17 research outputs found

    NASA Thesaurus. Volume 2: Access vocabulary

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    The NASA Thesaurus -- Volume 2, Access Vocabulary -- contains an alphabetical listing of all Thesaurus terms (postable and nonpostable) and permutations of all multiword and pseudo-multiword terms. Also included are Other Words (non-Thesaurus terms) consisting of abbreviations, chemical symbols, etc. The permutations and Other Words provide 'access' to the appropriate postable entries in the Thesaurus

    Strategies for Successfully Managing Organizational IT Projects

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    Over 70% of information technology (IT) projects in large organizations in the United States run over budget or fail to reach completion primarily due to a lack of effective strategies. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that IT project managers used to successfully complete IT projects. Hersey and Blanchard\u27s situational leadership theory was the conceptual framework. Purposive sampling method was used to identify 2 successful IT project managers in Central Texas. Data gathered from semistructed interviews and collected from publicly available documents were analyzed using coding techniques, constant comparison, and key word phrases. Member checking enhanced the credibility of the interpretations of participant responses. Two themes emerged from data analysis: good customer focus and providing a standard IT project methodology. Findings may be used to improve IT business managers\u27 competence and sustainability, increase business incomes, provide a better quality of life for employees and their communities, and benefit the U.S. economy

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 2: Access vocabulary

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    The access vocabulary, which is essentially a permuted index, provides access to any word or number in authorized postable and nonpostable terms. Additional entries include postable and nonpostable terms, other word entries and pseudo-multiword terms that are permutations of words that contain words within words. The access vocabulary contains almost 42,000 entries that give increased access to the hierarchies in Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 2: Access vocabulary

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    The Access Vocabulary, which is essentially a permuted index, provides access to any word or number in authorized postable and nonpostable terms. Additional entries include postable and nonpostable terms, other word entries, and pseudo-multiword terms that are permutations of words that contain words within words. The Access Vocabulary contains 40,738 entries that give increased access to the hierarchies in Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical Listing

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    There are over 17,000 postable terms and nearly 4,000 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary and Volume 3 - Definitions

    The Importance on Self-Expression Through Clothing and Fashion: A view on Digital Identity and Digital Fashion

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    As a vast theme with a variety of studies in different scientific areas, like philosophy and sociology, Identity poses as a multi-disciplinary subject (Kawamura, 2005). This way, this investigation had in consideration both these fields of study, connecting them. It began by analysing the role that Fashion portraits in Identity and at what point do they influence each other, as well as the importance of self-expression through clothing. The investigation’s focus was the development and impact that the globalization phenomena and the digital era have, how they influence and mould users and their perception, and what potential Fashion has in constructing a personal Identity, in envoirnments such as Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse. Moreover, Digital Fashion is also introduced as to understand this relationship between Fashion and the virtual world and what it might bring into the universe of Identity, and more specifically Digital Identity. This research used types of method designs to pursue its goals. A qualitative method, the literature review, where studies and author’s work were revised, to explore the themes and form hypothesis, and a quantitative one, a public survey where those hypotheses were determined either true or untrue. The conclusions show that technology is at its peak with increasing usage and engagement, and although there isn’t clear information to deduct Digital Fashion will become a major success within the Fashion industry, it is possible that it could mean a lot to freedom of wear.Sendo um vasto tema com uma larga variedade em diferentes áreas de estudo, como a filosofia e sociologia, a Identidade apresenta-se como um tema multidisciplinar (Kawamura, 2005). Desta forma, esta investigação teve em consideração ambos estes campos de estudo, conectando-os. Começando por analisar o papel que a Moda tem na Identidade e até que ponto se influenciam mutuamente, bem como qual a importância da auto-expressão através do vestuário. O foco desta investigação foi o desenvolvimento e impacto que o fenómeno da globalização e a era digital têm, como influenciam e moldam os seus utilizadores e a sua perceção, e o potencial que a Moda pode vir a ter na construção de uma Identidade pessoal, em espaços como Mundos Virtuais e o Metaverso. Assim, a Moda Digital é também introduzida de forma a perceber esta relação entre Moda e o mundo virtual e o que poderá vir a trazer ao universo da Identidade, mais especificamente à Identidade digital. Este estudo utilizou duas formas distintas de design de método para atingir os seus objetivos. Um método qualitativo, a revisão de literatura, onde estudos e autores são revisados, de modo a explorar temas e formar hipóteses, e mais tarde um método quantitativo, um questionário público onde essas hipóteses serão determinadas verdadeiras ou falsas. As conclusões mostram que a tecnologia está no seu pico com utilização e engagement a crescer, e embora não tenha havido informação necessária para deduzir que a Moda Digital poderá ter um papel maior na indústria da Moda no futuro, é possível que possa significar mais liberdade de vestir

