7,528 research outputs found

    Intersession Variability Compensation in Language and Speaker Identification

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    Variabilita kanálu a hovoru je velmi důležitým problémem v úloze rozpoznávání mluvčího. V současné době je ve velkém množství vědeckých článků uvedeno několik technik pro kompenzaci vlivu kanálu. Kompenzace vlivu kanálu může být implementována jak v doméně modelu, tak i v doménách příznaků i skóre. Relativně nová výkoná technika je takzvaná eigenchannel adaptace pro GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models). Mevýhodou této metody je nemožnost její aplikace na jiné klasifikátory, jako napřílad takzvané SVM (Support Vector Machines), GMM s různým počtem Gausových komponent nebo v rozpoznávání řeči s použitím skrytých markovových modelů (HMM). Řešením může být aproximace této metody, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně příznaků. Obě tyto techniky, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně modelu a doméně příznaků v systémech rozpoznávání mluvčího, jsou uvedeny v této práci. Po dosažení dobrých výsledků v rozpoznávání mluvčího, byl přínos těchto technik zkoumán pro akustický systém rozpoznávání jazyka zahrnující 14 jazyků. V této úloze má nežádoucí vliv nejen variabilita kanálu, ale i variabilita mluvčího. Výsledky jsou prezentovány na datech definovaných pro evaluaci rozpoznávání mluvčího z roku 2006 a evaluaci rozpoznávání jazyka v roce 2007, obě organizované Amerických Národním Institutem pro Standard a Technologie (NIST)Varibiality in the channel and session is an important issue in the text-independent speaker recognition task. To date, several techniques providing channel and session variability compensation were introduced in a number of scientic papers. Such implementation can be done in feature, model and score domain. Relatively new and powerful approach to remove channel distortion is so-called eigenchannel adaptation for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The drawback of the technique is that it is not applicable in its original implementation to different types of classifiers, eg. Support Vector Machines (SVM), GMM with different number of Gaussians or in speech recognition task using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The solution can be the approximation of the technique, eigenchannel adaptation in feature domain. Both, the original eigenchannel adaptation and eigenchannel adaptation on features in task of speaker recognition are presented. After achieving good results in speaker recognition, contribution of the same techniques was examined in acoustic language identification system with 1414 languages. In this task undesired factors are channel and speaker variability. Presented results are presented on the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006 data and NIST Language Recognition Evaluation 2007 data.

    Speaker verification using sequence discriminant support vector machines

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    This paper presents a text-independent speaker verification system using support vector machines (SVMs) with score-space kernels. Score-space kernels generalize Fisher kernels and are based on underlying generative models such as Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). This approach provides direct discrimination between whole sequences, in contrast with the frame-level approaches at the heart of most current systems. The resultant SVMs have a very high dimensionality since it is related to the number of parameters in the underlying generative model. To address problems that arise in the resultant optimization we introduce a technique called spherical normalization that preconditions the Hessian matrix. We have performed speaker verification experiments using the PolyVar database. The SVM system presented here reduces the relative error rates by 34% compared to a GMM likelihood ratio system

    Human and Machine Speaker Recognition Based on Short Trivial Events

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    Trivial events are ubiquitous in human to human conversations, e.g., cough, laugh and sniff. Compared to regular speech, these trivial events are usually short and unclear, thus generally regarded as not speaker discriminative and so are largely ignored by present speaker recognition research. However, these trivial events are highly valuable in some particular circumstances such as forensic examination, as they are less subjected to intentional change, so can be used to discover the genuine speaker from disguised speech. In this paper, we collect a trivial event speech database that involves 75 speakers and 6 types of events, and report preliminary speaker recognition results on this database, by both human listeners and machines. Particularly, the deep feature learning technique recently proposed by our group is utilized to analyze and recognize the trivial events, which leads to acceptable equal error rates (EERs) despite the extremely short durations (0.2-0.5 seconds) of these events. Comparing different types of events, 'hmm' seems more speaker discriminative.Comment: ICASSP 201