4 research outputs found

    Supporting and Securing Personal Mobile Devices Within an Existing Information Technology Environment

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    Personal mobile devices are becoming integrated into the daily operations of business. Managers are realizing that employees who are allowed to use personal mobile devices to access corporate information systems may reduce costs as users buy their own devices. The problem was that managers have a limited understanding of the need to secure or support personal mobile devices. The purpose of this survey study was to examine the relationship between employees\u27 desire to use personal mobile devices and corporation needs for security and support. Hypotheses were tested by examining the relationships between the requirement to support and secure personal mobile devices as the independent variables and the desire to use personal mobile devices as the dependent variable. The theoretical framework for the study included the IT product life-cycle management theory, IT security-management theory, and IT strategic-management theory. Survey data were collected from a convenience sample of 108 employees at the study-site organization from an estimated population of 170. Basic linear regression analyses performed found a correlation coefficient of 0.905 indicating the variables are highly correlated. This finding indicates that if personal mobile devices are given access to corporate information systems, then support and security will be necessary for successful operations. If the relationship between internal factors and operational success is clearly documented, organizations may be able to use the data to justify incorporating personal mobile devices within their own corporate information system to reduce costs, improve productivity, and increase employee satisfaction, thereby making a positive contribution to society

    Secure Mobile Deployment of NFL Training Materials

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    The problem addressed is the lack of empirical research describing the delivery of individualized learning material in a secure and mobile manner. The goal was to investigate the effectiveness of deploying training materials to National Football League (NFL) players during a recent NFL season. Over the past few seasons, NFL teams have started to deliver player training material to mobile devices. The training material is sensitive and includes planning documents for upcoming games. An effort was made to survey a representative at each of the 32 NFL teams in order to gain insight on effectiveness, security, and process. Nearly half of the league responded with 14 of the 32 franchises reporting back. The results demonstrate that mobile devices can be an effective means to distribute educational materials to individuals in secure manner. The iPad was identified as a suitable platform for delivery of instructional material. Security elements such as encryption and using mobile security products should be strongly considered. The results are discussed in detail. A set of standards and guidelines were created based on the responses provided by club employees

    Secure portable execution and storage environments: A capability to improve security for remote working

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    Remote working is a practice that provides economic benefits to both the employing organisation and the individual. However, evidence suggests that organisations implementing remote working have limited appreciation of the security risks, particularly those impacting upon the confidentiality and integrity of information and also on the integrity and availability of the remote worker’s computing environment. Other research suggests that an organisation that does appreciate these risks may veto remote working, resulting in a loss of economic benefits. With the implementation of high speed broadband, remote working is forecast to grow and therefore it is appropriate that improved approaches to managing security risks are researched. This research explores the use of secure portable execution and storage environments (secure PESEs) to improve information security for the remote work categories of telework, and mobile and deployed working. This thesis with publication makes an original contribution to improving remote work information security through the development of a body of knowledge (consisting of design models and design instantiations) and the assertion of a nascent design theory. The research was conducted using design science research (DSR), a paradigm where the research philosophies are grounded in design and construction. Following an assessment of both the remote work information security issues and threats, and preparation of a set of functional requirements, a secure PESE concept was defined. The concept is represented by a set of attributes that encompass the security properties of preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the computing environment and data. A computing environment that conforms to the concept is considered to be a secure PESE, the implementation of which consists of a highly portable device utilising secure storage and an up-loadable (on to a PC) secure execution environment. The secure storage and execution environment combine to address the information security risks in the remote work location. A research gap was identified as no existing ‘secure PESE like’ device fully conformed to the concept, enabling a research problem and objectives to be defined. Novel secure storage and execution environments were developed and used to construct a secure PESE suitable for commercial remote work and a high assurance secure PESE suitable for security critical remote work. The commercial secure PESE was trialled with an existing telework team looking to improve security and the high assurance secure PESE was trialled within an organisation that had previously vetoed remote working due to the sensitivity of the data it processed. An evaluation of the research findings found that the objectives had been satisfied. Using DSR evaluation frameworks it was determined that the body of knowledge had improved an area of study with sufficient evidence generated to assert a nascent design theory for secure PESEs. The thesis highlights the limitations of the research while opportunities for future work are also identified. This thesis presents ten published papers coupled with additional doctoral research (that was not published) which postulates the research argument that ‘secure PESEs can be used to manage information security risks within the remote work environment’