    NASA Thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical listing

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    There are 16,713 postable terms and 3,716 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary

    NASA Thesaurus. Volume 1: Alphabetical listing

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    The NASA Thesaurus -- Volume 1, Alphabetical Listing -- contains all subject terms (postable and nonpostable) approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system. Included are the subject terms of the Preliminary Edition of the NASA Thesaurus (NASA SP-7030, December 1967); of the NASA Thesaurus Alphabetical Update (NASA SP-7040, September 1971); and terms approved, added or changed through May 31, 1975. Thesaurus structuring, including scope notes, a generic structure with broader-term/narrower-term (BT-NT) relationships displayed in embedded hierarchies, and other cross references, is provided for each term, as appropriate

    Exploring Blockchain Governance

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    Blockchain systems continue to attract significant interest from both practitioners and researchers. What is more, blockchain systems come in various types, such as cryptocurrencies or as inter-organizational systems in business networks. As an example of a cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, one of the most prominent blockchain systems to date and born at the time of a major financial crisis, spearheaded the promise of relying on code and computation instead of a central governing entity. Proponents would argue that Bitcoin stood the test of time, as Bitcoin continues to operate to date for over a decade. However, these proponents overlook the never-ending, heated debates “behind the scenes” caused by diverging goals of central actors, which led to numerous alternative systems (forks) of Bitcoin. To accommodate these actors’ interests in the pursuit of their common goal is a tightrope act, and this is where this dissertation commences: blockchain governance. Based on the empirical examples of various types and application domains of blockchain systems, it is the goal of this dissertation to 1) uncover governance patterns by showing, how blockchain systems are governed, 2) derive governance challenges faced or caused by blockchain systems, and, consequently, to 3) contribute to a better understanding to what blockchain governance is. This dissertation includes four parts, each of these covering different thematical areas: In the first part, this dissertation focuses on obtaining a better understanding of blockchain governance’s context of reference by studying blockchain systems from various application domains and system types, for example, led by inter-organizational networks, states, or an independent group of actors. The second part, then, focuses on a blockchain as an inter-organizational system called “cardossier”, a project I was involved in, and its governance as a frame of reference. Hereupon, for one, I report on learnings from my project involvement in the form of managerial guidelines, and, for two, I report on structural problems within cardossier, and problems caused by membership growth and how they can be resolved. The third part focuses on a wider study of blockchains as inter-organizational systems, where I summarize findings of an analysis of 19 blockchain consortia. The findings, for one, answer the question of why blockchain consortia adopt blockchain technology, and, for two, show internal and external challenges these systems faced to derive managerial recommendations. The fourth and last part studies blockchain governance’s evolution and contributes an analysis of blockchain’s governance features and its contrast to established modes of governance. These four parts, altogether, have scientific value as they increase our understanding on blockchain governance. Consequently, this dissertation contributes to the body of knowledge on modes of governance, distributed system governance, and blockchain governance in general. I do so, by grounding the concept of blockchain governance in empirical detail, showing how these systems are governed on various application domains and system types, and by studying empirical challenges faced or caused by these systems. This approach is relevant and necessary, as blockchain systems in general, but particularly outside of cryptocurrencies, mostly still are in pursuit of a sustainable blockchain governance. As blockchains can be expected to continue to mature, the upcoming years offer very fruitful ground for empirical research along the empirical insights and theoretical lines shown in this dissertation