823 research outputs found

    Using power-law properties of social groups for cloud defense and community detection

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    The power-law distribution can be used to describe various aspects of social group behavior. For mussels, sociobiological research has shown that the LĂ©vy walk best describes their self-organizing movement strategy. A mussel\u27s step length is drawn from a power-law distribution, and its direction is drawn from a uniform distribution. In the area of social networks, theories such as preferential attachment seek to explain why the degree distribution tends to be scale-free. The aim of this dissertation is to glean insight from these works to help solve problems in two domains: cloud computing systems and community detection. Privacy and security are two areas of concern for cloud systems. Recent research has provided evidence indicating how a malicious user could perform co-residence profiling and public to private IP mapping to target and exploit customers which share physical resources. This work proposes a defense strategy, in part inspired by mussel self-organization, that relies on user account and workload clustering to mitigate co-residence profiling. To obfuscate the public to private IP map, clusters are managed and accessed by account proxies. This work also describes a set of capabilities and attack paths an attacker needs to execute for targeted co-residence, and presents arguments to show how the defense strategy disrupts the critical steps in the attack path for most cases. Further, it performs a risk assessment to determine the likelihood an individual user will be victimized, given that a successful non-directed exploit has occurred. Results suggest that while possible, this event is highly unlikely. As for community detection, several algorithms have been proposed. Most of these, however, share similar disadvantages. Some algorithms require apriori information, such as threshold values or the desired number of communities, while others are computationally expensive. A third category of algorithms suffer from a combination of the two. This work proposes a greedy community detection heuristic which exploits the scale-free properties of social networks. It hypothesizes that highly connected nodes, or hubs, form the basic building blocks of communities. A detection technique that explores these characteristics remains largely unexplored throughout recent literature. To show its effectiveness, the algorithm is tested on commonly used real network data sets. In most cases, it classifies nodes into communities which coincide with their respective known structures. Unlike other implementations, the proposed heuristic is computationally inexpensive, deterministic, and does not require apriori information

    On the Use of Migration to Stop Illicit Channels

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    Side and covert channels (referred to collectively as illicit channels) are an insidious affliction of high security systems brought about by the unwanted and unregulated sharing of state amongst processes. Illicit channels can be effectively broken through isolation, which limits the degree by which processes can interact. The drawback of using isolation as a general mitigation against illicit channels is that it can be very wasteful when employed naively. In particular, permanently isolating every tenant of a public cloud service to its own separate machine would completely undermine the economics of cloud computing, as it would remove the advantages of consolidation. On closer inspection, it transpires that only a subset of a tenant's activities are sufficiently security sensitive to merit strong isolation. Moreover, it is not generally necessary to maintain isolation indefinitely, nor is it given that isolation must always be procured at the machine level. This work builds on these observations by exploring a fine-grained and hierarchical model of isolation, where fractions of a machine can be isolated dynamically using migration. Using different units of isolation allows a system to isolate processes from each other with a minimum of over-allocated resources, and having a dynamic and reconfigurable model enables isolation to be procured on-demand. The model is then realised as an implemented framework that allows the fine-grained provisioning of units of computation, managing migrations at the core, virtual CPU, process group, process/container and virtual machine level. Use of this framework is demonstrated in detecting and mitigating a machine-wide covert channel, and in implementing a multi-level moving target defence. Finally, this work describes the extension of post-copy live migration mechanisms to allow temporary virtual machine migration. This adds the ability to isolate a virtual machine on a short term basis, which subsequently allows migrations to happen at a higher frequency and with fewer redundant memory transfers, and also creates the opportunity of time-sharing a particular physical machine's features amongst a set of tenants' virtual machines

    Security Auditing and Multi-Tenancy Threat Evaluation in Public Cloud Infrastructures

