47 research outputs found


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    The article describes construction and performance of mobile application monitoring position of the mobile device using the built-in GPS. Describes the presentation of the collected data using dedicated web application and demonstrates its capabilities.Artykuł opisuje budowę i działanie aplikacji monitorującej położenie urządzenia mobilnego w terenie wykorzystując wbudowany moduł GPS. Opisuje sposób prezentacji zebranych danych przy pomocy dedykowanej aplikacji webowej oraz obrazuje jej możliwości

    Mobile Application Monitoring Pengisian Uang Anjungan Tunai Mandiri PT Bank Mandiri Cabang Palembang

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    Bank Mandiri Cabang Palembang merupakan bank yang mengedepankan kepuasan pelanggan. Salah satu pelayanan yang ada berupa pelayanan anjungan tunai mandiri (ATM) yang menjadi ujung tombak dalam pendistribusian uang tunai kepada nasabah. Namun kendala yang saat ini muncul adanya proses yang kurang efisien dalam bidang penjadwalan dan monitoring pengisian uang pada ATM yang dimiliki. Kurang efisiennya proses tersebut meliputi proses pembuatan jadwal pengisian dan petugas pengisian yang masi menggunakan cara konvensional seperti perekapan melaui Microsoft exel dan dalam bentuk jadwal cetak. Sesuai kondisi tersebut maka dalam penelitian ini dibuat mobile application sebagai alat bantu dalam penjadwalan dan monitoring pengisian uang ATM. Mobile application yang dihasilkan telah dikembangkan secara sistematis dan terstruktur menggunakan metode pegnembangan mobile-D. selain  itu juga mobile applicatioan tersebut telah dilakukan pengujian sebagai langkah akhir pegnembangan dan dinyatakan layak (dapat diterima) sehingga dapat dijadikan oleh Bank Mandiri Cabang Palembang sebagai alat bantu dalam proses penjadwalan dan monitoring pengisian uang AT

    Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban dan Gas Amonia pada Kandang Sapi Perah Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT)

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    This research aims to create a dairy cage monitoring system that can send data of temperature, humidity and ammonia gas in the cage and display notification and recommendation based on these data. The system consists of three main components: monitoring tool, web server and mobile application. Monitoring tool consist of arduino uno microcontroller, DHT22 sensor, MQ-135 sensor and ESP8266. The web server receives data from the microcontroller and sends data to the mobile application. The mobile app displays monitoring data as well as notification and recommendation when the temperature, humidity and ammonia gas of the enclosure are in an ideal state. After testing, ESP8266 is able to send data to web server with average time difference between data sent to web server is 39 second at 25 meter distance. Keywords: Dairy cows, monitoring system, ESP8266, mobile applicatio

    Model Sistem Informasi Pemesanan dan Produksi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile

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    This research discusses the ordering and production application model developed with the php programming language. The application model is developed with an agile method approach that suits the circumstances that suit the needs of application development quickly but still meets the needs of application owners and users. Data collection was carried out using observation methods, interviews, and literature studies. Data collection is carried out to find out the problems that occur, while observation activities on the ongoing process and PIECES-based analysis aim to confirm the problems to be solved through application development. Application development is carried out through the stages of analysis, design, development, and testing. The design stages are carried out using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. The development stage is done using the php programming language with the codeigniter 3 framework and the mysql database with visual studio code as the text editor. In the final part, testing activities are carried out with a black box testing approach. The test results show that the developed application is functioning properly and in accordance with the development goals. The application of ordering and production applications produced in this study plays a positive role in improving business process performance, and increasing the satisfaction of application users and enterprise customers


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    This study reported the staging of process on developing a mobile application for real-time data management information system on monitoring and feedback in early child education, it can help tracking child education and assist teacher in monitoring and feedback on child services. A study was carried out to gather necessary information through data mapping, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, document reviews, application development, direct entry in the field using mobile development, application testing and analysis that was conducted on for 145 children. To obtain a full picture on early childhood education, data on childhood education shall be mapped and linked in one application. We introduce a mobile app to systematically compile the individual as well as group data (i.e. village or district profiles) across different aspects of child life, ranging from early child education. Using a tablet PC or mobile phone, data could be easily entered at anytime by the person. Due to still poor infrastructure at the grass root level, the system also allows a safety store offline that could automatically link to server when network connection is available. The immediate data entry will provide real-time data report that could be accessed by any relevant stakeholders at any levels to response accordingly. However, to avoid misuse of data, the access will also be restricted with a secured login system. Based on the study, this application is easily applicable for real-time monitoring and feedback on early child education

