473 research outputs found

    Unsupervised crosslingual adaptation of tokenisers for spoken language recognition

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    Phone tokenisers are used in spoken language recognition (SLR) to obtain elementary phonetic information. We present a study on the use of deep neural network tokenisers. Unsupervised crosslingual adaptation was performed to adapt the baseline tokeniser trained on English conversational telephone speech data to different languages. Two training and adaptation approaches, namely cross-entropy adaptation and state-level minimum Bayes risk adaptation, were tested in a bottleneck i-vector and a phonotactic SLR system. The SLR systems using the tokenisers adapted to different languages were combined using score fusion, giving 7-18% reduction in minimum detection cost function (minDCF) compared with the baseline configurations without adapted tokenisers. Analysis of results showed that the ensemble tokenisers gave diverse representation of phonemes, thus bringing complementary effects when SLR systems with different tokenisers were combined. SLR performance was also shown to be related to the quality of the adapted tokenisers

    Unsupervised crosslingual adaptation of tokenisers for spoken language recognition

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    Phone tokenisers are used in spoken language recognition (SLR) to obtain elementary phonetic information. We present a study on the use of deep neural network tokenisers. Unsupervised crosslingual adaptation was performed to adapt the baseline tokeniser trained on English conversational telephone speech data to different languages. Two training and adaptation approaches, namely cross-entropy adaptation and state-level minimum Bayes risk adaptation, were tested in a bottleneck i-vector and a phonotactic SLR system. The SLR systems using the tokenisers adapted to different languages were combined using score fusion, giving 7-18% reduction in minimum detection cost function (minDCF) compared with the baseline configurations without adapted tokenisers. Analysis of results showed that the ensemble tokenisers gave diverse representation of phonemes, thus bringing complementary effects when SLR systems with different tokenisers were combined. SLR performance was also shown to be related to the quality of the adapted tokenisers

    Sequence Teacher-Student Training of Acoustic Models for Automatic Free Speaking Language Assessment

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    A high performance automatic speech recognition (ASR) system is an important constituent component of an automatic language assessment system for free speaking language tests. The ASR system is required to be capable of recognising non-native spontaneous English speech and to be deployable under real-time conditions. The performance of ASR systems can often be significantly improved by leveraging upon multiple systems that are complementary, such as an ensemble. Ensemble methods, however, can be computationally expensive, often requiring multiple decoding runs, which makes them impractical for deployment. In this paper, a lattice-free implementation of sequence-level teacher-student training is used to reduce this computational cost, thereby allowing for real-time applications. This method allows a single student model to emulate the performance of an ensemble of teachers, but without the need for multiple decoding runs. Adaptations of the student model to speakers from different first languages (L1s) and grades are also explored.Cambridge Assessment Englis

    Automatic speaker recognition

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır

    Joint Morphological and Syntactic Disambiguation

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    In morphologically rich languages, should morphological and syntactic disambiguation be treated sequentially or as a single problem? We describe several efficient, probabilistically interpretable ways to apply joint inference to morphological and syntactic disambiguation using lattice parsing. Joint inference is shown to compare favorably to pipeline parsing methods across a variety of component models. State-of-the-art performance on Hebrew Treebank parsing is demonstrated using the new method. The benefits of joint inference are modest with the current component models, but appear to increase as components themselves improve

    A Speaker Verification Backend with Robust Performance across Conditions

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    In this paper, we address the problem of speaker verification in conditions unseen or unknown during development. A standard method for speaker verification consists of extracting speaker embeddings with a deep neural network and processing them through a backend composed of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) and global logistic regression score calibration. This method is known to result in systems that work poorly on conditions different from those used to train the calibration model. We propose to modify the standard backend, introducing an adaptive calibrator that uses duration and other automatically extracted side-information to adapt to the conditions of the inputs. The backend is trained discriminatively to optimize binary cross-entropy. When trained on a number of diverse datasets that are labeled only with respect to speaker, the proposed backend consistently and, in some cases, dramatically improves calibration, compared to the standard PLDA approach, on a number of held-out datasets, some of which are markedly different from the training data. Discrimination performance is also consistently improved. We show that joint training of the PLDA and the adaptive calibrator is essential -- the same benefits cannot be achieved when freezing PLDA and fine-tuning the calibrator. To our knowledge, the results in this paper are the first evidence in the literature that it is possible to develop a speaker verification system with robust out-of-the-box performance on a large variety of conditions