5 research outputs found

    BMR: Benchmarking Metrics Recommender for personnel issues in software development proyects

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    This paper presents an architecture which applies document similarity measures to the documentation produced during the phases of software development in order to generate recommendations of process and people metrics for similar projects. The application makes a judgment of similarity of the Service Provision Offer (SPO) document of a new proposed project to a collection of Project History Documents (PHD), stored in a repository of unstructured texts. The process is carried out in three stages: firstly, clustering of the Offer document with the set of PHDs which are most similar to it; this provides the initial indication of whether similar previous projects exist, and signifies similarity. Secondly, determination of which PHD in the set is most comparable with the Offer document, based on various parameters: project effort, project duration (time), project resources (members/size of team), costs, and sector(s) involved, indicating comparability of projects. The comparable parameters are extracted using the GATE Natural Language Processing architecture. Lastly, a recommendation of metrics for the new project is made, which is based on the transferability of the metrics of the most similar and comparable PHD extracted, here referred to as recommendation.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project SONAR (TSI-340000-2007-212), GODO2 (TSI- 020100-2008-564) and SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008- 665) and the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TIN2006-15140- C03-02).Publicad

    Risk based analogy for e-business estimation

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    Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Software Project Management in High Maturity

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    High maturity in software development is associated to statistical control of critical subprocesses performance and the use of gained predictability to manage projects with better planning precision and monitoring control. Although maturity models such as CMMI mention some statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques that can support project management in high maturity, they do not provide details about them neither present their available types. Therefore, there is a lack of knowledge on how to support software process improvement initiatives to choose and use statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques on such context. The objective of this study is to identify different approaches, methods and techniques that can assist on managing projects in high maturity. By conducting a systematic literature mapping on major data sources, we identified 75 papers describing 101 contributions. We briefly describe identified approaches, methods and techniques grouped by similar types and provide some analysis regarding technological maturity stage and evaluation method, and supported development methods and characteristics and process/indicator area in which they were applied. We hope this information can fill some of the statistical and quantitative knowledge gap about the actual types of approaches, methods and techniques being proposed, evaluated, experimented and adopted by organizations to assist on quantitative project management in high maturity

    Una propuesta basada en el paradigma dirigido por modelos para la integraci贸n del ciclo de vida de la medici贸n al ciclo de vida del proceso

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    Context: Measurement enables organizations to gain knowledge about its processes and projects, also to reach predictable performance and high capability processes, which places organizations in better positions to make appropriate decisions. Measuring the software development process supports organizations in its endeavor to understand, evaluate, manage, and improve its development processes and projects. In the last decades, the software development process has evolved to meet the market needs and to keep abreast of modern technologies and infrastructures that have influenced the product development and its use. These changes in the development processes have increased the importance of the measurement and caused changes in the measurement process and the used measures. Objective: This thesis aims to contribute to the software process measurement domain in two main aspects; first, propose a novel solution to support the identification and the operational definition of the measurement concepts and objectives. The second is defining a measurement lifecycle and integrate it into the process lifecycle. Method: We have carried out a survey and mapping study to understand the current state of the art, and to identify existing gaps. After that, we have proposed a theoretical solution to support the software process measurement, and finally, we have developed this solution to allow its practical use in real environments, enabling its application and evaluation in a real project. Results: The proposed solution consists of three main components: (i) Measurement lifecycle; which define the measurement activities throughout the process lifecycle, (ii) Measurement metamodels; these metamodels support the measurement lifecycle and its integration into the process lifecycle, (iii) Transformation process; which allow the derivation of the necessary measurement models, artifacts, and activities throughout the process lifecycle. Conclusion: The solution presented in this dissertation allows organizations to manage and improve their processes and projects; the proposed information model supports the unification of the measurement concepts vocabulary, coherently connects them, and ensures the traceability between these concepts. The defined measurement process lifecycle provides a clear and comprehensive guide for the organizations to establish the measurement objectives and carry out the necessary activities to achieve them. The proposed measurement definition metamodel support and guide the engineers to define the measurement concepts and their relationships completely and operationally. Moreover, the proposed transformations use this metamodel to support the measurement process and to derive the necessary measurement artifacts and activities throughout the process lifecycle.Contexto: la medici贸n permite a las organizaciones obtener conocimiento sobre sus procesos y proyectos, tambi茅n alcanzar un rendimiento predecible y procesos de alta capacidad, lo que pone las organizaciones en mejores posiciones para tomar decisiones apropiadas. La medici贸n del proceso de desarrollo de software apoya a las organizaciones en su esfuerzo para comprender, evaluar, gestionar y mejorar sus procesos y proyectos de desarrollo. Objetivo: Esta disertaci贸n propone una soluci贸n novedosa para respaldar la identificaci贸n y la definici贸n de los conceptos y objetivos de medici贸n en una forma operativa. Adem谩s, busca definir un ciclo de vida de la medici贸n e integrarlo en el ciclo de vida del proceso. M茅todo: Hemos llevado a cabo una encuesta y estudios de mapeo para comprender el estado del arte e identificar brechas existentes. Posteriormente, hemos propuesto una soluci贸n te贸rica para respaldar la medici贸n del proceso del software y, finalmente, hemos desarrollado esta soluci贸n para permitir su uso pr谩ctico en entornos reales, permitiendo su aplicaci贸n y evaluaci贸n en un proyecto real. Resultados: La soluci贸n propuesta consta de tres componentes principales: (i) Ciclo de vida de la medici贸n; que define las actividades de medici贸n a lo largo del ciclo de vida del proceso, (ii) Metamodelos de medici贸n; estos metamodelos apoyan el ciclo de vida de la medici贸n y su integraci贸n en el ciclo de vida del proceso, (iii) Proceso de transformaci贸n; que permite la derivaci贸n de los modelos de medici贸n, artefactos y actividades necesarios a lo largo del ciclo de vida del proceso. Conclusi贸n: la soluci贸n presentada en este trabajo permite a las organizaciones gestionar y mejorar sus procesos y proyectos; El modelo de informaci贸n propuesto apoya la unificaci贸n del vocabulario de los conceptos de medici贸n, los conecta de forma coherente y garantiza la trazabilidad entre estos conceptos. El ciclo de vida del proceso de medici贸n proporciona una gu铆a clara y completa para que las organizaciones establezcan los objetivos de medici贸n y realicen las actividades necesarias para lograrlos. El metamodelo de definici贸n de la medici贸n apoya y gu铆a a los ingenieros para definir los conceptos de medici贸n y sus relaciones de manera completa y operativa; adem谩s, las transformaciones propuestas utilizan este metamodelo para respaldar el proceso de medici贸n y derivar los artefactos y las actividades de medici贸n necesarios durante el ciclo de vida del proceso