    Aplikasi Monitoring Kesehatan Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Berbasis Android

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    Kesehatan merupakan suatu keadaan sejahtera yang meliputi fisik, mental dan sosial. Kesehatan tubuh menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan tidak dapat dipungkiri untuk menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Banyak masyarakat yang terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan mengabaikan kesehatannya, mereka betapa pentingnya menjaga pola kehidupan sehat yang baik dan benar. Akibat kurang pedulinya terhadap pola hidup sehat yang baik dan benar akan menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit yang dapat menghambat dan mengganggu kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam tugas akhir ini telah direalisasikan aplikasi mobile berbasis android yang berfungsi untuk memantau kondisi kesehatan yang terhubung langsung dengan wearable device melalui sambungan bluetooth. Aplikasi ini menggunakan metoda logika fuzzy mamdani untuk menentukan kondisi kesehatan penggunanya berdasarkan data denyut nadi, saturasi oksigen, dan suhu tubuh. Selain itu, terdapat menu riwayat yang berfungsi untuk melihat kondisi kesehatan sebelumnya sesuai tanggal penggunaan aplikasi yang telah dipilih pada kalendar. Aplikasi monitoring kesehatan ini telah dibuat dan diuji dengan mendapatkan hasil yang baik. Untuk mengetahui akurasi dari algoritma yang digunakan dibuktikan dengan menghasilkan nilai akurasi data antara aplikasi dan perangkat sebesar 100 %, dan tingkat persentase keberhasilan aplikasi dengan keadaan sebenarnya diperoleh masing-masing sebesar denyut nadi (79,688%), saturasi oksigen (71,875%), dan suhu tubuh (50%). Kata Kunci : Logika Fuzzy, mamdani, android, mobile application, monitoring kesehatan

    Design of remote temperature monitoring system on automatic filling R125 Shinva machine using LM35 sensor and Arduino Uno microcontroller

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    This paper proposed the design of a remote temperature monitoring system of R125 Shinva's automatic filling machine. The R125 Shinva’s automatic filling machine is one of the machines on SF company which main function is fulfilling the infusion liquid into the infusion packaging, this infusion liquid is mainly used for the human medical treatment. Based on the failure history data, this machine has the highest downtime among the others and one of the fatal failures is caused by the overheating of the heating element in the infusion liquid bag's transfer system. Using the proposed design, the temperature of the heating element can be monitored in real-time condition and also giving notification to the maintenance team for the next maintenance action. With the power of cloud-based technology, the monitoring system not only on-site monitoring but also can use a web server monitoring, and mobile monitoring system

    Design of remote temperature monitoring system on automatic filling R125 Shinva machine using LM35 sensor and Arduino Uno microcontroller

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    This paper proposed the design of a remote temperature monitoring system of R125 Shinva's automatic filling machine. The R125 Shinva’s automatic filling machine is one of the machines on SF company which main function is fulfilling the infusion liquid into the infusion packaging, this infusion liquid is mainly used for the human medical treatment. Based on the failure history data, this machine has the highest downtime among the others and one of the fatal failures is caused by the overheating of the heating element in the infusion liquid bag's transfer system. Using the proposed design, the temperature of the heating element can be monitored in real-time condition and also giving notification to the maintenance team for the next maintenance action. With the power of cloud-based technology, the monitoring system not only on-site monitoring but also can use a web server monitoring, and mobile monitoring system

    Implementation design of energy trading monitoring application for blockchain technology-based wheeling cases

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    One obstacle to the energy industry’s tendency toward adopting renewable energy is the requirement for a monitoring system for energy transactions based on microgrids in the wheeling scheme (shared use of utility networks). The quantity of transaction expenses for each operational generator is not monitored in any case. In this project, a mobile phone application is developed and maintained to track the total amount of fees paid and received by all wheeling parties and the amount of electricity produced by the microgrid. In the wheeling case system research, the number of transaction costs, such as network rental fees, loss costs, and profit margins, must be pretty calculated for all wheeling participants. The approach created in this study uses a blockchain system to execute transactions, and transactions can only take place if the wheeling actor and the generator have an existing contract. The application of energy trading is the main contribution of this research. The created application may track energy transfers and track how many fees each wheeling actor is required to receive or pay. Using a security system to monitor wheeling transactions will make energy trades transparent