520 research outputs found


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    Concurrency faults are difficult to reproduce and localize because they usually occur under specific inputs and thread interleavings. Most existing fault localization techniques focus on sequential programs but fail to identify faulty memory access patterns across threads, which are usually the root causes of concurrency faults. Moreover, existing techniques for sequential programs cannot be adapted to identify faulty paths in concurrent programs. While concurrency fault localization techniques have been proposed to analyze passing and failing executions obtained from running a set of test cases to identify faulty access patterns, they primarily focus on using statistical analysis. We present a novel approach to fault localization using feature selection techniques from machine learning. Our insight is that the concurrency access patterns obtained from a large volume of coverage data generally constitute high dimensional data sets, yet existing statistical analysis techniques for fault localization are usually applied to low dimensional data sets. Each additional failing or passing run can provide more diverse information, which can help localize faulty concurrency access patterns in code. The patterns with maximum feature diversity information can point to the most suspicious pattern. We then apply data mining technique and identify the interleaving patterns that are occurred most frequently and provide the possible faulty paths. We also evaluate the effectiveness of fault localization using test suites generated from different test adequacy criteria. We have evaluated Cadeco on 10 real-world multi-threaded Java applications. Results indicate that Cadeco outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for localizing concurrency faults

    Identifying Bug Signatures Using Discriminative Graph Mining

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    Bug localization has attracted a lot of attention recently. Most existing methods focus on pinpointing a single state-ment or function call which is very likely to contain bugs. Although such methods could be very accurate, it is usually very hard for developers to understand the context of the bug, given each bug location in isolation. In this study, we propose to model software executions with graphs at two levels of granularity: methods and basic blocks. An indi-vidual node represents a method or basic block and an edge represents a method call, method return or transition (at the method or basic block granularity). Given a set of graphs of correct and faulty executions, we propose to extract the most discriminative subgraphs which contrast the program flow of correct and faulty executions. The extracted sub

    Integration of an Automatic Fault Localization Tool in an IDE and its Evaluation

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    Debugging is one of the most demanding and error-prone tasks in software development. Trying to address bugs has become overall more expensive as the software complexity and size have increased. As a result, several researchers attempted to improve the developers’ debugging experience and efficiency by automating as much of the process as possible. Existing auto-finding tools will assist developers in automatically detecting bugs, however, they are not yet widely available to software engineers. Making such tools available to developers can save debugging time and increase the productivity. Subsequently, the main goal of this dissertation is to incorporate an automatic fault localization tool into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The selected IDE was Visual Studio Code, a source-code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Visual Studio Code is one of the most used IDEs and is known for its flexible API, which allows nearly every aspect of it to be customized. Furthermore, the chosen automatic fault localization tool was FLACOCO, a recent fault localization tool for Java that supports up to the most recent versions. Nonetheless, this document contains a full overview of several fault localization methodologies and tools, as well as an explanation of the complete planning and development process of the produced Visual Studio Code extension. After the development and deployment were completed, an evaluation was carried out. The extension was evaluated through a user study in which thirty Java professionals took part. The test had two parts: the first involved users using the extension to complete two debugging tasks in previously unknown projects, and the second had them filling out a satisfaction questionnaire for further analysis. Finally, the results show that the extension was a success, with the system being rated positively in all areas. However, it may be revised in light of the questionnaire responses, with the suggestions received being considered for future work.A depuração é uma das tarefas mais exigentes e propensas a erros no desenvolvimento de software. Tentar resolver esses erros tornou-se mais dispendioso com os incrementos de complexidade e tamanho do software. Deste modo, ao longo dos últimos anos, vários investigadores tentaram melhorar a experiência de depuração e a eficiência dos desenvolvedores automatizando o máximo possível do processo. Existem ferramentas de localização de defeitos que assistem os desenvolvedores na detecção automática de bugs, no entanto estas ainda não se encontram amplamente disponíveis para os programadores. Tornar essas ferramentas disponíveis para todos certamente iria resultar na redução do tempo de depuração e no aumento da produtividade. Assim sendo, o principal objetivo desta dissertação é incorporar uma ferramenta de localização automática de defeitos num IDE. Em termos de IDE, o Visual Studio Code, um editor de código-fonte desenvolvido pela Microsoft para Windows, Linux e macOS, foi selecionado. Este IDE tem ganho bastante popularidade, sendo um dos IDEs mais utilizados mundialmente. Além disso, o Visual Studio Code é reconhecido pela sua API flexível, que permite que quase todos os seus aspectos sejam personalizados. Adicionalmente, o FLACOCO, uma ferramenta de localização de defeitos baseada em SFL que suporta até as versões mais recentes do Java, foi escolhida como ferramenta de localização automática de defeitos. Além do mais, esta dissertação contém um estudo sobre as técnicas de localização automática de defeitos e as suas ferramentas, bem como uma explicação do planeamento e implementação da extensão criada para o Visual Studio Code. Após o término da implementação e a posterior implantação, foi efetuada a sua avaliação. Procedeu-se a um teste de utilização com a participação de treze utilizadores proficientes na linguagem Java. O teste foi composto por duas componentes: na primeira os utilizadores utilizaram a extensão para completar duas tarefas de depuração em projetos por eles desconhecidos e na segunda foi-lhes fornecido um questionário de satisfação para posterior análise. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a extensão foi um sucesso, sendo que o sistema foi positivamente avaliado em todos os aspetos. No entanto a mesma poderá ser aprimorada tendo em consideração o feedback obtido na secção de resposta livre do questionário, sendo que o mesmo foi bastante valioso e as sugestões apuradas vieram a ser consideradas para trabalho futuro

