104 research outputs found

    Frequent Itemset Mining for Big Data

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    Traditional data mining tools, developed to extract actionable knowledge from data, demonstrated to be inadequate to process the huge amount of data produced nowadays. Even the most popular algorithms related to Frequent Itemset Mining, an exploratory data analysis technique used to discover frequent items co-occurrences in a transactional dataset, are inefficient with larger and more complex data. As a consequence, many parallel algorithms have been developed, based on modern frameworks able to leverage distributed computation in commodity clusters of machines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark). However, frequent itemset mining parallelization is far from trivial. The search-space exploration, on which all the techniques are based, is not easily partitionable. Hence, distributed frequent itemset mining is a challenging problem and an interesting research topic. In this context, our main contributions consist in an (i) exhaustive theoretical and experimental analysis of the best-in-class approaches, whose outcomes and open issues motivated (ii) the development of a distributed high-dimensional frequent itemset miner. The dissertation introduces also a data mining framework which takes strongly advantage of distributed frequent itemset mining for the extraction of a specific type of itemsets (iii). The theoretical analysis highlights the challenges related to the distribution and the preliminary partitioning of the frequent itemset mining problem (i.e. the search-space exploration) describing the most adopted distribution strategies. The extensive experimental campaign, instead, compares the expectations related to the algorithmic choices against the actual performances of the algorithms. We run more than 300 experiments in order to evaluate and discuss the performances of the algorithms with respect to different real life use cases and data distributions. The outcomes of the review is that no algorithm is universally superior and performances are heavily skewed by the data distribution. Moreover, we were able to identify a concrete lack as regards frequent pattern extraction within high-dimensional use cases. For this reason, we have developed our own distributed high-dimensional frequent itemset miner based on Apache Hadoop. The algorithm splits the search-space exploration into independent sub-tasks. However, since the exploration strongly benefits of a full-knowledge of the problem, we introduced an interleaving synchronization phase. The result is a trade-off between the benefits of a centralized state and the ones related to the additional computational power due to parallelism. The experimental benchmarks, performed on real-life high-dimensional use cases, show the efficiency of the proposed approach in terms of execution time, load balancing and reliability to memory issues. Finally, the dissertation introduces a data mining framework in which distributed itemset mining is a fundamental component of the processing pipeline. The aim of the framework is the extraction of a new type of itemsets, called misleading generalized itemsets

    Data Mining Algorithms for Internet Data: from Transport to Application Layer

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    Nowadays we live in a data-driven world. Advances in data generation, collection and storage technology have enabled organizations to gather data sets of massive size. Data mining is a discipline that blends traditional data analysis methods with sophisticated algorithms to handle the challenges posed by these new types of data sets. The Internet is a complex and dynamic system with new protocols and applications that arise at a constant pace. All these characteristics designate the Internet a valuable and challenging data source and application domain for a research activity, both looking at Transport layer, analyzing network tra c flows, and going up to Application layer, focusing on the ever-growing next generation web services: blogs, micro-blogs, on-line social networks, photo sharing services and many other applications (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.). In this thesis work we focus on the study, design and development of novel algorithms and frameworks to support large scale data mining activities over huge and heterogeneous data volumes, with a particular focus on Internet data as data source and targeting network tra c classification, on-line social network analysis, recommendation systems and cloud services and Big data

    Measuring Positive and Negative Association of Apriori Algorithm with Cosine Correlation Analysis

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    يهدف هذا العمل إلى معرفة قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية في خوارزمية (Apriori) باستخدام تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام. يتم تطبيق الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة على قاعدة بيانات الفطر لمعرفة الفرق في النتائج. أظهرت النتائج التجريبية أن خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة يمكن أن تولد قواعد ارتباط سلبية. وتعطي إضافة تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام قدرًا أصغر من قواعد الارتباط عما هو من كميات خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط الافتراضية. من خلال قواعد الارتباط العشرة الأولى ، يمكن ملاحظة وجود قواعد مختلفة بين الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية Apriori المعدلة. إن اختلاف القواعد التي تم الحصول عليها من قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية يقوي بعضها البعض بدرجة جيدة جدًا.This work aims to see the positive association rules and negative association rules in the Apriori algorithm by using cosine correlation analysis. The default and the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm are implemented against the mushroom database to find out the difference of the results. The experimental results showed that the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm could generate negative association rules. The addition of cosine correlation analysis returns a smaller amount of association rules than the amounts of the default Association Rule Mining algorithm. From the top ten association rules, it can be seen that there are different rules between the default and the modified Apriori algorithm. The difference of the obtained rules from positive association rules and negative association rules strengthens to each other with a pretty good confidence score

