32,788 research outputs found

    Human dimensions of global environmental change: A review of frameworks and research gaps.

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    This review of current knowledge in, and development of, priorities for research into the human dimensions of global environmental change has been conducted to assist the Foundation for Research Science and Technology to formulate their research needs agenda. An overview of the emergence of the human dimension of the global environmental change research field is used as a prelude to a review of the international literature on frameworks for conducting human dimensions research. The terminology used in the human dimension field is diverse. An attempt is therefore made to consolidate the myriad of definitions for key concepts, in order to form a basis for human dimensions research in New Zealand and build a platform for the remainder of this report. Three disciplinary areas of academic inquiry were explored in the context of human dimensions of global environmental change research: economics, law and biological sciences. These disciplinary perspectives are reviewed through the international literature and in a New Zealand context. A conceptual framework for research into the human dimensions of global environmental change is provided based on the knowledge-base developed from the both international and New Zealand research. Core concepts, such as found in multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research are reviewed in historical context to form the basis for a specific research framework for New Zealand. Some general needs for research are derived from the New Zealand framework. The remainder of this report details the methods used for drawing out expert opinion on the priorities for research on the human dimensions of global environmental change in the context of information, knowledge and method. Thirty-eight interviews and two hui were conducted and 254 research needs defined by questions were obtained. A modified Delphi technique was applied to the questions and prioritised lists of responses are provided. The final list Provides European/Pakeha and Māori perspectives. Divergence and convergence between the European/Pakeha and Māori responses is provided, as well as justification for the prioritisation stance that is taken. This research had four outputs: A conceptual framework for considering the human dimensions of global environmental changes and research contributions; A description of the gaps in knowledge that impede effective response to global change and provisional research needs: one for New Zealand generally, and one on Māori in particular; A network of end-users and research providers that are cognisant of, and contributors to, the human dimensions research assessment; A set of priority research needs pertaining to the human dimensions of global environmental change, in a form suitable for use by FRST

    The Impacts of Large Carnivores on Human Livelihood: The Illusion of Carnivore Conflict, Costs of Coexistence, and Strategies for Mitigation

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    Incidents of what is commonly referred to as human-carnivore conflict (HCC) are increasing. Examples include livestock depredation and carnivores attacking humans. Since HCC occurs most frequently where humans and carnivores commonly inter-mix ā€“ near the periphery of human habitations ā€“ habitat loss and fragmentation may contribute to the rise of HCC, amongst other factors. Although HCC cannot be eliminated, it can be reduced by well-planned and implemented strategies. These strategies must approach the conflict holistically and address both the animal and the human sides of the problem. Since humans rely on the healthy functioning of the ecosystem for survival, implementing these solutions, especially in high-risk HCC areas, is important if the ecosystems comprising the world are to continue to function properly

    How Insurers Benefit from the Housing Rehabilitation Efforts of NeighborWorks Organizations

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    Insurance companies have a vested interest in communities and homes that are safe and secure. Through their successful but underutilized housing rehabilitation expertise, NeighborWorks organizations seek to improve the quality of older, unsafe and/or vacant and abandoned properties in the communities they serve

    Planning for Cougars in an Urban Environment

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    Urban sprawl is a ubiquitous term and issue for planners across the United States. As sprawl occurs, planners are attempting to impede the effects (loss of biodiversity, increased effects of climate change, increased interaction between wildlife and urban environments) of converting natural spaces to land uses for humans through the integration of green infrastructure. This green movement (conservation/preservation of land, urban tree canopies, open space acquisition) has helped planners alleviate the resource externalities of urban expansion; however, new issues have risen in response. One issue for planners has been the increased occurrences of wildlife in urban areas. While some of these species are small and often overlooked, the continued habitat degradation has encouraged large carnivorous species to urban environments. Recently, planners are taking action and preparing for co-existence with species such as coyotes and bears with ordinances, urban form, and educations as occurrences rise. The cougar, also called a mountain lion, puma, or catamount, has evoked several high-profile news events for their interaction within the human interface. Currently, the species is primarily managed by federal and state agencies, but as planners continue to deal with presence of the cougar, urban areas are likely to begin planning for the species. After reviewing the existing literature of cougar management, nine planning strategies were identified for the mitigation of cougar interaction. These strategies were combined in a matrix that can be used for urban planning departments to assess to what degree they are mitigating cougar human interaction. Twelve urban areas (12 cities with incorporated counties) in the United States were used as a study for the matrix. The findings conveyed many urban areas are using planning strategies to mitigate human cougar interactions; however, they are not intentionally implementing the strategies to mitigate cougar interactions

    Environmental issues and the geological storage of CO2 : a discussion document

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    Increasing CO2 emissions will lead to climate change and ocean acidification with severe consequences for ecosystems and for human society. Strategies are being sought to reduce emissions including the geological storage of CO2. Existing studies operate within existing oil and gas regulatory frameworks, but if other non-oil reservoir geological formations are used these existing regulations may not apply. At UK and European levels the potential environmental impacts of uncontrolled CO2 releases from storage sites have been highlighted to be of significance for regulators. Thus a new regulatory framework may be needed. The precautionary principle is likely to be adopted by regulators, so it is important that the effects of acute and chronic exposures of ecosystems to CO2 leakages are evaluated. Consequently, existing regulations are likely to be developed to include specific recommendations concerning leakages. This review shows that many basic data simply do not exist to assist regulators in this process


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    The term 'conservative' - denoting groups as diverse and incompatible as the religious right, libertarian free-marketeers and free-spending neocons - has been lost to politics. Yet the original conservative ideology, first developed in the eighteenth century by Edmund Burke, was concerned with managing change. Genuine conservatism has its own relevance in a complex and dynamic world where change is rapid, pervasive and dislocating. Conservatism transcends traditional politics, and has surprising applications - not least as the most appropriate and practical response to climate change. Conservatism by Kieron O'Hara is a revision of the traditional conservative philosophy for the modern age. It shows what a properly conservative ideology looks like today, and demonstrates that self-styled 'conservatives' actually promote damaging change in their own and other societies. Drawing on such great conservative thinkers as Burke and Adam Smith, philosophers ancient and modern from Plato to Wittgenstein, and today's social commentators such as Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Ulrich Beck and Jared Diamond, this outline of conservative philosophy lays bare our lack of understanding of our own societies, showing how risk pervades society and how it should be managed. It also proves that conservatism is distinct from neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism and the extreme positions of today's 'culture warriors'. O'Hara has written a complete and consistent description of a philosophy of change and innovation. His book shows how conservatism is an ideology sensitive to cultural differences between the US, Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and elsewhere, while highlighting the issues of technology, trust and privacy. This sample chapter sets out O'Hara's theory of green conservatism

    Crowd-ML: A Privacy-Preserving Learning Framework for a Crowd of Smart Devices

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    Smart devices with built-in sensors, computational capabilities, and network connectivity have become increasingly pervasive. The crowds of smart devices offer opportunities to collectively sense and perform computing tasks in an unprecedented scale. This paper presents Crowd-ML, a privacy-preserving machine learning framework for a crowd of smart devices, which can solve a wide range of learning problems for crowdsensing data with differential privacy guarantees. Crowd-ML endows a crowdsensing system with an ability to learn classifiers or predictors online from crowdsensing data privately with minimal computational overheads on devices and servers, suitable for a practical and large-scale employment of the framework. We analyze the performance and the scalability of Crowd-ML, and implement the system with off-the-shelf smartphones as a proof of concept. We demonstrate the advantages of Crowd-ML with real and simulated experiments under various conditions
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