282 research outputs found

    Identity management in a public IaaS Cloud

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    In this thesis the unique environment that is the public IaaS cloud along with its differences from a traditional data center environment has been considered. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), states that “Managing identities and access control for enterprise applications remains one of the greatest challenges facing IT today”. The CSA also points out that “there is a lack of consistent secure methods for extending identity management into the cloud and across the cloud” [1]. This thesis examines this challenge of managing identities in the cloud by developing a list of best practices for implementing identity management in the cloud. These best practices were then tested by simulated misuse cases which were tested in a prototype of the implementation strategy. The results and analysis of the misuse cases show that the implementation of the identity management solution solves the problem of managing identities for the control of the infrastructure in the cloud. However, the analysis also shows that there are still areas where the properly implemented identity management solution fails to mitigate attacks to the infrastructure. These failures in particular are attacks that are sourced from the subscriber environments in the cloud. Finally, the best practices from this thesis also present some consistent methods for extending identity management into the cloud

    Security Audit Compliance for Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing has grown largely over the past three years and is widely popular amongst today's IT landscape. In a comparative study between 250 IT decision makers of UK companies they said, that they already use cloud services for 61% of their systems. Cloud vendors promise "infinite scalability and resources" combined with on-demand access from everywhere. This lets cloud users quickly forget, that there is still a real IT infrastructure behind a cloud. Due to virtualization and multi-tenancy the complexity of these infrastructures is even increased compared to traditional data centers, while it is hidden from the user and outside of his control. This makes management of service provisioning, monitoring, backup, disaster recovery and especially security more complicated. Due to this, and a number of severe security incidents at commercial providers in recent years there is a growing lack of trust in cloud infrastructures. This thesis presents research on cloud security challenges and how they can be addressed by cloud security audits. Security requirements of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud are identified and it is shown how they differ from traditional data centres. To address cloud specific security challenges, a new cloud audit criteria catalogue is developed. Subsequently, a novel cloud security audit system gets developed, which provides a flexible audit architecture for frequently changing cloud infrastructures. It is based on lightweight software agents, which monitor key events in a cloud and trigger specific targeted security audits on demand - on a customer and a cloud provider perspective. To enable these concurrent cloud audits, a Cloud Audit Policy Language is developed and integrated into the audit architecture. Furthermore, to address advanced cloud specific security challenges, an anomaly detection system based on machine learning technology is developed. By creating cloud usage profiles, a continuous evaluation of events - customer specific as well as customer overspanning - helps to detect anomalies within an IaaS cloud. The feasibility of the research is presented as a prototype and its functionality is presented in three demonstrations. Results prove, that the developed cloud audit architecture is able to mitigate cloud specific security challenges

    A New Distributed Intrusion Detection System Based on Multi-Agent System for Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing, like any distributed computing system, is continually exposed to many threats and attacks of various origins. Thus, cloud security is now a very important concern for both providers and users. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are used to detect attacks in this environment. The goal of security administrators (for both customers and providers) is to prevent and detect attacks while avoiding disruption of the smooth operation of the cloud. Making IDSs efficient is not an easy task in a distributed environment such as the cloud. This problem remains open, and to our knowledge, there are no satisfactory solutions for the automated evaluation and analysis of cloud security. The features of the multi-agent system paradigm, such as adaptability, collaboration, and distribution, make it possible to handle this evolution of cloud computing in an efficient and controlled manner. As a result, multi-agent systems are well suited to the effective management of cloud security. In this paper, we propose an efficient, reliable and secure distributed IDS (DIDS) based on a multi-agent approach to identify and prevent new and complex malicious attacks in this environment. Moreover, some experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of our model