    Refinement Techniques in Mining Software Behavior

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    Effective fault localization techniques for concurrent software

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    Multicore and Internet cloud systems have been widely adopted in recent years and have resulted in the increased development of concurrent programs. However, concurrency bugs are still difficult to test and debug for at least two reasons. Concurrent programs have large interleaving space, and concurrency bugs involve complex interactions among multiple threads. Existing testing solutions for concurrency bugs have focused on exposing concurrency bugs in the large interleaving space, but they often do not provide debugging information for developers to understand the bugs. To address the problem, this thesis proposes techniques that help developers in debugging concurrency bugs, particularly for locating the root causes and for understanding them, and presents a set of empirical user studies that evaluates the techniques. First, this thesis introduces a dynamic fault-localization technique, called Falcon, that locates single-variable concurrency bugs as memory-access patterns. Falcon uses dynamic pattern detection and statistical fault localization to report a ranked list of memory-access patterns for root causes of concurrency bugs. The overall Falcon approach is effective: in an empirical evaluation, we show that Falcon ranks program fragments corresponding to the root-cause of the concurrency bug as "most suspicious" almost always. In principle, such a ranking can save a developer's time by allowing him or her to quickly hone in on the problematic code, rather than having to sort through many reports. Others have shown that single- and multi-variable bugs cover a high fraction of all concurrency bugs that have been documented in a variety of major open-source packages; thus, being able to detect both is important. Because Falcon is limited to detecting single-variable bugs, we extend the Falcon technique to handle both single-variable and multi-variable bugs, using a unified technique, called Unicorn. Unicorn uses online memory monitoring and offline memory pattern combination to handle multi-variable concurrency bugs. The overall Unicorn approach is effective in ranking memory-access patterns for single- and multi-variable concurrency bugs. To further assist developers in understanding concurrency bugs, this thesis presents a fault-explanation technique, called Griffin, that provides more context of the root cause than Unicorn. Griffin reconstructs the root cause of the concurrency bugs by grouping suspicious memory accesses, finding suspicious method locations, and presenting calling stacks along with the buggy interleavings. By providing additional context, the overall Griffin approach can provide more information at a higher-level to the developer, allowing him or her to more readily diagnose complex bugs that may cross file or module boundaries. Finally, this thesis presents a set of empirical user studies that investigates the effectiveness of the presented techniques. In particular, the studies compare the effectiveness between a state-of-the-art debugging technique and our debugging techniques, Unicorn and Griffin. Among our findings, the user study shows that while the techniques are indistinguishable when the fault is relatively simple, Griffin is most effective for more complex faults. This observation further suggests that there may be a need for a spectrum of tools or interfaces that depend on the complexity of the underlying fault or even the background of the user.Ph.D

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    computer software maintenance; computer software selection and evaluation; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; programming languages; semantics; software engineering; specifications; verificatio

    A Survey of Learning-based Automated Program Repair

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    Automated program repair (APR) aims to fix software bugs automatically and plays a crucial role in software development and maintenance. With the recent advances in deep learning (DL), an increasing number of APR techniques have been proposed to leverage neural networks to learn bug-fixing patterns from massive open-source code repositories. Such learning-based techniques usually treat APR as a neural machine translation (NMT) task, where buggy code snippets (i.e., source language) are translated into fixed code snippets (i.e., target language) automatically. Benefiting from the powerful capability of DL to learn hidden relationships from previous bug-fixing datasets, learning-based APR techniques have achieved remarkable performance. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey to summarize the current state-of-the-art research in the learning-based APR community. We illustrate the general workflow of learning-based APR techniques and detail the crucial components, including fault localization, patch generation, patch ranking, patch validation, and patch correctness phases. We then discuss the widely-adopted datasets and evaluation metrics and outline existing empirical studies. We discuss several critical aspects of learning-based APR techniques, such as repair domains, industrial deployment, and the open science issue. We highlight several practical guidelines on applying DL techniques for future APR studies, such as exploring explainable patch generation and utilizing code features. Overall, our paper can help researchers gain a comprehensive understanding about the achievements of the existing learning-based APR techniques and promote the practical application of these techniques. Our artifacts are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/QuanjunZhang/AwesomeLearningAPR}

    A Survey on Explainable Anomaly Detection

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    In the past two decades, most research on anomaly detection has focused on improving the accuracy of the detection, while largely ignoring the explainability of the corresponding methods and thus leaving the explanation of outcomes to practitioners. As anomaly detection algorithms are increasingly used in safety-critical domains, providing explanations for the high-stakes decisions made in those domains has become an ethical and regulatory requirement. Therefore, this work provides a comprehensive and structured survey on state-of-the-art explainable anomaly detection techniques. We propose a taxonomy based on the main aspects that characterize each explainable anomaly detection technique, aiming to help practitioners and researchers find the explainable anomaly detection method that best suits their needs.Comment: Paper accepted by the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) for publication (preprint version