1,023 research outputs found

    Mixture of Probabilistic Principal Component Analyzers for Shapes from Point Sets

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    Inferring a probability density function (pdf) for shape from a population of point sets is a challenging problem. The lack of point-to-point correspondences and the non-linearity of the shape spaces undermine the linear models. Methods based on manifolds model the shape variations naturally, however, statistics are often limited to a single geodesic mean and an arbitrary number of variation modes. We relax the manifold assumption and consider a piece-wise linear form, implementing a mixture of distinctive shape classes. The pdf for point sets is defined hierarchically, modeling a mixture of Probabilistic Principal Component Analyzers (PPCA) in higher dimension. A Variational Bayesian approach is designed for unsupervised learning of the posteriors of point set labels, local variation modes, and point correspondences. By maximizing the model evidence, the numbers of clusters, modes of variations, and points on the mean models are automatically selected. Using the predictive distribution, we project a test shape to the spaces spanned by the local PPCA's. The method is applied to point sets from: i) synthetic data, ii) healthy versus pathological heart morphologies, and iii) lumbar vertebrae. The proposed method selects models with expected numbers of clusters and variation modes, achieving lower generalization-specificity errors compared to state-of-the-art

    Robust dimensionality reduction for human action recognition

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    Human action recognition can be approached by combining an action-discriminative feature set with a classifier. However, the dimensionality of typical feature sets joint with that of the time dimension often leads to a curse-of-dimensionality situation. Moreover, the measurement of the feature set is subject to sometime severe errors. This paper presents an approach to human action recognition based on robust dimensionality reduction. The observation probabilities of hidden Markov models (HMM) are modelled by mixtures of probabilistic principal components analyzers and mixtures of t-distribution sub-spaces, and compared with conventional Gaussian mixture models. Experimental results on two datasets show that dimensionality reduction helps improve the classification accuracy and that the heavier-tailed t-distribution can help reduce the impact of outliers generated by segmentation errors. © 2010 Crown Copyright

    Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Discriminant Analysis Using the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution: MixGHD R package

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    The MixGHD package for R performs model-based clustering, classification, and discriminant analysis using the generalized hyperbolic distribution (GHD). This approach is suitable for data that can be considered a realization of a (multivariate) continuous random variable. The GHD has the advantage of being flexible due to skewness, concentration, and index parameters; as such, clustering methods that use this distribution are capable of estimating clusters characterized by different shapes. The package provides five different models all based on the GHD, an efficient routine for discriminant analysis, and a function to measure cluster agreement. This paper is split into three parts: the first is devoted to the formulation of each method, extending them for classification and discriminant analysis applications, the second focuses on the algorithms, and the third shows the use of the package on real datasets

    A Unifying review of linear gaussian models

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    Factor analysis, principal component analysis, mixtures of gaussian clusters, vector quantization, Kalman filter models, and hidden Markov models can all be unified as variations of unsupervised learning under a single basic generative model. This is achieved by collecting together disparate observations and derivations made by many previous authors and introducing a new way of linking discrete and continuous state models using a simple nonlinearity. Through the use of other nonlinearities, we show how independent component analysis is also a variation of the same basic generative model.We show that factor analysis and mixtures of gaussians can be implemented in autoencoder neural networks and learned using squared error plus the same regularization term. We introduce a new model for static data, known as sensible principal component analysis, as well as a novel concept of spatially adaptive observation noise. We also review some of the literature involving global and local mixtures of the basic models and provide pseudocode for inference and learning for all the basic models

    Estimating conditional density of missing values using deep Gaussian mixture model

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    We consider the problem of estimating the conditional probability distribution of missing values given the observed ones. We propose an approach, which combines the flexibility of deep neural networks with the simplicity of Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). Given an incomplete data point, our neural network returns the parameters of Gaussian distribution (in the form of Factor Analyzers model) representing the corresponding conditional density. We experimentally verify that our model provides better log-likelihood than conditional GMM trained in a typical way. Moreover, imputation obtained by replacing missing values using the mean vector of our model looks visually plausible.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared as an extended abstract at the ICML 2020 Workshop on The Art of Learning with Missing Value

    HMM-MIO: An enhanced hidden Markov model for action recognition

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    Generative models can be flexibly employed in a variety of tasks such as classification, detection and segmentation thanks to their explicit modelling of likelihood functions. However, likelihood functions are hard to model accurately in many real cases. In this paper, we present an enhanced hidden Markov model capable of dealing with the noisy, high-dimensional and sparse measurements typical of action feature sets. The modified model, named hidden Markov model with multiple, independent observations (HMM-MIO), joins: a) robustness to observation outliers, b) dimensionality reduction, and c) processing of sparse observations. In the paper, a set of experimental results over the Weizmann and KTH datasets shows that this model can be tuned to achieve classification accuracy comparable to that of discriminative classifiers. While discriminative approaches remain the natural choice for classification tasks, our results prove that likelihoods, too, can be modelled to a high level of accuracy. In the near future, we plan extension of HMM-MIO along the lines of infinite Markov models and its integration into a switching model for continuous human action recognition. © 2011 IEEE

    Inferring 3D Structure with a Statistical Image-Based Shape Model

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    We present an image-based approach to infer 3D structure parameters using a probabilistic "shape+structure'' model. The 3D shape of a class of objects may be represented by sets of contours from silhouette views simultaneously observed from multiple calibrated cameras. Bayesian reconstructions of new shapes can then be estimated using a prior density constructed with a mixture model and probabilistic principal components analysis. We augment the shape model to incorporate structural features of interest; novel examples with missing structure parameters may then be reconstructed to obtain estimates of these parameters. Model matching and parameter inference are done entirely in the image domain and require no explicit 3D construction. Our shape model enables accurate estimation of structure despite segmentation errors or missing views in the input silhouettes, and works even with only a single input view. Using a dataset of thousands of pedestrian images generated from a synthetic model, we can perform accurate inference of the 3D locations of 19 joints on the body based on observed silhouette contours from real images