    Continuous Identity Verification in Cloud Computing Services

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    Cloud computing has become a hugely popular new paradigm for hosting and delivering services over the internet for individuals and organisations with low cost. However, security is a sensitive issue in cloud computing, as it its services remain accessible to anyone after initial authenticated login and for significant periods. This has led to an increase in the number of attacks on sensitive cus-tomer information. This research identified biometric approaches as a possible solution for security to be maintained beyond the point of entry. Specifically, behaviour profiling has been proposed and applied across various other applications in the area of Transparent Authentication Systems (TAS’s) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS’s) to detect account misuse. However, little research has sought to imple-ment this technique within cloud computing services to detect misuse. This research proposes a novel continuous identity verification system as a supporting factor to protect cloud users by operating transparently to detect ab-normal access. The research examines the feasibility of applying a behavioural profiling technique on cloud users with respect to Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Two real-life datasets were collected from 30 and 60 users for SaaS and IaaS studies, respectively. A thorough design and investigation of the biometric techniques was undertaken, including description statistics analysis and pattern classification optimisation. A number of factors were analysed to evaluate the impact on system performance, such as volume of data and type of sample selection. On average, using random sampling, the best experimental result achieved an EER (Equal Error Rate) of as low as 5.8%; six users experienced EERs equal to or less than 0.3%. Moreover, the IaaS study achieved a higher performance than the SaaS study with an overall EER of 0.32%. Based on the intensive analysis of the experimental performance of SaaS and IaaS studies, it has been identified that changes in user behaviour over time can negatively affect the performance of the suggested technique. Therefore, a dy-namic template renewal procedure has been proposed as a novel solution to keep recent user behaviour updated in the current users’ templates. The practi-cal experimental result using the more realistic time-series sampling methodolo-gy has shown the validity of the proposed solution with higher accuracy of 5.77 % EER

    Security risk assessment in cloud computing domains

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    Cyber security is one of the primary concerns persistent across any computing platform. While addressing the apprehensions about security risks, an infinite amount of resources cannot be invested in mitigation measures since organizations operate under budgetary constraints. Therefore the task of performing security risk assessment is imperative to designing optimal mitigation measures, as it provides insight about the strengths and weaknesses of different assets affiliated to a computing platform. The objective of the research presented in this dissertation is to improve upon existing risk assessment frameworks and guidelines associated to different key assets of Cloud computing domains - infrastructure, applications, and users. The dissertation presents various informal approaches of performing security risk assessment which will help to identify the security risks confronted by the aforementioned assets, and utilize the results to carry out the required cost-benefit tradeoff analyses. This will be beneficial to organizations by aiding them in better comprehending the security risks their assets are exposed to and thereafter secure them by designing cost-optimal mitigation measures --Abstract, page iv

    Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in Cloud Virtual Machine Resource Usage

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    Anomaly detection is an important activity in cloud computing systems because it aids in the identification of odd behaviours or actions that may result in software glitch, security breaches, and performance difficulties. Detecting aberrant resource utilization trends in virtual machines is a typical application of anomaly detection in cloud computing (VMs). Currently, the most serious cyber threat is distributed denial-of-service attacks. The afflicted server\u27s resources and internet traffic resources, such as bandwidth and buffer size, are slowed down by restricting the server\u27s capacity to give resources to legitimate customers. To recognize attacks and common occurrences, machine learning techniques such as Quadratic Support Vector Machines (QSVM), Random Forest, and neural network models such as MLP and Autoencoders are employed. Various machine learning algorithms are used on the optimised NSL-KDD dataset to provide an efficient and accurate predictor of network intrusions. In this research, we propose a neural network based model and experiment on various central and spiral rearrangements of the features for distinguishing between different types of attacks and support our approach of better preservation of feature structure with image representations. The results are analysed and compared to existing models and prior research. The outcomes of this study have practical implications for improving the security and performance of cloud computing systems, specifically in the area of identifying and mitigating network intrusions

    An Enhanced Cloud-Based Secure Authentication (ECSA) Protocol Suite for Prevention of Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks

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    Cloud systems are currently one of the primary solutions used in the information technology (IT) domain, also known as cloud services. Cloud services are accessed via an identity authentication process. These authentication processes have become gradually vulnerable to aggressive attackers who may perform Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to keep cloud services inaccessible. Several strong authentication protocols have been employed to protect traditional network systems and verify the identity of the users. Nevertheless, these authentication protocols could cause a DoS threat when implemented in the cloud-computing system. This is because the comprehensive verification process may exhaust the clouds� resources and shut their services down. In this work, we propose an enhanced cloud-based secure authentication protocol suite to operate as DoS resistance on multiple cloud layers. Our proposed solution utilizes multi-technique to prevent external and internal risks of DoS attacks. These techniques can distinguish legitimate a user�s requests from an attacker�s requests and then direct the legitimate user to the requested service(s). The cloud�s servers in the proposed authentication process become imprint-free servers, and fully aware of DoS attacks. To validate the proposed solution, an experiment is conducted using state-of-the-art cloud simulation (GreenCloud). The experimental results verify that the proposed solution is practically applicable as a lightweight authentication protocol suite in multiple cloud layers in terms of reliability and scalability
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