    Konzepte fĂŒr Datensicherheit und Datenschutz in mobilen Anwendungen

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    Smart Devices und insbesondere Smartphones nehmen eine immer wichtigere Rolle in unserem Leben ein. Aufgrund einer kontinuierlich anwachsenden Akkulaufzeit können diese GerĂ€te nahezu ununterbrochen mitgefĂŒhrt und genutzt werden. ZusĂ€tzlich sorgen stetig gĂŒnstiger werdende Mobilfunktarife und ansteigende Datenraten dafĂŒr, dass den Nutzern mit diesen GerĂ€ten eine immerwĂ€hrende Verbindung zum Internet zur VerfĂŒgung steht. Smart Devices sind dadurch nicht mehr reine Kommunikationsmittel sondern ebenfalls Informationsquellen. DarĂŒber hinaus gibt es eine Vielzahl an Anwendungen von Drittanbietern fĂŒr diese GerĂ€te. Dank der darin verbauten Sensoren, können darauf beispielsweise ortsbasierte Anwendungen, Gesundheitsanwendungen oder Anwendungen fĂŒr die Industrie 4.0 ausgefĂŒhrt werden, um nur einige zu nennen. Solche Anwendungen stellen allerdings nicht nur ein großes Nutzen-, sondern zu gleich ein immenses Gefahrenpotential dar. Über die Sensoren können die unterschiedlichsten Kontextdaten erfasst und relativ prĂ€zise RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf den Nutzer gezogen werden. Daher sollte bei diesen GerĂ€ten ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Datensicherheit und insbesondere auf den Datenschutz gelegt werden. Betrachtet man allerdings die bestehenden Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkomponenten in den aktuell vorherrschenden mobilen Plattformen, so fĂ€llt auf, dass keine der Plattformen die speziellen Anforderungen an ein mobiles Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzsystem zufriedenstellend erfĂŒllt. Aus diesem Grund steht im Zentrum der vorliegende Arbeit die Konzeption und Umsetzung neuartiger Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkonzepte fĂŒr mobile Anwendungen. HierfĂŒr werden die folgenden fĂŒnf ForschungsbeitrĂ€ge erbracht: [FB1] Bestehende Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkonzepte werden analysiert, um deren Schwachstellen zu identifizieren. [FB2] Ein kontextsensitives Berechtigungsmodell wird erstellt. [FB3] Das Berechtigungsmodell wird in einem flexiblen Datenschutzsystem konzeptionell eingebettet und anschließend implementiert. [FB4] Das Datenschutzsystem wird zu einem holistischen Sicherheitssystem erweitert. [FB5] Das daraus entstandene holistische Sicherheitssystem wird evaluiert. Um die Forschungsziele zu erreichen, wird mit dem Privacy Policy Model (PPM) ein gĂ€nzlich neues Modell zur Formulierung von feingranularen Berechtigungsregeln eingefĂŒhrt, die es dem Nutzer ermöglichen, je nach Bedarf, einzelne Funktionseinheiten einer Anwendung zu deaktivieren, um dadurch die Zugriffsrechte der Anwendung einzuschrĂ€nken. ZusĂ€tzlich kann der Nutzer auch die Genauigkeit der Daten, die der Anwendung zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden, reduzieren. Das PPM wird in der Privacy Policy Platform (PMP) implementiert. Die PMP ist ein Berechtigungssystem, das nicht nur fĂŒr die Einhaltung der Datenschutzrichtlinien sorgt, sondern auch einige der Schutzziele der Datensicherheit erfĂŒllt. FĂŒr die PMP werden mehrere Implementierungsstrategien diskutiert und deren Vor- und Nachteile gegeneinander abgewogen. Um neben den Datenschutz auch die Datensicherheit gewĂ€hrleisten zu können, wird die PMP um den Secure Data Container (SDC) erweitert. Mit dem SDC können sensible Daten sicher gespeichert und zwischen Anwendungen ausgetauscht werden. Die Anwendbarkeit der PMP und des SDCs wird an Praxisbeispielen aus vier unterschiedlichen DomĂ€nen (ortsbasierte Anwendungen, Gesundheitsanwendungen, Anwendungen in der Industrie 4.0 und Anwendungen fĂŒr das Internet der Dinge) demonstriert. Bei dieser Analyse zeigt sich, dass die Kombination aus PMP und SDC nicht nur sĂ€mtliche Schutzziele, die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit relevant sind und sich am ISO-Standard ISO/IEC 27000:2009 orientieren, erfĂŒllt, sondern darĂŒber hinaus sehr performant ist. Durch die Verwendung der PMP und des SDCs kann der Akkuverbrauch von Anwendungen halbiert werden