    NEMICO: Mining network data through cloud-based data mining techniques

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    Thanks to the rapid advances in Internet-based applications, data acquisition and storage technologies, petabyte-sized network data collections are becoming more and more common, thus prompting the need for scalable data analysis solutions. By leveraging today’s ubiquitous many-core computer architectures and the increasingly popular cloud computing paradigm, the applicability of data mining algorithms to these large volumes of network data can be scaled up to gain interesting insights. This paper proposes NEMICO, a comprehensive Big Data mining system targeted to network traffic flow analyses (e.g., traffic flow characterization, anomaly detection, multiplelevel pattern mining). NEMICO comprises new approaches that contribute to a paradigm-shift in distributed data mining by addressing most challenging issues related to Big Data, such as data sparsity, horizontal scaling, and parallel computation

    SeqScout: Using a Bandit Model to Discover Interesting Subgroups in Labeled Sequences

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    International audienceIt is extremely useful to exploit labeled datasets not only to learn models but also to improve our understanding of a domain and its available targeted classes. The so-called subgroup discovery task has been considered for a long time. It concerns the discovery of patterns or descriptions, the set of supporting objects of which have interesting properties, e.g., they characterize or discriminate a given target class. Though many subgroup discovery algorithms have been proposed for transactional data, discovering subgroups within labeled sequential data and thus searching for descriptions as sequential patterns has been much less studied. In that context, exhaustive exploration strategies can not be used for real-life applications and we have to look for heuristic approaches. We propose the algorithm SeqScout to discover interesting subgroups (w.r.t. a chosen quality measure) from labeled sequences of itemsets. This is a new sampling algorithm that mines discriminant sequential patterns using a multi-armed bandit model. It is an anytime algorithm that, for a given budget, finds a collection of local optima in the search space of descriptions and thus subgroups. It requires a light configuration and it is independent from the quality measure used for pattern scoring. Furthermore, it is fairly simple to implement. We provide qualitative and quantitative experiments on several datasets to illustrate its added-value

    Data mining techniques for complex application domains

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    The emergence of advanced communication techniques has increased availability of large collection of data in electronic form in a number of application domains including healthcare, e- business, and e-learning. Everyday a large amount of records are stored electronically. However, finding useful information from such a large data collection is a challenging issue. Data mining technology aims automatically extracting hidden knowledge from large data repositories exploiting sophisticated algorithms. The hidden knowledge in the electronic data may be potentially utilized to facilitate the procedures, productivity, and reliability of several application domains. The PhD activity has been focused on novel and effective data mining approaches to tackle the complex data coming from two main application domains: Healthcare data analysis and Textual data analysis. The research activity, in the context of healthcare data, addressed the application of different data mining techniques to discover valuable knowledge from real exam-log data of patients. In particular, efforts have been devoted to the extraction of medical pathways, which can be exploited to analyze the actual treatments followed by patients. The derived knowledge not only provides useful information to deal with the treatment procedures but may also play an important role in future predictions of potential patient risks associated with medical treatments. The research effort in textual data analysis is twofold. On the one hand, a novel approach to discovery of succinct summaries of large document collections has been proposed. On the other hand, the suitability of an established descriptive data mining to support domain experts in making decisions has been investigated. Both research activities are focused on adopting widely exploratory data mining techniques to textual data analysis, which require overcoming intrinsic limitations for traditional algorithms for handling textual documents efficiently and effectively

    Knowledge discovery techniques for transactional data model

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    In this work we give solutions to two key knowledge discovery problems for the Transactional Data model: Cluster analysis and Itemset mining. By knowledge discovery in context of these two problems, we specifically mean novel and useful ways of extracting clusters and itemsets from transactional data. Transactional Data model is widely used in a variety of applications. In cluster analysis the goal is to find clusters of similar transactions in the data with the collective properties of each cluster being unique. We propose the first clustering algorithm for transactional data which uses the latest model definition. All previously proposed algorithms did not use the important utility information in the data. Our novel technique effectively solves this problem. We also propose two new cluster validation metrics based on the criterion of high utility patterns. When comparing our technique with competing algorithms, we miss much fewer high utility patterns of importance than them. Itemset mining is the problem of searching for repeating patterns of high importance in the data. We show that the current model for itemset mining leads to information loss. It ignores the presence of clusters in the data. We propose a new itemset mining model which incorporates the cluster structure information. This allows the model to make predictions for future itemsets. We show that our model makes accurate predictions successfully, by discovering 30-40% future itemsets in most experiments on two benchmark datasets with negligible inaccuracies. There are no other present itemset prediction models, so accurate prediction is an accomplishment of ours. We provide further theoretical improvements in our model by making it capable of giving predictions for specific future windows by using time series forecasting. We also perform a detailed analysis of various clustering algorithms and study the effect of the Big Data phenomenon on them. This inspired us to further refine our model based on a classification problem design. This addition allows the mining of itemsets based on maximizing a customizable objective function made of different prediction metrics. The final framework design proposed by us is the first of its kind to make itemset predictions by using the cluster structure. It is capable of adapting the predictions to a specific future window and customizes the mining process to any specified prediction criterion. We create an implementation of the framework on a Web analytics data set, and notice that it successfully makes optimal prediction configuration choices with a high accuracy of 0.895

    19th SC@RUG 2022 proceedings 2021-2022

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