and non-parametric statistics. Differences between observed countries suggest that there is a necessity to adapt approach concerning online retailing even at the market with similar characteristics. Therefore, creators of marketing and sales strategies of online and omnichannel companies should consider this fact when planning business strategies. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Segmenting an Online Reviewer Community: Empirical Detection and Comparison of Reviewer Clusters

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    More people are travelling overseas for health or wellness reasons however, there is limited understanding of the background of those travelling and how information is sourced for decision making. Those travelling for treatment are likely to be unaware of all of the risks. Reliable information sources are scattered and not easy to find. Interviews were conducted with 51 Australians contemplating or who had travelled for stem cell treatment. Information sources people used were identified, and an analysis was undertaken of how this influenced their decision. The data highlight that health travellers are likely to search extensively using a wide range of sources including information on clinics’ websites, Facebook, blogs, friends and family. Interviewees highlight that often decisions are made based on unreliable sources. The implications are that without quality, reliable information health travellers are at risk of suffering adverse outcomes and spending significant funds without any improvement in their condition

    Psychographic Profiling of Indian Young Adult Consumers of Smartphone -VALS Approach

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    ABSTRACT: The current youth market is characterized as tech-savvy, variety seekers who has been active in using digital technology in unprecedented ways. The market segment defined here comprises of youth adults between the ages 20 to 30, who are more comfortable with purchasing the smartphones than previous generation. There is fierce competition in smartphone market, due to the large selection of devices from a wide range of brands.Thus it is of significant interest to understand the consumer behavior on buying a smart phone.Smartphones are considered to be a lifestyle device than a necessity. This study strives to evaluate snapshot of the differences and similarities among the Smartphone consumers in the given sample of population, and offers a glimpse of the early demographic and behavior trends associated with new smart phone devices in the Indian markets. This study profiles the consumers into eight segments based on Values and Lifestyle (VALS) model. It is evident from this research that consumers&apos; brand preferences vary according to their lifestyle segment. The insights from the report provide a better understanding of both the challenges and opportunities that exist as the mobile landscape continues to evolve

    Targeting the robo-advice customer: the development of a psychographic segmentation model for financial advice robots

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the world’s first psychographic market segmentation model that supports personalization, customer education, customer activation, and customer engagement strategies with financial advice robots. As traditional segmentation models in consumer finance primarily focus on externally observed demographics or economic criteria such as profession, age, income, or wealth, post-hoc psychographic segmentation further supports personalization in the digital advisor’s service delivery. It might also provide insight into how to include the 4.5 billion underserved people financially and support inexperienced millennials in securing their future financially. To develop the psychographic segmentation, a survey (N= 2,232) has been conducted across the U.K. and the Netherlands. Factor analysis has been performed to define the following psychographic factors: “convenience,” “financial illiteracy,” and “rigid personality.” Based on these factors, a Ward cluster analysis has been performed to define the psychographic segments across the two markets. Keywords: financial advice, digital advice, psychographic segmentation, financial literacy, risk toleranc

    Analysis of Segmentation Profile on Online Shopping Consumers in Padang City Based on Demographic and Psychographic Characteristics

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    Online shopping has become a more accessible way of purchasing. Customer segmentation play important role in online retailing industry. The main objective of this study is to analysis of segmentation profile of online shopping consumers in Padang City based on demographic and psychographic characteristics. This type of research was descriptive analysis. The data are subsequently related to demographics and psychographic. The sampling technique in this research was purposive sampling. Total samples in this research were 150. The data analysis technique used in this research was cluster analysis.  We demonstrate that such cluster related to demographic as well as psychographic characteristics. The results of demographic segmentation, the majority of respondents are female (74.4%) and the most of respondents 21-30 years old. Cluster analysis was applied to segment the customer into eight clusters that have distinct online customer profiles. These segments are named as risk taking consumers, adventurous consumers, active consumers, practical consumers, socialite consumers, economical consumers, passive consumers and independent consumers

