9 research outputs found

    Minimum maximum-degree publish-subscribe overlay network design

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    Designing an overlay network for publish/subscribe communication in a system where nodes may subscribe to many different topics of interest is of fundamental importance. For scalability and efficiency, it is important to keep the degree of the nodes in the publish/subscribe system low. It is only natural then to formalize the following problem: Given a collection of nodes and their topic subscriptions, connect the nodes into a graph that has least possible maximum degree in such a way that for each topic t, the graph induced by the nodes interested in t is connected. We present the first polynomial-time logarithmic approximation algorithm for this problem and prove an almost tight lower bound on the approximation ratio. Our experimental results show that our algorithm drastically improves the maximum degree of publish/subscribe overlay systems. We also propose a variation of the problem by enforcing that each topic-connected overlay network be of constant diameter while keeping the average degree low. We present three heuristics for this problem that guarantee that each topic-connected overlay network will be of diameter 2 and that aim at keeping the overall average node degree low. Our experimental results validate our algorithms, showing that our algorithms are able to achieve very low diameter without increasing the average degree by much. © 2011 IEEE

    On the Approximability and Hardness of Minimum Topic Connected Overlay and Its Special Instances

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    In the context of designing a scalable overlay network to support decentralized topic-based pub/sub communication, the Minimum Topic-Connected Overlay problem (Min-TCO in short) has been investigated: Given a set of t topics and a collection of n users together with the lists of topics they are interested in, the aim is to connect these users to a network by a minimum number of edges such that every graph induced by users interested in a common topic is connected. It is known that Min-TCO is NP-hard and approximable within O(log t) in polynomial time. In this paper, we further investigate the problem and some of its special instances. We give various hardness results for instances where the number of topics in which an user is interested in is bounded by a constant, and also for the instances where the number of users interested in a common topic is constant. For the latter case, we present a first constant approximation algorithm. We also present some polynomial-time algorithms for very restricted instances of Min-TCO.Comment: 20 page

    Minimum Maximum Degree Publish-Subscribe Overlay Network Design

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    Abstract—Designing an overlay network for publish/subscribe communication in a system where nodes may subscribe to many different topics of interest is of fundamental importance. For scalability and efficiency, it is important to keep the degree of the nodes in the publish/subscribe system low. It is only natural then to formalize the following problem: Given a collection of nodes and their topic subscriptions connect the nodes into a graph which has least possible maximum degree and in such a way that for each topic t, the graph induced by the nodes interested in t is connected. We present the first polynomial time logarithmic approximation algorithm for this problem and prove an almost tight lower bound on the approximation ratio. Our experimental results show that our algorithm drastically improves the maximum degree of publish/subscribe overlay systems. We also propose a variation of the problem by enforcing that each topic-connected overlay network be of constant diameter, while keeping the average degree low. We present a heuristic for this problem which guarantees that each topic-connected overlay network will be of diameter 2 and which aims at keeping the overall average node degree low. Our experimental results validate our algorithm showing that our algorithm is able to achieve very low diameter without increasing the average degree by much. I

    Minimum Maximum-Degree Publish–Subscribe Overlay Network Design

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    On Hypergraph Supports

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    Let H=(X,E)\mathcal{H}=(X,\mathcal{E}) be a hypergraph. A support is a graph QQ on XX such that for each E∈EE\in\mathcal{E}, the subgraph of QQ induced on the elements in EE is connected. In this paper, we consider hypergraphs defined on a host graph. Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), with c:V→{r,b}c:V\to\{\mathbf{r},\mathbf{b}\}, and a collection of connected subgraphs H\mathcal{H} of GG, a primal support is a graph QQ on b(V)\mathbf{b}(V) such that for each H∈HH\in \mathcal{H}, the induced subgraph Q[b(H)]Q[\mathbf{b}(H)] on vertices b(H)=H∩c−1(b)\mathbf{b}(H)=H\cap c^{-1}(\mathbf{b}) is connected. A \emph{dual support} is a graph Q∗Q^* on H\mathcal{H} s.t. for each v∈Xv\in X, the induced subgraph Q∗[Hv]Q^*[\mathcal{H}_v] is connected, where Hv={H∈H:v∈H}\mathcal{H}_v=\{H\in\mathcal{H}: v\in H\}. We present sufficient conditions on the host graph and hyperedges so that the resulting support comes from a restricted family. We primarily study two classes of graphs: (1)(1) If the host graph has genus gg and the hypergraphs satisfy a topological condition of being \emph{cross-free}, then there is a primal and a dual support of genus at most gg. (2)(2) If the host graph has treewidth tt and the hyperedges satisfy a combinatorial condition of being \emph{non-piercing}, then there exist primal and dual supports of treewidth O(2t)O(2^t). We show that this exponential blow-up is sometimes necessary. As an intermediate case, we also study the case when the host graph is outerplanar. Finally, we show applications of our results to packing and covering, and coloring problems on geometric hypergraphs

    Scaling Construction of Low Fan-out Overlays for Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    Building a Framework for High-performance In-memory Message-Oriented Middleware

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    Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) is a popular class of software used in many distributed applications, ranging from business systems and social networks to gaming and streaming media services. As workloads continue to grow both in terms of the number of users and the amount of content, modern MOM systems face increasing demands in terms of performance and scalability. Recent advances in networking such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) offer a more efficient data transfer mechanism compared to traditional kernel-level socket networking used by existing widely-used MOM systems. Unfortunately, RDMA’s complex interface has made it difficult for MOM systems to utilize its capabilities. In this thesis, we introduce a framework called RocketBufs, which provides abstractions and interfaces for constructing high-performance MOM systems. Applications implemented using RocketBufs produce and consume data using regions of memory called buffers while the framework is responsible for transmitting, receiving and synchronizing buffer access. RocketBufs’ buffer abstraction is designed to work efficiently with different transport protocols, allowing messages to be distributed using RDMA or TCP using the same APIs (i.e., by simply changing a configuration file). We demonstrate the utility and evaluate the performance of RocketBufs by using it to implement a publish/subscribe system called RBMQ. We compare it against two widely-used, industry-grade MOM systems, namely RabbitMQ and Redis. Our evaluations show that when using TCP, RBMQ achieves up to 1.9 times higher messaging throughput than RabbitMQ, a message queuing system with an equivalent flow control scheme. When RDMA is used, RBMQ shows significant gains in messaging throughput (up to 3.7 times higher than RabbitMQ and up to 1.7 times higher than Redis), as well as reductions in median delivery latency (up to 81% lower than RabbitMQ and 47% lower than Redis). In addition, on RBMQ subscriber hosts configured to use RDMA, data transfers occur with negligible CPU overhead regardless of the amount of data being transferred. This allows CPU resources to be used for other purposes like processing data. To further demonstrate the flexibility of RocketBufs, we use it to build a live streaming video application by integrating RocketBufs into a web server to receive disseminated video data. When compared with the same application built with Redis, the RocketBufs-based dissemination host achieves live streaming throughput up to 73% higher while disseminating data, and the RocketBufs-based web server shows a reduction of up to 95% in CPU utilization, allowing for up to 55% more concurrent viewers to be serviced