17,805 research outputs found

    Using Answer Set Programming for pattern mining

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    Serial pattern mining consists in extracting the frequent sequential patterns from a unique sequence of itemsets. This paper explores the ability of a declarative language, such as Answer Set Programming (ASP), to solve this issue efficiently. We propose several ASP implementations of the frequent sequential pattern mining task: a non-incremental and an incremental resolution. The results show that the incremental resolution is more efficient than the non-incremental one, but both ASP programs are less efficient than dedicated algorithms. Nonetheless, this approach can be seen as a first step toward a generic framework for sequential pattern mining with constraints.Comment: Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (2014

    DSL: Discriminative Subgraph Learning via Sparse Self-Representation

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    The goal in network state prediction (NSP) is to classify the global state (label) associated with features embedded in a graph. This graph structure encoding feature relationships is the key distinctive aspect of NSP compared to classical supervised learning. NSP arises in various applications: gene expression samples embedded in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network, temporal snapshots of infrastructure or sensor networks, and fMRI coherence network samples from multiple subjects to name a few. Instances from these domains are typically ``wide'' (more features than samples), and thus, feature sub-selection is required for robust and generalizable prediction. How to best employ the network structure in order to learn succinct connected subgraphs encompassing the most discriminative features becomes a central challenge in NSP. Prior work employs connected subgraph sampling or graph smoothing within optimization frameworks, resulting in either large variance of quality or weak control over the connectivity of selected subgraphs. In this work we propose an optimization framework for discriminative subgraph learning (DSL) which simultaneously enforces (i) sparsity, (ii) connectivity and (iii) high discriminative power of the resulting subgraphs of features. Our optimization algorithm is a single-step solution for the NSP and the associated feature selection problem. It is rooted in the rich literature on maximal-margin optimization, spectral graph methods and sparse subspace self-representation. DSL simultaneously ensures solution interpretability and superior predictive power (up to 16% improvement in challenging instances compared to baselines), with execution times up to an hour for large instances.Comment: 9 page

    Identification of hot regions in protein-protein interactions by sequential pattern mining

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of protein interacting sites is an important task in computational molecular biology. As more and more protein sequences are deposited without available structural information, it is strongly desirable to predict protein binding regions by their sequences alone. This paper presents a pattern mining approach to tackle this problem. It is observed that a functional region of protein structures usually consists of several peptide segments linked with large wildcard regions. Thus, the proposed mining technology considers large irregular gaps when growing patterns, in order to find the residues that are simultaneously conserved but largely separated on the sequences. A derived pattern is called a cluster-like pattern since the discovered conserved residues are always grouped into several blocks, which each corresponds to a local conserved region on the protein sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The experiments conducted in this work demonstrate that the derived long patterns automatically discover the important residues that form one or several hot regions of protein-protein interactions. The methodology is evaluated by conducting experiments on the web server MAGIIC-PRO based on a well known benchmark containing 220 protein chains from 72 distinct complexes. Among the tested 218 proteins, there are 900 sequential blocks discovered, 4.25 blocks per protein chain on average. About 92% of the derived blocks are observed to be clustered in space with at least one of the other blocks, and about 66% of the blocks are found to be near the interface of protein-protein interactions. It is summarized that for about 83% of the tested proteins, at least two interacting blocks can be discovered by this approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work aims to demonstrate that the important residues associated with the interface of protein-protein interactions may be automatically discovered by sequential pattern mining. The detected regions possess high conservation and thus are considered as the computational hot regions. This information would be useful to characterizing protein sequences, predicting protein function, finding potential partners, and facilitating protein docking for drug discovery.</p
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