    Clustering consumers' shopping journeys: eye tracking fashion m-retail

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    Purpose Despite the rapid adoption of smartphones among digital fashion consumers, their attitude to retailers' mobile apps and websites is one of increasing dissatisfaction. This suggests that understanding how mobile consumers use smartphones for fashion shopping is important in developing digital shopping platforms that fulfil consumer' expectations. Design/methodology/approach For this research, mobile eye-tracking technology was employed in order to develop unique shopping journeys for 30 consumers, using fashion retailers' websites on smartphones, documenting their differences and similarities in browsing and purchasing behaviour. Findings Based on scan path visualisations and observed shopping experiences, three prominent mobile shopping journeys and shopper types were identified: “directed by retailer's website”, “efficient self-selected journey” and “challenging shopper”. These prominent behaviour patterns were used to characterise mixed cluster behaviours; three distinct mixed clusters were identified, namely, “extended self-selected journey”, “challenging shoppers directed by retailer's website” and “focused challenging shopper”. Research limitations/implications This research argues that mobile consumers can be segmented based on their activities and behaviours on the mobile website. Knowing the prominent shopping behaviour types any other complex behaviour patterns can be identified, analysed and described. Practical implications The findings of this research can be used in developing personalised shopping experiences on smartphones by feeding these shopper types into retailers' digital marketing strategy and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Originality/value This paper contributes to consumer behaviour literature by proposing a novel mobile consumer segmentation approach based on detailed shopping journey analysis using mobile eye-tracking technology

    Segmentacija potrošača u maloprodaji hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj: analiza latentnih klasa

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    Purpose – In order to anticipate satisfaction with a retail store and its offer, it is crucial to consider whether the store fulfils the expectations of different consumer fragments with regard to store attributes. The main goal of this paper was to identify different consumer segments in accordance with their level of satisfaction with various retail store elements and to define the profile of each segment. Design/Methodology/Approach – An empirical study was conducted on 500 Croatian consumers, applying convenience sample through highly structured questionnaire. Using factor analysis, statements were divided into five meaningful dimensions (product assortment, price, store atmosphere, retail store quality and retail service quality). These factors were used as indicators for the latent class analysis. Findings and implications – The findings have indicated an optimal solution of five consumer segments with different level of satisfaction. Each of the identified segments (convenience-oriented, disinterested, assortment-oriented, price-sensitive and grey consumers) is described in terms of socio-demographic and behavioural variables. This research provides insight into the factors that influence customer satisfaction. It also helps retail managers develop appropriate strategies to approach different consumer segments and improve their satisfaction. Limitations – The research was undertaken in a single Croatian county, which can limit the generalisation of the findings. Another limitation refers to the use of factor results instead of the original list of items in the analysis of segments. Originality – This study contributes to existing literature by providing useful insights into different consumer segments based on their level of satisfaction with retail store context in Croatian food retailing. Practical directions to target specific consumer segments more efficiently are proposed. As far as we know, no other studies have merged consumer segmentation and the latent class analysis in the context of the Croatian retail market.Svrha - Kako bi se predvidjelo zadovoljstvo prodavaonicom i njezinom ponudom, ključno je razmotriti ispunjava li ona očekivanja različitih segmenata potrošača u pogledu njezinih obilježja. Glavna je svrha ovog rada bila identificirati različite segmente potrošača u skladu s njihovom razinom zadovoljstva različitim elementima prodavaonice i definirati profil svakog od segmenata. Metodološki pristup - Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na prigodnom uzorku od 500 hrvatskih potrošača putem visokostrukturiranog upitnika. Koristeći faktorsku analizu, izjave su podijeljene u pet dimenzija (asortiman proizvoda, cijena, ugođaj prodavaonice, kvaliteta prodavaonice i kvaliteta usluge prodavaonice). Ti su čimbenici korišteni kao indikatori za analizu latentnih klasa. Rezultati i implikacije - Rezultati upućuju na optimalno rješenje pet segmenata potrošača s različitim stupnjem zadovoljstva. Svaki od identificiranih segmenata (potrošači orijentirani na pogodnosti, nezainteresirani potrošači, potrošači orijentirani na asortiman, cjenovno osjetljivi i stariji potrošači) opisan je prema sociodemografskim i bihevioralnim varijablama. Ovo istraživanje daje uvid u čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo potrošača. Rad pomaže trgovcima razviti odgovarajuće strategije kako bi pristupili različitim segmentima potrošača i povećali njihovo zadovoljstvo. Ograničenja - S obzirom na odabir uzorka, istraživanje je provedeno u jednoj hrvatskoj županiji, što može ograničavati generalizaciju nalaza. Drugo ograničenje odnosi se na korištenje faktorskih rezultata umjesto inicijalne liste elemenata u segmentacijskoj analizi. Doprinos - Rad pridonosi postojećoj literaturi pružajući koristan uvid u različite segmente potrošača prema razini njihova zadovoljstva prodavaonicom u maloprodaji hrane u Hrvatskoj. Predloženi su praktični pravci za učinkovitije ciljanje određenih segmenata potrošača. Prema našim saznanjima, nijedna druga studija nije objedinila segmentaciju potrošača i analizu latentnih klasa u kontekstu hrvatskog maloprodajnog tržišta