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    Cloud service providers typically adopt the multi-tenancy model to optimize resources usage and achieve the promised cost-effectiveness. However, multi-tenancy in the cloud is a double-edged sword. While it enables cost-effective resource sharing, it increases security risks for the hosted applications. Indeed, multiplexing virtual resources belonging to different tenants on the same physical substrate may lead to critical security concerns such as cross-tenant data leakage and denial of service. Therefore, there is an increased necessity and a pressing need to foster transparency and accountability in multi-tenant clouds. In this regard, auditing security compliance of the cloud provider’s infrastructure against standards, regulations and customers’ policies on one side, and evaluating the multi-tenancy threat on the other side, take on an increasing importance to boost the trust between the cloud stakeholders. However, auditing virtual infrastructures is challenging due to the dynamic and layered nature of the cloud. Particularly, inconsistencies in network isolation mechanisms across the cloud stack layers (e.g., the infrastructure management layer and the implementation layer), may lead to virtual network isolation breaches that might be undetectable at a single layer. Additionally, evaluating multi-tenancy threats in the cloud requires systematic ways and effective metrics, which are largely missing in the literature. This thesis work addresses the aforementioned challenges and limitations and articulates around two main topics, namely, security compliance auditing and multi-tenancy threat evaluation in the cloud. Our objective in the first topic is to propose an automated framework that allows auditing the cloud infrastructure from the structural point of view, while focusing on virtualization-related security properties and consistency between multiple control layers. To this end, we devise a multi-layered model related to each cloud stack layer’s view in order to capture the semantics of the audited data and its relation to consistent isolation requirements. Furthermore, we integrate our auditing system into OpenStack, and present our experimental results on assessing several properties related to virtual network isolation and consistency. Our results show that our approach can be successfully used to detect virtual network isolation breaches for large OpenStack-based data centers in a reasonable time. The objective of the second topic is to derive security metrics for evaluating the multi-tenancy threats in public clouds. To this end, we propose security metrics to quantify the proximity between tenants’ virtual resources inside the cloud. Those metrics are defined based on the configuration and deployment of a cloud, such that a cloud provider may apply them to evaluate and mitigate co-residency threats. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our metrics and show their usefulness, we conduct case studies based on both real and synthetic cloud data. We further perform extensive simulations using CloudSim and wellknown VM placement policies. The results show that our metrics effectively capture the impact of potential attacks, and the abnormal degrees of co-residency between a victim and potential attackers, which paves the way for the design of effective mitigation solutions against co-residency attacks

