54 research outputs found

    Optimal path and cycle decompositions of dense quasirandom graphs

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    Motivated by longstanding conjectures regarding decompositions of graphs into paths and cycles, we prove the following optimal decomposition results for random graphs. Let 0<p<10<p<1 be constant and let GGn,pG\sim G_{n,p}. Let odd(G)odd(G) be the number of odd degree vertices in GG. Then a.a.s. the following hold: (i) GG can be decomposed into Δ(G)/2\lfloor\Delta(G)/2\rfloor cycles and a matching of size odd(G)/2odd(G)/2. (ii) GG can be decomposed into max{odd(G)/2,Δ(G)/2}\max\{odd(G)/2,\lceil\Delta(G)/2\rceil\} paths. (iii) GG can be decomposed into Δ(G)/2\lceil\Delta(G)/2\rceil linear forests. Each of these bounds is best possible. We actually derive (i)--(iii) from `quasirandom' versions of our results. In that context, we also determine the edge chromatic number of a given dense quasirandom graph of even order. For all these results, our main tool is a result on Hamilton decompositions of robust expanders by K\"uhn and Osthus.Comment: Some typos from the first version have been correcte

    On the classification problem for split graphs

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    Abstract The Classification Problem is the problem of deciding whether a simple graph has chromatic index equal to Δ or Δ+1. In the first case, the graphs are called Class 1, otherwise, they are Class 2. A split graph is a graph whose vertex set admits a partition into a stable set and a clique. Split graphs are a subclass of chordal graphs. Figueiredo at al. (J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 32:79–91, 2000) state that a chordal graph is Class 2 if and only if it is neighborhood-overfull. In this paper, we give a characterization of neighborhood-overfull split graphs and we show that the above conjecture is true for some split graphs

    Towards the Overfull Conjecture

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    Let GG be a simple graph with maximum degree denoted as Δ(G)\Delta(G). An overfull subgraph HH of GG is a subgraph satisfying the condition E(H)>Δ(G)12V(H)|E(H)| > \Delta(G)\lfloor \frac{1}{2}|V(H)| \rfloor. In 1986, Chetwynd and Hilton proposed the Overfull Conjecture, stating that a graph GG with maximum degree Δ(G)>13V(G)\Delta(G)> \frac{1}{3}|V(G)| has chromatic index equal to Δ(G)\Delta(G) if and only if it does not contain any overfull subgraph. The Overfull Conjecture has many implications. For example, it implies a polynomial-time algorithm for determining the chromatic index of graphs GG with Δ(G)>13V(G)\Delta(G) > \frac{1}{3}|V(G)|, and implies several longstanding conjectures in the area of graph edge colorings. In this paper, we make the first improvement towards the conjecture when not imposing a minimum degree condition on the graph: for any 0<ε1220<\varepsilon \le \frac{1}{22}, there exists a positive integer n0n_0 such that if GG is a graph on nn0n\ge n_0 vertices with Δ(G)(1ε)n\Delta(G) \ge (1-\varepsilon)n, then the Overfull Conjecture holds for GG. The previous best result in this direction, due to Chetwynd and Hilton from 1989, asserts the conjecture for graphs GG with Δ(G)V(G)3\Delta(G) \ge |V(G)|-3.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.08564, arXiv:2105.0528

    Graph edge coloring and a new approach to the overfull conjecture

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    The graph edge coloring problem is to color the edges of a graph such that adjacent edges receives different colors. Let GG be a simple graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta. The minimum number of colors needed for such a coloring of GG is called the chromatic index of GG, written χ2˘7(G)\chi\u27(G). We say GG is of class one if χ2˘7(G)=Δ\chi\u27(G)=\Delta, otherwise it is of class 2. A majority of edge coloring papers is devoted to the Classification Problem for simple graphs. A graph GG is said to be \emph{overfull} if E(G)3˘eΔV(G)/2|E(G)|\u3e\Delta \lfloor |V(G)|/2\rfloor. Hilton in 1985 conjectured that every graph GG of class two with Δ(G)3˘eV(G)3\Delta(G)\u3e\frac{|V(G)|}{3} contains an overfull subgraph HH with Δ(H)=Δ(G)\Delta(H)=\Delta(G). In this thesis, I will introduce some of my researches toward the Classification Problem of simple graphs, and a new approach to the overfull conjecture together with some new techniques and ideas

    The chromatic index of graphs of high maximum degree

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    AbstractIn this paper, we give sufficient conditions for simple graphs to be class 1. These conditions mainly depend on the edge-connectivity, maximum degree and the number of vertices of maximum degree of a graph. Using these conditions, we can extend various results of Chetwynd and Hilton, and Niessen and Volkmann

    Some applications of matching theorems

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    PhDThis thesis contains the results of two investigations. The rst concerns the 1- factorizability of regular graphs of high degree. Chetwynd and Hilton proved in 1989 that all regular graphs of order 2n and degree 2n where > 1 2 ( p 7 1) 0:82288 are 1-factorizable. We show that all regular graphs of order 2n and degree 2n where is greater than the second largest root of 4x6 28x5 71x4 + 54x3 + 88x2 62x + 3 ( 0:81112) are 1-factorizable. It is hoped that in the future our techniques will yield further improvements to this bound. In addition our study of barriers in graphs of high minimum degree may have independent applications. The second investigation concerns partial latin squares that satisfy Hall's Condition. The problem of completing a partial latin square can be viewed as a listcolouring problem in a natural way. Hall's Condition is a necessary condition for such a problem to have a solution. We show that for certain classes of partial latin square, Hall's Condition is both necessary and su cient, generalizing theorems of Hilton and Johnson, and Bobga and Johnson. It is well-known that the problem of deciding whether a partial latin square is completable is NP-complete. We show that the problem of deciding whether a partial latin square that is promised to satisfy Hall's Condition is completable is NP-hard