    Secure virtual machines allocation in cloud computing environments

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    A Cloud Computing Environment (CCE) leverages the advantages offered by virtualisation to enable the sharing of computing resources among cloud users elastically and based on the user requirements. Hence, virtual machines (VMs) can share physical resources within the same physical machine (PM). However, resource sharing is exposed to potential security threats that can lead to a malicious co-residency, or multitenancy, between the co-located VMs. The malicious co-residency happens when a malicious VM is co-located with a critical, or target, VM on the same PM, leading to side-channel attacks (SCAs), widely recognised as a potential threat in CCEs. Specifically, the SCAs allow the malicious VMs to capture private information from the target VMs by co-locating with them on the same PM. The co-location of VMs is an outcome of the VMs allocation algorithm behaviour, which is responsible for allocating the VMs to a specific PM based on defined allocation objectives. As such, the VMs allocation behaviours can potentially lead to a malicious co-residency; hence, it is significant that the implemented VMs allocation algorithms need to be made secure. Most of the earlier studies tackled the malicious co-residency, which leads to SCAs, through specific solutions, by focusing on either formulating VMs allocation algorithms or modifying the architecture of the CCEs to mitigate the threats of SCAs. However, most of them are oriented to specific situations and assumptions, leading to malicious co-residency when applied to other scopes or situations. While in our work, we presented the solution from a different holistic perspective by studying the allocation behaviours and other properties that affect and lead to obtaining a secure VMs allocation. In addition, we develop a secure VMs allocation model that aims to minimise the malicious co-residency under various situations and constraints. Furthermore, we introduce an evaluation of our model using an optimisation-based approach by utilising a linear programming technique to capture the behaviour of the optimal VMs allocation. Moreover, based on the optimisation-based outcomes, we develop security-aware VMs allocation and VMs migration algorithms that aim to allocate the VMs securely to reduce the potential threats from malicious co-residency. Therefore, to accomplish our objectives, we utilise state of the art tools and simulations such as PuLP and CloudSim to examine and implement the VMs allocation algorithms. Moreover, we perform an extensive examination of selected VMs allocation behaviours, which are stacking-based, random-based and spreading-based. The examinations are performed under different scenarios and structures for each behaviour to understand the possible situations that lead to secure VMs allocation. Hence, we show that the stacking-based behaviours algorithms are more likely to produce secure allocations than those with spreading-based or randombased allocation behaviours algorithms. Accordingly, our stacking-based algorithms are significantly better as they produce secure allocations more than the compared algorithms under the same examined situations. Moreover, our results show that VMs arrival time has a significant impact producing secure allocations, where the arrival of target or malicious VMs earlier than the rest of VMs often minimises the malicious co-residency occurrence. In addition, the high available resources diversity between the available resources of PMs yields to produce more secure allocations as it offers more allocation options for the allocation algorithms and thus more flexibility. Furthermore, our stacking-based algorithms show the lowest PMs usage among the compared algorithms, by significant amounts, under most examined situations, leading to utilising fewer PMs and therefore fewer power consumption of the available resources. Lastly, the number of VMs migration is the lowest among the examined algorithms, leading to the higher availability of the VMs in cloud systems by avoiding many interruptions resulting from the VMs migration while enhancing the state of the secure allocations

    Autonomic Management And Performance Optimization For Cloud Computing Services

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    Cloud computing has become an increasingly important computing paradigm. It offers three levels of on-demand services to cloud users: software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) . The success of cloud services heavily depends on the effectiveness of cloud management strategies. In this dissertation work, we aim to design and implement an automatic cloud management system to improve application performance, increase platform efficiency and optimize resource allocation. For large-scale multi-component applications, especially web-based cloud applica- tions, parameter setting is crucial to the service availability and quality. The increas- ing system complexity requires an automatic and efficient application configuration strategy. To improve the quality of application services, we propose a reinforcement learning(RL)-based autonomic configuration framework. It is able to adapt appli- cation parameter settings not only to the variations in workload, but also to the change of virtual resource allocation. The RL approach is enhanced with an efficient initialization policy to reduce the learning time for online decision. Experiments on Xen-based virtual cluster with TPC-W benchmarks show that the framework can drive applications into a optimal configuration in less than 25 iterations. For cloud platform service, one of the key challenges is to efficiently adapt the offered platforms to the virtualized environment, meanwhile maintaining their service features. MapReduce has become an important distributed parallel programming paradigm. Offering MapReduce cloud service presents an attractive usage model for enterprises. In a virtual MapReduce cluster, the interference between virtual machines (VMs) causes performance degradation of map and reduce tasks and renders existing data locality-aware task scheduling policy, like delay scheduling, no longer effective. On the other hand, virtualization offers an extra opportunity of data locality for co-hosted VMs. To address these issues, we present a task scheduling strategy to mitigate interference and meanwhile preserving task data locality for MapReduce applications. The strategy includes an interference-aware scheduling policy, based on a task performance prediction model, and an adaptive delay scheduling algorithm for data locality improvement. Experimental results on a 72-node Xen-based virtual cluster show that the scheduler is able to achieve a speedup of 1.5 to 6.5 times for individual jobs and yield an improvement of up to 1.9 times in system throughput in comparison with four other MapReduce schedulers. Cloud computing has a key requirement for resource configuration in a real-time manner. In such virtualized environments, both virtual machines (VMs) and hosted applications need to be configured on-the fly to adapt to system dynamics. The in- terplay between the layers of VMs and applications further complicates the problem of cloud configuration. Independent tuning of each aspect may not lead to optimal system wide performance. In this work, we propose a framework for coordinated configuration of VMs and resident applications. At the heart of the framework is a model-free hybrid reinforcement learning (RL) approach, which combines the advan- tages of Simplex method and RL method and is further enhanced by the use of system knowledge guided exploration policies. Experimental results on Xen based virtualized environments with TPC-W and TPC-C benchmarks demonstrate that the framework is able to drive a virtual server cluster into an optimal or near-optimal configuration state on the fly, in response to the change of workload. It improves the systems throughput by more than 30% over independent tuning strategies. In comparison with the coordinated tuning strategies based on basic RL or Simplex algorithm, the hybrid RL algorithm gains 25% to 40% throughput improvement

    Nature-inspired survivability: Prey-inspired survivability countermeasures for cloud computing security challenges

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    As cloud computing environments become complex, adversaries have become highly sophisticated and unpredictable. Moreover, they can easily increase attack power and persist longer before detection. Uncertain malicious actions, latent risks, Unobserved or Unobservable risks (UUURs) characterise this new threat domain. This thesis proposes prey-inspired survivability to address unpredictable security challenges borne out of UUURs. While survivability is a well-addressed phenomenon in non-extinct prey animals, applying prey survivability to cloud computing directly is challenging due to contradicting end goals. How to manage evolving survivability goals and requirements under contradicting environmental conditions adds to the challenges. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes a holistic taxonomy which integrate multiple and disparate perspectives of cloud security challenges. In addition, it proposes the TRIZ (Teorija Rezbenija Izobretatelskib Zadach) to derive prey-inspired solutions through resolving contradiction. First, it develops a 3-step process to facilitate interdomain transfer of concepts from nature to cloud. Moreover, TRIZ’s generic approach suggests specific solutions for cloud computing survivability. Then, the thesis presents the conceptual prey-inspired cloud computing survivability framework (Pi-CCSF), built upon TRIZ derived solutions. The framework run-time is pushed to the user-space to support evolving survivability design goals. Furthermore, a target-based decision-making technique (TBDM) is proposed to manage survivability decisions. To evaluate the prey-inspired survivability concept, Pi-CCSF simulator is developed and implemented. Evaluation results shows that escalating survivability actions improve the vitality of vulnerable and compromised virtual machines (VMs) by 5% and dramatically improve their overall survivability. Hypothesis testing conclusively supports the hypothesis that the escalation mechanisms can be applied to enhance the survivability of cloud computing systems. Numeric analysis of TBDM shows that by considering survivability preferences and attitudes (these directly impacts survivability actions), the TBDM method brings unpredictable survivability information closer to decision processes. This enables efficient execution of variable escalating survivability actions, which enables the Pi-CCSF’s decision system (DS) to focus upon decisions that achieve survivability outcomes under unpredictability imposed by UUUR

    Detection and Mitigation of Steganographic Malware

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    A new attack trend concerns the use of some form of steganography and information hiding to make malware stealthier and able to elude many standard security mechanisms. Therefore, this Thesis addresses the detection and the mitigation of this class of threats. In particular, it considers malware implementing covert communications within network traffic or cloaking malicious payloads within digital images. The first research contribution of this Thesis is in the detection of network covert channels. Unfortunately, the literature on the topic lacks of real traffic traces or attack samples to perform precise tests or security assessments. Thus, a propaedeutic research activity has been devoted to develop two ad-hoc tools. The first allows to create covert channels targeting the IPv6 protocol by eavesdropping flows, whereas the second allows to embed secret data within arbitrary traffic traces that can be replayed to perform investigations in realistic conditions. This Thesis then starts with a security assessment concerning the impact of hidden network communications in production-quality scenarios. Results have been obtained by considering channels cloaking data in the most popular protocols (e.g., TLS, IPv4/v6, and ICMPv4/v6) and showcased that de-facto standard intrusion detection systems and firewalls (i.e., Snort, Suricata, and Zeek) are unable to spot this class of hazards. Since malware can conceal information (e.g., commands and configuration files) in almost every protocol, traffic feature or network element, configuring or adapting pre-existent security solutions could be not straightforward. Moreover, inspecting multiple protocols, fields or conversations at the same time could lead to performance issues. Thus, a major effort has been devoted to develop a suite based on the extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) to gain visibility over different network protocols/components and to efficiently collect various performance indicators or statistics by using a unique technology. This part of research allowed to spot the presence of network covert channels targeting the header of the IPv6 protocol or the inter-packet time of generic network conversations. In addition, the approach based on eBPF turned out to be very flexible and also allowed to reveal hidden data transfers between two processes co-located within the same host. Another important contribution of this part of the Thesis concerns the deployment of the suite in realistic scenarios and its comparison with other similar tools. Specifically, a thorough performance evaluation demonstrated that eBPF can be used to inspect traffic and reveal the presence of covert communications also when in the presence of high loads, e.g., it can sustain rates up to 3 Gbit/s with commodity hardware. To further address the problem of revealing network covert channels in realistic environments, this Thesis also investigates malware targeting traffic generated by Internet of Things devices. In this case, an incremental ensemble of autoencoders has been considered to face the ''unknown'' location of the hidden data generated by a threat covertly exchanging commands towards a remote attacker. The second research contribution of this Thesis is in the detection of malicious payloads hidden within digital images. In fact, the majority of real-world malware exploits hiding methods based on Least Significant Bit steganography and some of its variants, such as the Invoke-PSImage mechanism. Therefore, a relevant amount of research has been done to detect the presence of hidden data and classify the payload (e.g., malicious PowerShell scripts or PHP fragments). To this aim, mechanisms leveraging Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) proved to be flexible and effective since they can learn by combining raw low-level data and can be updated or retrained to consider unseen payloads or images with different features. To take into account realistic threat models, this Thesis studies malware targeting different types of images (i.e., favicons and icons) and various payloads (e.g., URLs and Ethereum addresses, as well as webshells). Obtained results showcased that DNNs can be considered a valid tool for spotting the presence of hidden contents since their detection accuracy is always above 90% also when facing ''elusion'' mechanisms such as basic obfuscation techniques or alternative encoding schemes. Lastly, when detection or classification are not possible (e.g., due to resource constraints), approaches enforcing ''sanitization'' can be applied. Thus, this Thesis also considers autoencoders able to disrupt hidden malicious contents without degrading the quality of the image

    Novel applications and contexts for the cognitive packet network

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    Autonomic communication, which is the development of self-configuring, self-adapting, self-optimising and self-healing communication systems, has gained much attention in the network research community. This can be explained by the increasing demand for more sophisticated networking technologies with physical realities that possess computation capabilities and can operate successfully with minimum human intervention. Such systems are driving innovative applications and services that improve the quality of life of citizens both socially and economically. Furthermore, autonomic communication, because of its decentralised approach to communication, is also being explored by the research community as an alternative to centralised control infrastructures for efficient management of large networks. This thesis studies one of the successful contributions in the autonomic communication research, the Cognitive Packet Network (CPN). CPN is a highly scalable adaptive routing protocol that allows for decentralised control in communication. Consequently, CPN has achieved significant successes, and because of the direction of research, we expect it to continue to find relevance. To investigate this hypothesis, we research new applications and contexts for CPN. This thesis first studies Information-Centric Networking (ICN), a future Internet architecture proposal. ICN adopts a data-centric approach such that contents are directly addressable at the network level and in-network caching is easily supported. An optimal caching strategy for an information-centric network is first analysed, and approximate solutions are developed and evaluated. Furthermore, a CPN inspired forwarding strategy for directing requests in such a way that exploits the in-network caching capability of ICN is proposed. The proposed strategy is evaluated via discrete event simulations and shown to be more effective in its search for local cache hits compared to the conventional methods. Finally, CPN is proposed to implement the routing system of an Emergency Cyber-Physical System for guiding evacuees in confined spaces in emergency situations. By exploiting CPN’s QoS capabilities, different paths are assigned to evacuees based on their ongoing health conditions using well-defined path metrics. The proposed system is evaluated via discrete-event simulations and shown to improve survival chances compared to a static system that treats evacuees in the same way.Open Acces

    Improving address translation performance in virtualized multi-tenant systems

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    With the explosive growth in dataset sizes, application memory footprints are commonly reaching hundreds of GBs. Such huge datasets pressure the TLBs, resulting in frequent misses that must be resolved through a page walk – a long-latency pointer chase through multiple levels of the in-memory radix-tree-based page table. Page walk latency is particularly high under virtualization where address translation mandates traversing two radix-tree page tables in a process called a nested page walk, performing up to 24 memory accesses. Page walk latency can be also amplified by the effects caused by the colocation of applications on the same server used in an attempt to increase utilization. Under colocation, cache contention makes cache misses during a nested page walk more frequent, piling up page walk latency. Both virtualization and colocation are widely adopted in cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Engine. As a result, in cloud environments, page walk latency can reach hundreds of cycles, significantly reducing the overall application’s performance. This thesis addresses the problem of the high page walk latency by 1 identifying the sources of the high page walk latency under virtualization and/or colocation, and 2 proposing hardware and software techniques that accelerate page walks by means of new memory allocation strategies for the page table and data which can be easily adopted by existing systems. Firstly, we quantify how the dataset size growth, virtualization, and colocation affect page walk latency. We also study how a high page walk latency affects perform ance. Due to the lack of dedicated tools for evaluating address translation overhead on modern processors, we design a methodology to vary the page walk latency experienced by an application running on real hardware. To quantify the performance impact of address translation, we measure the application’s execution time while varying the page walk latency. We find that under virtualization, address translation considerably limits performance: an application can waste up to 68% of execution time due to stalls originating from page walks. In addition, we investigate which accesses from a nested page walk are most significant for the overall page walk latency by examining from where in the memory hierarchy these accesses are served. We find that accesses to the deeper levels of the page table radix tree are responsible for most of the overall page walk latency. Based on these observations, we introduce two address translation acceleration techniques that can be applied to any ISA that employs radix-tree page tables and nested page walks. The first of these techniques is Prefetched Address Translation (ASAP), a new software-hardware approach for mitigating the high page walk latency caused by virtualization and/or application colocation. At the heart of ASAP is a lightweight technique for directly indexing individual levels of the page table radix tree. Direct indexing enables ASAP to fetch nodes from deeper levels of the page table without first accessing the preceding levels, thus lowering the page walk latency. ASAP is fully compatible with the existing radix-tree-based page table and requires only incremental and isolated changes to the memory subsystem. The second technique is PTEMagnet, a new software-only approach for reducing address translation latency under virtualization and application colocation. Initially, we identify a new address translation bottleneck caused by memory fragmentation stemming from the interaction of virtualization, application colocation, and the Linux memory allocator. The fragmentation results in the effective cache footprint of the host page table being larger than that of the guest page table. The bloated footprint of the host page table leads to frequent cache misses during nested page walks, increasing page walk latency. In response to these observations, we propose PTEMag net. PTEMagnet prevents memory fragmentation by fine-grained reservation-based memory allocation in the guest OS. PTEMagnet is fully legacy-preserving, requiring no modifications to either user code or mechanisms for address translation and virtualization. In summary, this thesis proposes non-disruptive upgrades to the virtual memory subsystem for reducing page walk latency in virtualized deployments. In doing so, this thesis evaluates the impact of page walk latency on the application’s performance, identifies the bottlenecks of the existing address translation mechanism caused by virtualization, application colocation, and the Linux memory allocator, and proposes software-hardware and software-only solutions for eliminating the bottlenecks
